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Game sheet of neyetifu (file), Game of July 30, 2011 at 06:58

Word find
Word played
1 ADEIMRT             READMIT H8 76 76  
2 ?CKOOOV             OVE(R)COOK 9F 75 151  
3 AENSTUY             UNSTAYED 11A 74 225  
4 AGILMNO             GNOMICAL J4 67 292  
5 EHLRSTU             HUSTLER 15F 116 408  
6 AEIORTV             RAVIGOTE 4F 82 490  
7 AABCENO             BEACON 8A 41 531  
8 ADILLPS             ILLAPSED B2 84 615  
9 ?IINQRT             TR(A)NQ D11 46 661  
10 EIISTYZ             ZESTY N2 63 724  
11 AEGIPRU             GARVIE H1 30 754  
12 BEIINOT             BON O1 28 782  
13 DEFIORU             DEIF M3 34 816  
14 DEINPRT             INTREPID 13H 74 890  
15 AAGIUWX W(A)X 13C 24 -22 24 3/3 WUXIA N10 46 936 4/4
16 AEFGHIO FLAG 4A 24 -16 48 2/4 FOX 12L 40 976 4/5
17 AEEGIIJ JAR F2 26 -12 74 1/3 AJEE O7 38 1014 4/5
18 EEGHIUW DEW O13 23 -20 97 1/2 WHEE A1 43 1057 4/5

Total: 97/1057 or -960 for 9.176%
Rank: -

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