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Game of July 31, 2011 at 00:33, 5 players
1. 435 pts nderera
2. 212 pts suzeezoo
3. 133 pts jlslas

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eimnst   H2    72    72   tamines
 2. adefgru   5C    76   148   argufied
 3. cehinst   1H   116   264   ethnics
 4. elmoouw   6B    32   296   oleum
 5. ?abeswy   3F    94   390   swayable
 6. aejlopr   4A    53   443   jape
 7. aefrsvx   G7    38   481   faxes
 8. aeilnnr   A1    36   517   ninja
 9. ddeinot  11A    70   587   noddiest
10. eilnprt   F8    36   623   repent
11. ceghior   A8    45   668   grinch
12. aeiklor  12H    77   745   oarlike
13. abdorwy   M9    44   789   workday
14. abiootv   3C    26   815   ob
15. eilortv  15J    48   863   livyer
16. aiotuvz   J8    37   900   vizor
17. eglootu   K9    25   925   tool
18. aaegilt   D8    76  1001   gladiate

Remaining tiles: quu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6508 Filenderera     2 18:36  -566  435     1.6508 nderera     2 18:36  -566  435 
  2.5868 Filesuzeezoo    0 11:42  -789  212            Group: novice
  3.2370 Filejlslas      0 10:33  -868  133     1.5868 suzeezoo    0 11:42  -789  212 
  4.5111 Filelorispr     0  8:18  -894  107     2.5111 lorispr     0  8:18  -894  107 
  5.4601 Filegmills0     0  4:00  -952   49            Group: not rated
                                             1.2370 jlslas      0 10:33  -868  133 
                                             2.4601 gmills0     0  4:00  -952   49 

On 1st draw, T(A)MINES H2 72 --- TAMINE a fabric [n]
Other tops: EM(E)TINS H3 72, EM(P)TINS H3 72, ENT(R)ISM H6 72, INM(A)TES H2 72, MESTIN(O) H4 72, MINSTE(R) H4 72, MINTE(R)S H4 72, MIN(D)SET H4 72, MIN(I)EST H4 72, MIN(U)ETS H4 72, MIN(U)TES H4 72, MISTEN(D) H4 72, MIST(U)NE H4 72, MIS(K)ENT H4 72, MIS(S)ENT H4 72, MIS(W)ENT H4 72, MIT(T)ENS H4 72, MI(S)SENT H4 72, MI(T)TENS H4 72, M(A)INEST H4 72, M(A)NTIES H4 72, M(I)NIEST H4 72, M(O)ISTEN H4 72, M(O)NTIES H4 72, M(U)NITES H4 72, M(U)TINES H4 72, SENTIM(O) H7 72, SMIT(T)EN H3 72, SMI(T)TEN H3 72, TEMSIN(G) H2 72, T(A)MEINS H2 72, (E)METINS H3 72, (P)IMENTS H2 72, (R)EMINTS H2 72
Other moves: EM(E)TINS H4 68, EM(E)TINS H6 68, EM(E)TINS H7 68, EM(E)TINS H8 68, EM(P)TINS H4 68
MINSTE(R) H8 18 gmills0
MET(H)S H4 18 nderera
SMI(L)E H8 14 jlslas

On 2nd draw, ARGUFIED 5C 76 --- ARGUFY to argue stubbornly [v]
Other moves: FADGE 1D 69, FUDGE 1D 69, DEFRAG 1G 66, GAUFER 1D 63, GAUFRE 1C 60
FADER G3 34 nderera
FANE 6F 15 gmills0
SAFER 8H 9 jlslas

On 3rd draw, ETHNICS 1H 116 --- ETHNIC a member of a racial or cultural group [n]
Other moves: STHENIC 1E 113, SNITCHES 8H 98, CHINTSES 8A 92, SNITCHES 8A 92, CH(A)NTIES 3F 84
EH I2 19 nderera
RICHEST D5 16 gmills0
CHINS 8D 13 jlslas

On 4th draw, OLEUM 6B 32 --- OLEUM a corrosive liquid [n] --- OLEUM oil [n]
Other moves: OMEN 6E 30, TOME 2H 29, TOMO 2H 29, MOO 2J 28, OLEUM 4B 27
WOE I3 22 nderera
WALE C4 8 jlslas

On 5th draw, SW(A)YAB(L)E 3F 94 --- SWAY to move slowly back and forth [adj] --- SWAYABLE able to be swayed [adj]
Other moves: BAW(L)EYS G7 81, BEW(R)AYS G7 81, SWAY(A)B(L)E 3D 71, S(U)BWAYS N1 44, SWAB(B)Y N1 42
WEYS G7 29 nderera
B(A)(B)Y 3G 10 jlslas

On 6th draw, JAPE 4A 53 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: JAP 4B 37, LAPJE 2B 36, POLJE 2B 36, LEAP 4A 27, LOMA 4F 27
LOPE 4A 25 nderera
JEEP 7G 22 suzeezoo
SLOPER 8H 9 jlslas

On 7th draw, FAXES G7 38 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: FAX G7 36, AXES 4L 35, AXES 7A 32, AXE 4L 31, FAVER G7 30
FAXES G7 38 nderera
VEXERS 7G 28 suzeezoo
DEARS J5 8 jlslas

On 8th draw, NINJA A1 36 --- NINJA a feudal Japanese warrior [n]
Other moves: ENSNARL 11E 28, INSANER 11E 28, INSNARE 11E 28, LARINE F8 26, NAILER 4J 26
LARE F8 24 nderera
NAILS 11C 10 jlslas
(L)INER L3 8 suzeezoo

On 9th draw, NODDIEST 11A 70 --- NODDY easy to understand [adj]
Other moves: DISTEND 11E 36, DOITED 4J 33, DINTED H10 32, DOITED H10 32, TINDED H10 31
DOTED F8 28 nderera
NED 7B 19 suzeezoo
TONES 11C 10 jlslas

On 10th draw, REPENT F8 36 --- REPENT to feel remorse or self-reproach for a past action [v]
Other moves: LEPER F8 35, NEPER F8 35, REPEL F8 35, PIET 10B 30, REPOINT B8 30
POLITE B10 28 nderera
PETER F8 27 suzeezoo
TILER E10 5 jlslas

On 11th draw, GRINCH A8 45 --- GRINCH one who spoils the fun of others [n]
Other moves: CHOREGI B9 42, ECHING A7 42, INCHER A10 42, THEIC H11 42, ENRICH A10 36
CHINE A8 33 nderera

On 12th draw, OARLIKE 12H 77 --- OARLIKE resembling an oar [adj]
Other moves: KIDEL C9 30, TAKER H11 30, TAROK H11 30, TILAK H11 30, TOKER H11 30
KAI E9 26 nderera
TEAK 13F 14 suzeezoo
FEAR 7G 8 jlslas

On 13th draw, WORKDAY M9 44 --- WORKDAY a day on which work is done [n]
Other moves: YAW 13M 38, BAWDRY D8 36, BREADY N10 36, BARKY M9 34, BAWDY D8 34
TOADY H11 27 suzeezoo

On 14th draw, OB 3C 26 --- OB an objection [n]
Other moves: OB N9 25, BIODOT D8 24, BIOTA 2E 24, YOB 15M 24, CIAO 12A 23
YOB 15M 24 nderera, lorispr
VAT L8 17 suzeezoo

On 15th draw, LIVYER 15J 48 --- LIVYER a permanent resident of Newfoundland [n]
Other moves: OVERTLY 15G 42, LEVITY 15H 39, LIVERY 15H 39, OVERLY 15H 39, VERILY 15H 39
OILERY 15H 30 lorispr
VIOLATE 14I 24 suzeezoo
YET 15M 18 nderera
VOW 9K 9 jlslas

On 16th draw, VIZOR J8 37 --- VIZOR to provide with a projecting brim [v]
Other moves: DZO J5 33, IZAR J9 33, TZAR J9 33, ZORI J10 33, AZIDO D8 32
ZA L8 26 suzeezoo, nderera
FEZ 7G 25 lorispr
FEAT 7G 8 jlslas

On 17th draw, TOOL K9 25 --- TOOL to form or finish with a tool (an implement used in manual work) [v]
Other moves: OLEO 2K 24, OOM 4F 20, T*M 4F 20, GOUTTE 13C 19, GUTTLE 13C 19
TOOL K9 25 nderera
ATE 14M 12 lorispr
LOOT 10L 6 jlslas

On 18th draw, GLADIATE D8 76 --- GLADIATE shaped like a sword [adj]
Other moves: GLADIATE C8 72, AGITATE 13C 26, HAGLET 13A 20, AA I9 19, LA I9 19
TAI E9 18 nderera
GEAT 2E 16 lorispr
(L)AG L3 6 jlslas

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