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Game sheet of ayoba (file), Game of July 30, 2011 at 18:18

Word find
Word played
1 ?AAMRTZ             ZAM(I)A H4 50 50  
2 HKLNOOT             KOLHOZ 4C 44 94  
3 ACOQRST             QATS G7 46 140  
4 ?ACGMTT             C(Y)MA I3 40 180  
5 HILNRTU             HAMULI 5G 27 207  
6 EEGNSUY             GUTSY 9E 29 236  
7 ADNNPWY             PAWKY C1 34 270  
8 ABEIORV             PAVIOR 1C 36 306  
9 AEEGRSU             REGAUGES E7 70 376  
10 EEGLNOT             ELOGE 8A 24 400  
11 AEEEFNT             FEE 2F 31 431  
12 DEFINRT             FRINGED 12A 32 463  
13 IINOPRT FORT A12 21 -62 21 7/9 POITRINE A1 83 546 10/10
14 DEENNOT FEED A12 24 -52 45 3/9 ENDNOTE 13G 76 622 10/10
15 ADEJNRT JADE 12K 40 -20 85 6/9 JARRED B10 60 682 9/10
16 AEIORTT AFORE A11 39   124 1/9       721 9/10
17 NOSTUVW WOVENS M10 12 -24 136 7/7 UNSTOW 12J 36 757 9/10
18 EILNTVX NIX H13 30 -16 166 6/9 VITEX L4 46 803 9/10
19 BDEIILN WELD O12 24 -3 190 2/9 DWINE O11 27 830 9/10
20 BBCIILT TIL M7 17 -6 207 7/10 LIB C11 23 853 9/11

Total: 207/853 or -646 for 24.26%
Rank: 6060

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