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Game of July 29, 2011 at 20:06, 14 players
1. 602 pts PIThompson
2. 565 pts yab
3. 471 pts nderera

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaiknpr   H4    34    34   kirpan
 2. egilpss   9D    64    98   spignels
 3. aioostw   4H    28   126   kwaitos
 4. ?adjotu   D5    82   208   adjustor
 5. ?dnnrtu   M3    70   278   downturn
 6. aehnttz   C3    46   324   haze
 7. achimos  11H    87   411   chamiso
 8. aadgity   E3    40   451   yag
 9. cegloru  H11    27   478   cogue
10. eemortw   B6    33   511   wrote
11. eiiootv   A6    25   536   oot
12. abefilt  15A    92   628   fleabite
13. adiiior   8L    21   649   dura
14. eeinorv   E7    34   683   orpine
15. adeemru   F6    37   720   ureide
16. abeeinv  14D    27   747   nab
17. ceillvy   K1    30   777   civilly
18. eefimvx   1K    51   828   cimex
19. eefinqv   2J    31   859   qi
20. eeefinv  12J    28   887   nef

Remaining tiles: eeiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7526 FilePIThompson  6 17:17  -285  602     1.7526 PIThompson  6 17:17  -285  602 
  2.6681 Fileyab         6 20:58  -322  565            Group: intermediate
  3.6470 Filenderera     2 17:45  -416  471     1.6681 yab         6 20:58  -322  565 
  4.5603 FileGrace_Tjie  1 16:46  -428  459     2.6470 nderera     2 17:45  -416  471 
  5.5513 Filenarisa      3 17:39  -450  437     3.6688 woofy1      2  7:10  -728  159 
  6.4565 Fileremij       1 20:46  -456  431            Group: novice
  7.5614 Filenaomiari    2 24:14  -459  428     1.5603 Grace_Tjie  1 16:46  -428  459 
  8.4965 Filemagictwig   2 23:49  -504  383     2.5513 narisa      3 17:39  -450  437 
  9.3339 FileZEHAVARON   0 25:16  -607  280     3.5614 naomiari    2 24:14  -459  428 
 10.3828 FileDubyaDT     0 26:13  -659  228     4.5289 raggedy01   0 11:59  -705  182 
 11.5289 Fileraggedy01   0 11:59  -705  182     5.5778 dabbler     1  6:19  -795   92 
 12.6688 Filewoofy1      2  7:10  -728  159            Group: not rated
 13.5778 Filedabbler     1  6:19  -795   92     1.4565 remij       1 20:46  -456  431 
 14.4981 Filetonikay     0  0:52  -859   28     2.4965 magictwig   2 23:49  -504  383 
                                             3.3339 ZEHAVARON   0 25:16  -607  280 
                                             4.3828 DubyaDT     0 26:13  -659  228 
                                             5.4981 tonikay     0  0:52  -859   28 

On 1st draw, KIRPAN H4 34 --- KIRPAN a small sword of religious significance to Sikhs [n]
Other moves: PRANK H8 32, PRINK H8 32, KINARA H4 30, PARKIN H4 30, PARKA H4 28
PRANK H8 32 PIThompson, remij, Grace_Tjie, yab
PRANK H4 28 naomiari, narisa

On 2nd draw, SPIGNELS 9D 64 --- SPIGNEL a European plant [n]
Other moves: PISES 10F 28, SLIPES 10C 27, SIPES 10D 26, SIPES 10H 26, PISE 10F 25
SIPES 10D 26 PIThompson
SIPS 10H 25 naomiari
SKELPS 4G 24 yab
KILPS 4H 22 remij
PIGS 10E 22 narisa
SPIES 10H 22 nderera
KIRPANS H4 13 magictwig
PIPS 7H 9 Grace_Tjie
SIPES 7F 9 DubyaDT

On 3rd draw, KWAITOS 4H 28 --- KWAITO a type of South African pop music [n]
Other tops: TOSA 10F 28
Other moves: KOTOWS 4H 26, KWAITO 4H 26, OOS 10F 25, TIS 10F 25, KOTOW 4H 24
KOTOWS 4H 26 yab
SWOOP E5 20 narisa
SWOT I2 19 PIThompson
AWES I7 18 raggedy01
PAWS E9 18 magictwig, remij
STOWS K5 16 naomiari
WASP 7E 10 DubyaDT

On 4th draw, ADJUSTO(R) D5 82 --- ADJUSTOR one who regulates [n]
Other moves: ADJU(S)TOR 6A 71, T(H)UJA 3J 47, (S)AJOU 3K 45, (B)AJU 3K 43, (G)AJO 3K 43
JUD 3M 42 yab, naomiari
TAJ 3K 42 PIThompson
JA(P) 3M 38 magictwig
JO 3M 38 nderera
JA 3M 38 remij
JAD(E) 8A 34 Grace_Tjie
JOUST(E)D D6 30 raggedy01
JOUST(E)D N1 28 DubyaDT
JOTS N1 22 narisa

On 5th draw, DO(W)NTURN M3 70 --- DOWNTURN a downward decline [n]
Other moves: DO(W)NTURN 11C 66, DU(S)T 10F 32, DUR(S)T 13A 25, DUN(S) 13A 23, DU(S)T 13B 23
DUN(S) 13A 23 nderera, PIThompson
UND(E)R 8K 20 yab
DUN 3M 16 Grace_Tjie
STUNN(E)D N4 13 raggedy01
ROUND 11C 12 DubyaDT
STUNN(E)R N4 10 magictwig
R(A)J 7B 9 naomiari
DO M3 6 remij

On 6th draw, HAZE C3 46 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: HERTZ 6F 45, NAZE C3 40, ZANTE C11 40, ZENITH F6 40, HAZE C11 38
HAZE C3 46 yab
HAZE C11 38 nderera
ZENITH K1 36 PIThompson
DAZER 6D 35 naomiari
ZED 6B 33 remij, magictwig
HUNT 8L 33 narisa
ZA E4 26 Grace_Tjie
HEWN I2 13 DubyaDT

On 7th draw, CHAMISO 11H 87 --- CHAMISO a flowering shrub [n]
Other tops: CHAMOIS 11G 87
Other moves: ISOCHASM K8 80, MALICHOS J7 69, CAMSHO E2 66, SHA E5 52, CASH E3 49
SHA E5 52 PIThompson
MACHS E1 48 yab
MUCH 8L 42 narisa, ZEHAVARON
CHAS E2 42 naomiari
HUMS 8L 39 Grace_Tjie
HAMS 13A 34 magictwig
CHAM B1 31 nderera
HOS 13B 28 tonikay
HIS 13B 28 DubyaDT
ZAS 5C 24 remij

On 8th draw, YAG E3 40 --- YAG acronym for yttrium aluminium garnet, a synthetic gemstone [n]
Other tops: TYG E3 40
Other moves: CADGY H11 39, DAG E3 36, DIG E3 36, TAIG E2 36, YUGA 8L 36
YAG E3 40 yab
YUGA 8L 36 nderera
DAG E3 36 PIThompson
DUTY 8L 30 narisa, remij
ANY 10L 29 magictwig
YA B2 15 Grace_Tjie
ANY 6L 14 naomiari
HAY I11 13 DubyaDT

On 9th draw, COGUE H11 27 --- COGUE a type of wooden vessel [n]
Other tops: CURE 8L 27, CURL 8L 27
Other moves: CEORL H11 24, CLOUR H11 24, COURE H11 24, CRUEL H11 24, ERUGO 8K 23
CURE 8L 27 magictwig, narisa, PIThompson, yab
CRUEL H11 24 raggedy01
GURU 8L 21 remij
COR F2 18 Grace_Tjie
CUE B1 15 nderera
GUILER K2 14 DubyaDT

On 10th draw, WROTE B6 33 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other tops: POWER E9 33
Other moves: EMURE 8K 32, WEEM B6 32, WORM B6 32, WEM B6 31, MOWER B6 30
WROTE B6 33 nderera, magictwig
POWER E9 33 PIThompson
MOWER B6 30 yab
WEEM B1 27 Grace_Tjie
MET 12J 22 narisa
WO F2 18 naomiari
MOSE N2 16 raggedy01
WED 6B 15 remij
TUMOR 14G 9 DubyaDT

On 11th draw, OOT A6 25 --- OOT out [n]
Other moves: VET F2 21, VOE F2 21, EVO F1 19, TIE A8 19, VET B2 19
OOT A6 25 PIThompson
VET F2 21 Grace_Tjie
TIE A8 19 nderera
REV 6H 14 remij
VIE K3 12 narisa
MOVIE K11 10 naomiari
VET L2 9 magictwig
TO 8A 6 yab
NOT 6M 5 DubyaDT

On 12th draw, FLEABITE 15A 92 --- FLEABITE the bite of a flea [n]
Other moves: GIFTABLE 13H 80, FLEABITE 15F 64, FAIBLE A10 41, ALBEIT A10 35, ALBITE A10 35
FUEL 8L 33 nderera, PIThompson
TEF 12J 28 narisa
BUTE 8L 27 yab
FELT E11 25 Grace_Tjie
BAT 12J 22 magictwig
TUBE 8L 21 remij
BEAT E11 21 raggedy01
IF K4 10 naomiari
BITE F8 8 DubyaDT

On 13th draw, DURA 8L 21 --- DURA a cereal grain [n]
Other tops: DUAR 8L 21, DURO 8L 21
Other moves: AID 12J 20, PAD E9 20, POD E9 20, RAD 12J 20, RID 12J 20
DURA 8L 21 yab
AID 12J 20 remij
ROD 12J 20 PIThompson
RAD 12J 20 Grace_Tjie
OD 14E 18 nderera
AD 14E 18 naomiari
ADOS N1 13 raggedy01
DIE C13 8 DubyaDT
RID K3 8 narisa
DRAG 13E 7 magictwig

On 14th draw, ORPINE E7 34 --- ORPINE a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: ORPIN E7 31, EVEN F1 22, EVER F1 22, EVOE F1 22, GOVERN 13H 22
OVEN F1 22 Grace_Tjie
OVER F1 22 nderera
GOVERN 13H 22 yab
EVOE B1 21 PIThompson
VEINER 6J 19 remij
VISE N2 18 raggedy01
VIE B1 17 naomiari
VIER K3 14 narisa
RIVE A10 13 magictwig
NOS N2 9 DubyaDT

On 15th draw, UREIDE F6 37 --- UREIDE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: ROAMED 12G 37
Other moves: MOERED 12G 35, REAM 14C 30, DAM 14D 29, OARED 12H 29, MEAD 14C 28
ROAMED 12G 37 narisa, naomiari
DAM 14D 29 PIThompson, raggedy01
MAUD 14F 25 nderera
MEAD B1 22 Grace_Tjie
GAUMED 13H 22 yab
AIMED L10 18 remij
MAES N1 15 woofy1
AREAD J11 8 magictwig
MARE O7 6 DubyaDT

On 16th draw, NAB 14D 27 --- NAB to capture or arrest [v]
Other moves: AB 14E 24, BAN 12J 22, BEN 12J 22, BIN 12J 22, EVEN F1 22
NAB 14D 27 PIThompson
BAN 12J 22 narisa
GENEVA 13H 22 yab
EVEN F1 22 woofy1
EVEN B1 21 nderera
VIAS N1 17 Grace_Tjie
VIE B1 17 naomiari
NIEVE K3 16 remij
BEES N1 15 DubyaDT
OVEN N11 14 magictwig
BEEF A12 12 dabbler

On 17th draw, CIVILLY K1 30 --- CIVILLY politely [adv]
Other moves: ICILY L11 28, ICY B2 28, SEY N4 28, NYE 10M 27, VEALY J2 27
CIVILLY K1 30 dabbler
SEY N4 28 woofy1
ICY B2 28 yab
NYE 10M 27 PIThompson
LEY B2 22 nderera
OILY 12H 21 magictwig
IVY K4 18 remij, ZEHAVARON
ICE B1 15 Grace_Tjie
YELL B12 14 narisa, naomiari
GILL 13H 6 DubyaDT

On 18th draw, CIMEX 1K 51 --- CIMEX a bedbug [n]
Other moves: EXEC 1H 39, FIX C11 35, VEX F2 35, OXIME N11 28, FIX A10 26
CIMEX 1K 51 yab
VEX F2 35 PIThompson, woofy1, Grace_Tjie
XI 2J 25 nderera, remij
MIX A10 24 dabbler
YEX 3E 21 magictwig
REX 9M 21 naomiari
FAX O7 13 DubyaDT

On 19th draw, QI 2J 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NEF 12J 28, EF 12K 24, IF 12K 24, NIEF B1 24, EVEN F1 22
QI 2J 31 Grace_Tjie, naomiari, PIThompson, nderera, remij, yab, woofy1
NEF 12J 28 narisa
FIN 2J 16 dabbler
QI 5G 11 magictwig
VEIN 2I 11 DubyaDT

On 20th draw, NEF 12J 28 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: EF 12K 24, IF 12K 24, NIEF B1 24, EVEN F1 22, NEF B2 22
NEF 12J 28 woofy1, narisa, PIThompson
EF 12K 24 naomiari
EVEN F1 22 magictwig
FEN B2 19 Grace_Tjie
FEE D1 19 nderera
FOE 12G 11 DubyaDT
GIVEN 13H 10 remij
IF L11 10 dabbler

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