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Game of July 30, 2011 at 05:26, 5 players
1. 585 pts kellybelly
2. 507 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 506 pts step72

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eenqtv   H4    46    46   queen
 2. aehiirt   I3    36    82   airth
 3. ?ainnsw   9H    78   160   swannie
 4. aeeiptw  10I    34   194   ewe
 5. deinrst   O3    87   281   tinders
 6. bdeghlo  11F    42   323   globed
 7. aabeiln   N1    85   408   abelian
 8. ehiimno  H11    36   444   ohone
 9. aailprt  15D    63   507   parietal
10. ceglopr   1J    36   543   gelcap
11. aersttu  13C    70   613   seatrout
12. egoovxy  10M    51   664   ox
13. kmmorsu   D6    84   748   murksome
14. cdeiuvy   C3    43   791   dicey
15. agiooty   M1    32   823   coy
16. afgiouv   B6    37   860   fag
17. ajortuv   A8    30   890   arvo
18. efiotuv   E3    29   919   five
19. diootuu   N9    26   945   exodoi

Remaining tiles: ijtuuz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7193 Filekellybelly  5 12:01  -360  585     1.7193 kellybelly  5 12:01  -360  585 
  2.6473 FileGLOBEMAN    5 20:13  -438  507            Group: intermediate
  3.5599 Filestep72      2 20:43  -439  506     1.6473 GLOBEMAN    5 20:13  -438  507 
  4.5308 Filejimbo       2 18:49  -470  475            Group: novice
  5.  -  Filealbee2411   1 23:58  -677  268     1.5599 step72      2 20:43  -439  506 
                                             2.5308 jimbo       2 18:49  -470  475 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  albee2411   1 23:58  -677  268 

On 1st draw, Q(U)EEN H4 46 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: Q(U)EEN H8 28, Q(U)EEN H5 26, Q(U)EEN H6 26, Q(U)EEN H7 26, EVENT(S) H3 24
Q(U)EEN H4 46 kellybelly, step72, GLOBEMAN, albee2411, jimbo

On 2nd draw, AIRTH I3 36 --- AIRTH to guide [v]
Other moves: THEIR G6 26, THEIR I6 26, HIRE I3 25, IRATE I4 25, RHEA G6 25
HIRE I3 25 kellybelly, step72
HEART I7 24 jimbo
THEIR 6F 12 albee2411

On 3rd draw, SWANNI(E) 9H 78 --- SWANNIE in New Zealand, a heavy all-weather woollen shirt [n]
Other tops: WANNIS(H) 9C 78
Other moves: AWNIN(G)S 9B 77, SNAWIN(G) 9H 75, WANI(O)NS 9B 75, WANIN(G)S 9B 74, SNAWIN(G) J7 73
WAS(P) J2 29 step72
WAS(E) J2 29 kellybelly
WAINS 9D 23 jimbo
W(H)ETS 6F 17 albee2411

On 4th draw, EWE 10I 34 --- EWE a female sheep [n]
Other tops: WEET 10J 34
Other moves: WAE 10J 31, WEE 10J 31, TWP 8M 30, PAW 8M 29, PEW 8M 29
EWE 10I 34 kellybelly, GLOBEMAN
PAW 8M 29 step72
PANTIE L7 18 jimbo

On 5th draw, TINDERS O3 87 --- TINDER readily combustible material [n]
Other tops: TINDERS O4 87
Other moves: DISINTER M6 70, INDITERS M6 70, N(E)RDIEST N8 70, R(E)SIDENT N8 70, TR(E)NDIES N7 70
TINDERS O3 87 jimbo
DINERS O4 37 kellybelly
TRENDS O4 34 step72
NESTED K9 14 albee2411

On 6th draw, GLOBED 11F 42 --- GLOBE to form into a perfectly round body [v]
Other moves: LOBED 11G 38, BEGO 11I 36, HELD 11H 36, BODLE 11G 35, DEB 11I 35
GLOBED 11F 42 kellybelly
GLOBE 11K 24 step72
HOLT 3L 14 jimbo

On 7th draw, ABELIAN N1 85 --- ABELIAN being a commutative group in mathematics [adj]
Other moves: ABELIAN 12B 78, BINA(U)RAL 5D 36, INQILAB 4F 36, QIBLA 4H 32, ABELIA N1 31
BALE N2 18 kellybelly
ABLING F6 13 jimbo
BLING F7 10 albee2411
BAN J1 9 step72

On 8th draw, OHONE H11 36 --- OHONE expressing lamentation [interj]
Other moves: HOM M1 35, MHO G6 32, NOH M1 30, EH J5 29, HON M1 27
HOM M1 35 kellybelly
MOAN 1L 27 jimbo, step72
HAM 1M 24 GLOBEMAN, albee2411

On 9th draw, PARIETAL 15D 63 --- PARIETAL a bone of the skull [n]
Other moves: PARTIAL 1I 30, PATRIAL 1I 30, PAAL 1L 27, PARIAH 12C 27, PARIAL 1J 27
PARTIAL 1I 30 jimbo
PRAT 1L 27 kellybelly, GLOBEMAN, albee2411
PLAT 1L 27 step72

On 10th draw, GELCAP 1J 36 --- GELCAP a tablet coated with gelatin [n]
Other moves: CLAP 1L 33, CRAP 1L 33, PERGOLA 1H 33, RECOAL 1J 33, GROPE 14B 32
CRAP 1L 33 kellybelly, GLOBEMAN, albee2411
CLAP 1L 33 step72, jimbo

On 11th draw, SEATROUT 13C 70 --- SEATROUT a marine fish [n]
Other moves: OUTRATES 13H 68, OUTSTARE 13H 68, ASTUTE 14A 26, NUTATES 14H 26, SAUTE 14B 24
SEA J4 24 kellybelly
RATS L12 22 jimbo
TARS L12 22 step72
STRUT 14A 16 albee2411

On 12th draw, OX 10M 51 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OXYGEN L4 36, GOOEY 12A 33, COY M1 32, GOEY 12A 32, OXEYE D9 30
OX 10M 51 GLOBEMAN, kellybelly, step72
XI M8 9 jimbo
GOOSE C10 6 albee2411

On 13th draw, MURKSOME D6 84 --- MURKSOME gloomy [adj]
Other moves: MURK 12B 32, KORS L12 30, MOMS L12 30, MUMS L12 30, OUKS L12 30
MOMS L12 30 kellybelly, step72
RUMS L12 26 jimbo
MUMS C10 8 albee2411

On 14th draw, DICEY C3 43 --- DICEY dangerous [adj]
Other moves: DECRY 8A 33, (E)XCIDE N9 30, DICEY E2 29, C(U)RVEY 5G 26, IVY E4 25
DICEY E2 29 step72
IVY E4 25 kellybelly
VIER 8A 21 jimbo
DIRE 8B 5 albee2411

On 15th draw, COY M1 32 --- COY bashful [adj] --- COY to caress [v]
Other tops: CAY M1 32
Other moves: GAY B6 27, GAIT B6 25, CAG M1 24, COG M1 24, GAT B6 24
COY M1 32 kellybelly, GLOBEMAN
GOAT D1 21 step72
GOOKY 9A 14 jimbo
GATOR F11 8 albee2411

On 16th draw, FAG B6 37 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other moves: FA B6 35, GOAF D1 33, (E)XUVIA N9 30, GIF D2 27, FOG E5 26
GOAF D1 33 kellybelly
FAG B2 20 step72
FIG 4B 14 jimbo
GAS C11 11 albee2411

On 17th draw, ARVO A8 30 --- ARVO afternoon [n]
Other tops: URVA A8 30
Other moves: VROT D1 29, AVO A8 27, JOT D2 27, JUST 10B 27, UVA A8 27
AVO A8 27 kellybelly, GLOBEMAN
JOT D2 27 jimbo
JO B2 21 step72
GATOR F11 8 albee2411

On 18th draw, FIVE E3 29 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: OUTVIE E1 27, TEF D2 25, FE G7 24, EF D3 23, IF D3 23
OF D3 23 kellybelly
FIVE 4B 20 jimbo
FEET 6F 15 albee2411
FOE B1 15 step72

On 19th draw, (E)XODOI N9 26 --- EXODOS a concluding dramatic scene [n]
Other moves: DOIT B1 15, DUIT B1 15, TID B2 14, TOD B2 14, UDOS C10 14
TOD B2 14 kellybelly, step72
TOO 14A 8 albee2411
DIF 3C 7 jimbo

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