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Game sheet of suzeezoo (file), Game of July 30, 2011 at 17:28

Word find
Word played
1 AEGNPTZ             ZANTE H4 48 48  
2 HKMOORS ZOOS 4H 13 -27 13 2/3 ZHOMOS 4H 40 88 2/3
3 ADERUWX DEX 5J 42 -6 55 1/2 DEWAX 3J 48 136 2/3
4 ?DEILRU DEL 2M 30 -47 85 1/3 U(N)DERLIE 8A 77 213 2/3
5 DEIORUY DEMY K2 20 -16 105 2/3 DOY 2M 36 249 2/3
6 AEFIKSU FA 1N 43 -3 148 1/3 KAIFS 5G 46 295 2/3
7 EEMOORS MOORS E5 14 -17 162 4/4 SO 1N 31 326 2/4
8 ACDILNU DRAC E7 7 -65 169 3/3 DULCINEA D2 72 398 2/4
9 ABEGGIT DEBAG 2D 15 -10 184 4/6 BIGA C1 25 423 2/7
10 AENORTV VIDEO 2B 22 -41 206 3/5 TEVATRON 7H 63 486 2/7
11 ?AEEGOO (S)AGE 10D 19 -5 225 3/5 GOON(I)E O4 24 510 2/7
12 EGMRSTY STY 10D 26 -14 251 3/5 MIDGY 2B 40 550 2/8
13 AEEINRT             ARENITE 1F 79 629 2/9
14 AAENOPS             APNOEAS N9 82 711 2/9
15 BINPTUW             WISP 15L 39 750 2/9
16 ABFIQTU             QUA 14J 37 787 2/9
17 BEELNRR             BEEP O12 22 809 2/9
18 EFIILRT             FLI(N)TIER B5 64 873 3/10
19 CEINRRT             RECTI 15F 32 905 3/11
20 HJLNRTU             JO 6N 50 955 4/11
21 HLNRTUV             HUB 1A 28 983 4/11

Total: 251/983 or -732 for 25.53%
Rank: 5471

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