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Game of July 30, 2011 at 15:58, 5 players
1. 658 pts PIThompson
2. 343 pts JennyB
3. 288 pts kp10

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eefhor   H3    82    82   thereof
 2. adeglnt   5E    90   172   danegelt
 3. ?aefrsw   M1    93   265   fretsaw
 4. aeinops   N6    76   341   senopia
 5. aeiilrs   O1    83   424   lairise
 6. deinrtu   L7    75   499   turdine
 7. acdekrt  13F    92   591   racketed
 8. alnotuy  O12    42   633   yont
 9. aaciprw  H11    39   672   wicca
10. amoqrsu   4A    55   727   qorma
11. benoost   6F    34   761   boron
12. adeeops   3D    73   834   adoptees
13. ghilntu   A4    57   891   quight
14. beglnuz  E11    48   939   zebu
15. gimovxy  14H    59   998   cox
16. eilmtuv   7G    38  1036   meve
17. ajlntuy  13C    40  1076   unbracketed
18. aiijltv  F10    36  1112   ja
19. gilltvy   2A    28  1140   tivy

Remaining tiles: giill

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7530 FilePIThompson  6 16:52  -482  658     1.7530 PIThompson  6 16:52  -482  658 
  2.5784 FileJennyB      1 12:11  -797  343            Group: novice
  3.3548 Filekp10        0 15:59  -852  288     1.5784 JennyB      1 12:11  -797  343 
  4.5572 Filenarisa      0  8:38  -971  169     2.5572 narisa      0  8:38  -971  169 
  5.5708 Filedabbler     0 11:44  -983  157     3.5708 dabbler     0 11:44  -983  157 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3548 kp10        0 15:59  -852  288 

On 1st draw, (T)HEREOF H3 82 --- THEREOF of that [adv]
Other tops: (T)HEREOF H6 82, (W)HEREOF H3 82, (W)HEREOF H6 82
Other moves: (T)HEREOF H2 76, (T)HEREOF H7 76, (T)HEREOF H8 76, (W)HEREOF H2 76, (W)HEREOF H7 76
HEF(T)ER H4 30 PIThompson
FORE H8 14 kp10

On 2nd draw, DANEGELT 5E 90 --- DANEGELT a tenth century defence tax [n]
Other moves: DANEGELT 5C 70, DANEGELT 7C 65, DANEGELT 7E 63, ANGELED 5E 36, LATENED 5E 32
HANGED 4H 22 PIThompson
FELT 9H 8 kp10

On 3rd draw, FRE(T)SAW M1 93 --- FRETSAW a narrow-bladed saw [n]
Other tops: F(O)RESAW M1 93
Other moves: FRE(T)SAW I7 88, FRETSAW(S) L2 84, FRET(S)AWS L2 84, WASTR(I)FE L2 84, FREEWA(Y)S J2 79
F(L)AW 6C 33 PIThompson
WET L3 12 kp10

On 4th draw, SENOPIA N6 76 --- SENOPIA an improvement of near vision [n]
Other moves: EPINAOS G7 75, SAPONI(T)E 3B 72, SENOPIA G8 69, SENOPIA I8 69, EPINAOS G9 67
SIP 8M 28 PIThompson
FIN 1M 18 kp10

On 5th draw, LAIRISE O1 83 --- LAIRISE to act like a flashy man [v]
Other moves: LAIRISE 13I 76, LAIRIES(T) 3A 66, RAILLIES K1 58, RAILLIES K2 58, ARISE O8 35
SEAR O6 29 PIThompson
FAR 1M 18 kp10

On 6th draw, TURDINE L7 75 --- TURDINE belonging to a large family of singing birds [adj]
Other moves: INTRUDE G9 66, DATURINE F4 63, RETINUED 7B 63, RETINUED J4 63, REUNITED 7B 63
DINE O12 26 PIThompson
DIRT E5 5 kp10

On 7th draw, RACKETED 13F 92 --- RACKET to make a loud noise [v]
Other moves: RETACKED 13F 84, TRACKED I7 79, RETACKED 7B 73, RACKETED 7B 69, RACKETED J1 69
CRAKED 4A 38 PIThompson
KED 10J 18 kp10

On 8th draw, YONT O12 42 --- YONT position beyond [prep]
Other tops: YUAN O12 42
Other moves: OUTLAY 6A 35, ONLAY 6B 34, UNLAY 6B 34, UNCOY H11 33, ONLAY O11 32
TOY 6D 30 PIThompson
CAY H13 24 kp10

On 9th draw, WICCA H11 39 --- WICCA a form of nature-oriented witchcraft [n]
Other moves: CRAW 6C 33, CAW 6D 32, PAW 6D 32, PICRA H11 30, RAW 6D 30
CRAW 6C 33 PIThompson
CAP H13 21 kp10

On 10th draw, QORMA 4A 55 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QATS K11 50, QAT K11 48, AQUAS F5 34, MAROR 6F 34, QORMA 12B 34
QAT K11 48 JennyB
SQ**W 11D 34 PIThompson
QUAD E2 14 kp10

On 11th draw, BORON 6F 34 --- BORON a non-metallic element [n]
Other moves: BESAT F2 32, BETOOK I8 30, BOETS 3B 30, BOOSE 3B 30, BOOST 3B 30
BORON 6F 34 PIThompson
SAB F4 28 JennyB
BOOST B2 18 kp10

On 12th draw, ADOP(T)EES 3D 73 --- ADOPTEE one that is adopted [n]
Other moves: PEACOD 14E 36, DEEPS 3B 33, DEEP 3B 31, P**D 3B 31, PEASE 3B 30
P**D 3B 31 PIThompson
DEEP 3B 31 JennyB
PES(T)ER 4J 25 narisa
PAS(T)ED 3E 16 dabbler
SPAM D1 9 kp10

On 13th draw, QUIGHT A4 57 --- QUIGHT to depart from [v]
Other moves: LIGHTFUL 1H 48, QUILT A4 42, QUINT A4 42, INGULF 1H 33, HI 14J 28
QUIGHT A4 57 PIThompson
QUILT A4 42 kp10, JennyB
HI 2J 28 narisa
TOUGH B3 13 dabbler

On 14th draw, ZEBU E11 48 --- ZEBU an Asian ox [n]
Other moves: UNBRACKETED 13C 40, BEGULF 1H 39, BEZ J12 34, GEEZ J11 34, ENGULF 1H 33
ZEBU E11 48 PIThompson
ZED 10J 33 narisa
ZO F2 31 JennyB
ZEE J1 14 kp10
ZONE 8G 13 dabbler

On 15th draw, COX 14H 59 --- COX to steer a racing rowboat [v]
Other moves: YEX 7G 54, XI 14J 52, MYXO F8 43, MIXY B8 41, MYXO I8 41
COX 14H 59 PIThompson
XI 14J 52 JennyB
VEX J12 29 dabbler
EX J13 25 narisa
XI 11K 18 kp10

On 16th draw, MEVE 7G 38 --- MEVE to move [v]
Other moves: METE 7G 26, MIEVE 12A 26, MVULE 12A 26, EMIT K10 25, EMU 2I 25
METE 7G 26 PIThompson
VIM 2B 23 dabbler
MI 2J 22 narisa
TIN 12J 15 JennyB
MEL 2B 15 kp10

On 17th draw, UNBRACKETED 13C 40 --- BRACKET to classify [adj]
Other moves: JA F10 36, JAY 2B 34, TAJ 2B 32, AYU 2I 31, YU 2F 30
JA F10 36 PIThompson
JAY 2B 34 JennyB
YA 2J 28 narisa
TAJ 9A 18 dabbler
AS K2 2 kp10

On 18th draw, JA F10 36 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: TAJ 2B 32, LITAI K11 29, JAIL 2A 27, JILT 2A 27, JO F2 25
JA F10 36 PIThompson, JennyB
JILT 15L 19 dabbler
JAM D2 12 kp10

On 19th draw, TIVY 2A 28 --- TIVY with great speed [adv]
Other moves: IVY 2B 26, VLY 2B 26, TYG K13 23, VITEX J10 23, ILLY 2A 22
TIVY 2A 28 PIThompson
IVY 2B 26 JennyB, dabbler
YAM D2 8 narisa
VIS K1 6 kp10

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