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Game of July 30, 2011 at 08:26, 6 players
1. 403 pts SuperH
2. 399 pts mylover81
3. 290 pts siuyee

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ajloor   H4    92    92   jarools
 2. ?ehopry   8H    98   190   orthoepy
 3. addhinu   4H    32   222   jihad
 4. aefilot   6A    65   287   floatier
 5. adefrtv   3I    40   327   defat
 6. denortu   A6    89   416   fortuned
 7. cikossx   5K    38   454   socks
 8. abimnsu   C1    76   530   bimanous
 9. aadnoyz   O1    45   575   azans
10. abeinpy   1A    48   623   yabbie
11. aeinotw   D4    28   651   wean
12. enopstt   L7    70   721   potstone
13. eggirtu   N8    30   751   puggier
14. aeltuvx   B1    50   801   axel
15. aemorrw   G9    68   869   earworm
16. cegintu  B10    38   907   genic
17. deituvv   2L    36   943   ditz
18. eilquvv  14J    34   977   queer

Remaining tiles: iilvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6771 FileSuperH      2 12:58  -574  403     1.7050 mylover81   0 14:30  -578  399 
  2.7050 Filemylover81   0 14:30  -578  399            Group: intermediate
  3.5520 Filesiuyee      0 11:56  -687  290     1.6771 SuperH      2 12:58  -574  403 
  4.4799 Filewordwize    1 12:50  -742  235            Group: novice
  5.5572 Fileneyetifu    0  6:36  -846  131     1.5520 siuyee      0 11:56  -687  290 
  6.5284 Filejimbo       0  3:20  -892   85     2.5572 neyetifu    0  6:36  -846  131 
                                             3.5284 jimbo       0  3:20  -892   85 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4799 wordwize    1 12:50  -742  235 

On 1st draw, JAROOL(S) H4 92 --- JAROOL a tree with purple blooms [n]
Other moves: JAROOL(S) H2 78, JAROOL(S) H3 78, JAROOL(S) H7 78, JAROOL(S) H8 78, JAROOL(S) H5 76
JA(I)LOR H4 40 SuperH
JA(I)LOR H8 26 wordwize

On 2nd draw, OR(T)HOEPY 8H 98 --- ORTHOEPY the study of correct pronunciation [n]
Other moves: PHORE(S)Y I2 87, PYORRHE(A) 6E 81, PYOR(R)HEA 5A 80, PYO(R)RHEA 5A 80, ORPHREY(S) 6D 79
HOOP(S) 7G 14 wordwize

On 3rd draw, JIHAD 4H 32 --- JIHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other moves: HUN 7M 28, UNAIDED M3 26, DAH G5 25, DUH G5 25, HADDIE M3 24

On 4th draw, FLOATIER 6A 65 --- FLOATY tending to float [adj]
Other moves: FOLIATE(S) 10A 64, FETIAL M1 35, FLITE M2 33, FOLIA M1 33, FOLIE M1 33
HALF K8 20 neyetifu
FILET M5 10 wordwize

On 5th draw, DEFAT 3I 40 --- DEFAT to remove fat from [v]
Other moves: AFFRET A4 39, FARFET A3 39, AFFRET A5 36, DAFTER A4 36, FARFET A6 36
FEAT 7C 26 neyetifu

On 6th draw, FORTUNED A6 89 --- FORTUNE to endow with wealth [v]
FONDER A6 30 SuperH
FEND A6 24 wordwize

On 7th draw, SOCKS 5K 38 --- SOCK a knitted or woven covering for the foot [n] --- SOCK to strike forcefully [v]
Other tops: XI 9M 38
Other moves: OXO 7F 37, OX 9L 36, SOCK 5K 36, SOX 5K 36, XI 7C 36
OXO 7F 37 mylover81
OX 9L 36 neyetifu, SuperH
POX N8 28 siuyee
STICKS E5 24 wordwize

On 8th draw, BIMANOUS C1 76 --- BIMANOUS two-handed [adj]
Other moves: MANIS B10 43, MUNIS B10 43, BUSMAN 5D 38, IAMBS O1 36, NIMBS O1 36
MANIS B10 43 mylover81
BIMAS O1 30 SuperH
MINUS O1 24 wordwize
HUMAN K8 20 siuyee

On 9th draw, AZANS O1 45 --- AZAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other tops: AZONS O1 45
Other moves: DOBY 1A 42, DOZY B12 40, ADAYS O1 39, HAZY K8 38, NYANZA 11A 36
HAZY K8 38 siuyee
DOY D2 31 mylover81
ZO 7L 26 SuperH

On 10th draw, YABBIE 1A 48 --- YABBIE a small freshwater crayfish [n] --- YABBIE to fish for yabbies [v]
Other moves: BABY 1A 45, INBYE 1A 42, ABBEY 1A 39, INBY 1A 39, PINEY 2B 36
BABY 1A 45 mylover81, siuyee, SuperH

On 11th draw, WEAN D4 28 --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [v]
Other tops: WON 7M 28
Other moves: WRATE I7 26, WRITE I7 26, WROTE I7 26, ENTIA 9K 25, NOTICE M1 25
OW D3 24 mylover81
WHEAT K7 22 siuyee
NEWTON 11A 18 wordwize
WE M7 9 SuperH

On 12th draw, POTSTONE L7 70 --- POTSTONE impure talc or steatite [n]
Other tops: TOPSTONE L7 70
Other moves: POTENT B10 45, PONES B10 43, POTES B10 43, NETOPS B10 31, APES B1 30
POTES B10 43 SuperH
PONES B10 43 mylover81
SOP G1 22 siuyee

On 13th draw, PUGGIER N8 30 --- PUGGY somewhat stubby [adj]
Other moves: AGER B1 26, GREIGE 14J 24, GRUEING 13G 24, ETIC M2 23, TICE M3 23
GREET 14J 20 siuyee
GUT B10 19 mylover81
DIGGER 13A 18 wordwize
AG B1 12 SuperH

On 14th draw, AXEL B1 50 --- AXEL a jump in figure skating [n]
Other tops: AXAL B1 50, XU 2F 50
Other moves: AXE B1 42, EXALT B11 38, AX B1 36, AXEL B11 36, XI 2B 36
XU 2F 50 SuperH
AX B1 36 mylover81
TEX O13 34 siuyee
EX F1 25 neyetifu

On 15th draw, EARWORM G9 68 --- EARWORM a tune which keeps persistently playing in your mind [n]
Other moves: MAROR B10 43, MORAE B10 43, REMORA B10 33, MEW O13 30, OMER O12 30
MEW O13 30 mylover81
MOW 2F 24 SuperH
DRAWER 13A 20 siuyee
DREAM 13A 16 wordwize
MOWER(S) 10C 12 jimbo

On 16th draw, GENIC B10 38 --- GENIC pertaining to genes [adj]
Other moves: GUNITE B10 36, NEUMIC 15D 33, NUTMEG 15D 30, TUNIC B10 29, CUMIN 15E 27
MINCE 15G 27 wordwize
MINGE 15G 24 jimbo
MICE 15G 24 mylover81, neyetifu
MING 15G 21 siuyee

On 17th draw, DITZ 2L 36 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: DEV C11 35, DEV F8 31, DEI H13 29, DEV G1 26, DEV O13 26
DEV C11 35 mylover81
MUTED 15G 24 jimbo
TIMED 15E 24 SuperH
DIVED 13A 20 siuyee

On 18th draw, QUEER 14J 34 --- QUEER deviating from the expected or normal [adj] --- QUEER to spoil the effect or success of [v]
Other moves: QIS 10J 32, LEV F8 30, MVULE 15G 30, QUIT 11I 26, QUIM 15D 25
QUEER 14J 34 wordwize, SuperH
QIS 10J 32 mylover81
QUIM 15D 25 jimbo

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