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Game of July 31, 2011 at 12:46, 7 players
1. 401 pts remij
2. 363 pts naomiari
3. 303 pts reyna

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdeeny   H7    32    32   benday
 2. ?aghint   8H    95   127   earthing
 3. egipqrt   7M    44   171   qi
 4. aelootx   9F    37   208   lanx
 5. eilorrt  11E    82   290   retailor
 6. aeegosw   8A    35   325   sewage
 7. ?cikmmt   N2    44   369   cutikin
 8. cdeinos  13H    85   454   secondi
 9. abilopz   4K    52   506   plotz
10. bemoprt   B2    90   596   obtemper
11. adegity   C2    40   636   deity
12. deelmns   D1    37   673   meed
13. aehorsu  14I    36   709   rhea
14. efgloou  15L    36   745   goof
15. aaelnnv  15G    32   777   vane
16. finortw  N10    34   811   finito
17. inoosuu   9K    24   835   ios
18. alrsuuw   1D    30   865   mawrs
19. ejlnouu  12A    42   907   joule
20. ainruuu  A12    33   940   jura

Remaining tiles: ainuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4581 Fileremij       1 21:06  -539  401     1.6702 reyna       2 14:11  -637  303 
  2.5640 Filenaomiari    0 18:51  -577  363     2.6315 renmar      1  6:37  -794  146 
  3.6702 Filereyna       2 14:11  -637  303            Group: novice
  4.6315 Filerenmar      1  6:37  -794  146     1.5640 naomiari    0 18:51  -577  363 
  5.5227 Filejimbo       0  7:26  -826  114     2.5227 jimbo       0  7:26  -826  114 
  6.5825 Filesuzeezoo    1  3:28  -849   91     3.5825 suzeezoo    1  3:28  -849   91 
  7.4140 Fileleobill     0  4:05  -879   61            Group: not rated
                                             1.4581 remij       1 21:06  -539  401 
                                             2.4140 leobill     0  4:05  -879   61 

On 1st draw, BENDAY H7 32 --- BENDAY to reproduce using a certain process [v]
Other moves: BANDY H8 30, BEADY H8 30, BENDAY H4 30, BENDY H8 30, BANDY H4 28
BEADY H8 30 remij

On 2nd draw, EA(R)THING 8H 95 --- EARTH to cover with earth (soil) [v]
Other moves: GNATHI(T)E 8A 86, GNA(T)HITE 8A 83, YA(C)HTING 12H 82, THINGA(M)Y 12A 80, ANYTHI(N)G 12F 78
H(E)ATING 11F 20 renmar
HID(E) 10F 15 remij

On 3rd draw, QI 7M 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GRIPEY 12C 24, GRIPY 12D 22, PYRITE 12G 22, TRIPEY 12C 22, TYPIER 12G 22
QI 7M 44 remij, renmar

On 4th draw, LANX 9F 37 --- LANX a platter [n]
Other moves: EXALT I10 30, ALEXIN N3 29, AXEL I10 29, LOXED 10D 29, TAXED 10D 29
EXALT I10 30 renmar
AXED 10E 28 naomiari
DEX 10H 27 remij
AXLE 11H 22 jimbo

On 5th draw, RETAILOR 11E 82 --- RETAILOR to tailor again [v] --- TAILOR to fit with clothes [v]
Other moves: RELATOR 11E 28, TORTILE K5 28, OLDER 10F 26, ORDER 10F 26, TILDE 10E 24
ORDER 10F 26 naomiari, renmar
DELT 10H 17 remij
AXE I8 13 jimbo

On 6th draw, SEWAGE 8A 35 --- SEWAGE the waste matter carried off by sewers [n]
Other tops: SEWAGE 13H 35
Other moves: SWAGE M11 27, WE 6N 27, WO 6N 27, SWAGE 13H 26, AWEE 12J 25
WE 6N 27 naomiari
SWAGE 13H 26 jimbo, renmar
SWAG M11 25 leobill
GROWS L10 18 remij

On 7th draw, C(U)TIKIN N2 44 --- CUTIKIN a gaiter [n]
Other moves: KI 6N 33, K(A) 6N 32, K(I) 6N 32, K(O) 6N 32, K(Y) 6N 32
K(A) 6N 32 naomiari
KIN N6 17 remij

On 8th draw, SECONDI 13H 85 --- SECONDO the lower part in a piano duet [n]
Other tops: CODEINS 13B 85, CONDIES 13B 85
Other moves: CODEINES B2 76, CODEINAS D2 72, DIOCESAN D2 72, CONSIDE(R) J1 66, CODEINES B5 65
WIDENS C8 22 leobill
ODES 9A 19 naomiari
SEND M11 19 remij
SIC M11 19 suzeezoo

On 9th draw, PLOTZ 4K 52 --- PLOTZ to be overwhelmed by an emotion [v]
Other tops: BLITZ 4K 52
Other moves: POZ 7B 36, ZOEAL B6 36, ZILA 10B 35, AIZLE B4 34, ZOEA B6 33
BLITZ 4K 52 suzeezoo
ZIP N12 28 remij
ZA 7D 25 naomiari

On 10th draw, OBTEMPER B2 90 --- OBTEMPER to yield obedience to [v]
Other moves: OBTEMPER B5 76, MOPIER N10 32, MOBIE N10 30, POMBE 12A 30, POMBE 5G 30
BIO 5M 20 reyna
POEM 10K 20 naomiari
PERM 10K 20 suzeezoo
BROG E5 14 leobill
MORE 10B 14 remij

On 11th draw, DEITY C2 40 --- DEITY a god or goddess [n]
Other moves: YATE C3 36, YETI C3 36, YITE C3 36, YEAD C2 34, DYE C2 33
DEY C1 30 reyna
AY A1 20 naomiari
GAPY K2 20 remij
BADGE 3B 18 jimbo

On 12th draw, MEED D1 37 --- MEED a deserved reward [n]
Other tops: MELD D1 37, MEND D1 37
Other moves: MEDS D1 36, MEES D1 33, MELS D1 33, MENE D1 33, MESE D1 33
MEED D1 37 reyna
ES 10A 21 naomiari
DIME N12 14 remij

On 13th draw, RHEA 14I 36 --- RHEA a flightless bird [n]
Other tops: SHEA 14I 36, SHOE 14I 36
Other moves: HOSIER N10 34, AHS 14I 33, EHS 14I 33, HOA 14J 33, HOE 14J 33
MUSHER 1D 33 remij
HOE 14J 33 reyna
HO 14J 30 naomiari

On 14th draw, GOOF 15L 36 --- GOOF to blunder [v]
Other tops: GOLF 15L 36, GULF 15L 36
Other moves: FOGIE N10 34, FUGIE N10 34, FUGIO N10 34, FOLIE N10 32, FOLIO N10 32
FLOG 15F 28 reyna
FE 15H 18 naomiari
FIGO N12 16 remij

On 15th draw, VANE 15G 32 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [n]
Other tops: VENA 15G 32
Other moves: MALVA 1D 30, MAVEN 1D 30, VAE 15H 29, AVALE 15E 27, ELVAN 15E 27
VANE 15F 24 naomiari
NAVE 15F 24 remij
LAVA 15F 24 reyna
VALE 15F 24 jimbo

On 16th draw, FINITO N10 34 --- FINITO finished [adj]
Other moves: MOTIF 1D 30, FINO 5H 22, FORPIT K1 22, FRIPON K1 22, INFO 5H 22
MOTIF 1D 30 reyna
POW K4 16 remij
OR A1 11 jimbo, naomiari

On 17th draw, IOS 9K 24 --- IO a cry of joy [n]
Other tops: OOS 9K 24
Other moves: ISO 10A 22, SIN 10B 22, SON 10B 22, SOU 10B 22, SUI 10B 22
MOONS 1D 21 naomiari
MINUS 1D 21 reyna
IN A1 11 remij

On 18th draw, MAWRS 1D 30 --- MAWR an awkward girl [n]
Other moves: SAW 10B 25, SULU 10B 25, SURA 10B 25, MURALS 1D 24, SAL 10B 22
SAW 10B 25 reyna
WARPS K1 20 naomiari
SPAW K3 18 remij

On 19th draw, JOULE 12A 42 --- JOULE a unit of energy [n] --- JOULE to bump [v]
Other moves: JOULE 5G 32, JOUNCE 2J 31, JOLE 5H 30, JOE 5I 28, JUPON K2 28
JOE 12C 22 reyna
JET 5A 10 remij, naomiari

On 20th draw, JURA A12 33 --- JUS a legal right [n]
Other moves: AIN 13A 21, AIR 13A 21, INIA 5L 19, UNAI 13B 19, BRA 7H 18
JURA A12 33 reyna
AR A1 11 naomiari
PAN K4 10 remij

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