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Game sheet of siuyee (file), Game of July 30, 2011 at 03:51

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEMNOZ             ZOE(A)E H4 46 46  
2 ABINOTV             VANT I3 26 72  
3 ADEILRU             UREDIAL 2D 70 142  
4 AAEORSY             YORES 1D 58 200  
5 ADEHIRT             AIRTHED J6 76 276  
6 AINNPST             PANTINES 11D 90 366  
7 ?CEGNOO             GEOPON(I)C D8 84 450  
8 ABENOOR             ZAREBA 4H 34 484  
9 BEEKLNU             REBUKE 8J 45 529  
10 ADFHLOT CLOTH 15D 30 -9 30 1/3 HAFT 3K 39 568 3/3
11 AEIMSTW WASTE O1 38 -33 68 2/3 MAWKIEST N5 71 639 3/3
12 ADEIMNR MINCED 15A 33 -41 101 1/4 MER(I)DIAN 14A 74 713 3/4
13 ACDFILT ACT 15H 21 -15 122 3/3 ALCID 15H 36 749 3/4
14 GILOOPU             POMO A12 33 782 3/5
15 EILLRSU             LISLE O1 33 815 3/5
16 IJNOUWX             JOW G7 43 858 3/5
17 GNOTUVX             YUNX D1 28 886 3/5
18 FGIOQTY             FOGGY 8A 39 925 3/5
19 GIQRTUV             QUIRE B10 40 965 3/5

Total: 122/965 or -843 for 12.64%
Rank: -

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