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Game of July 31, 2011 at 15:05, 5 players
1. 525 pts iwhist
2. 271 pts mylover81
3. 200 pts leobill

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?gilnpz   H4    50    50   zingel
 2. ailptuw   4D    34    84   waltz
 3. dennost  10H    80   164   stonned
 4. ?dnouwy   K5    40   204   enwound
 5. bcegkot   M9    34   238   becket
 6. aehorvy   L4    38   276   hayer
 7. adeorst  15G    92   368   doaters
 8. abegmor  14A    85   453   embargo
 9. deehnpu  15A    58   511   heed
10. acfirsy   M4    37   548   arsy
11. efinopr   E1    76   624   pinafore
12. eiiiprs   1C    33   657   pipier
13. acfillt   D8    33   690   flail
14. aimnotu   2B    28   718   matin
15. aeioqux   F4    56   774   lex
16. aaegisu  12L    22   796   skug
17. aeiootv   3A    32   828   tav
18. eijoouv   N1    34   862   jive
19. aceoquu   B2    40   902   macaque

Remaining tiles: iiiooou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5916 Fileiwhist      2 17:42  -377  525     1.7082 mylover81   4  9:49  -631  271 
  2.7082 Filemylover81   4  9:49  -631  271            Group: novice
  3.4140 Fileleobill     0 13:06  -702  200     1.5916 iwhist      2 17:42  -377  525 
  4.  -  Fileadragonfly  0  9:59  -730  172            Group: not rated
  5.4598 Fileremij       0  6:01  -794  108     1.4140 leobill     0 13:06  -702  200 
                                             2.  -  adragonfly  0  9:59  -730  172 
                                             3.4598 remij       0  6:01  -794  108 

On 1st draw, ZING(E)L H4 50 --- ZINGEL a fish [n]
Other moves: GLI(T)Z H8 48, ZIG(A)N H4 48, ZING(S) H4 48, ZING(Y) H4 48, PIZ(I)NG H4 40
ZING(S) H4 48 iwhist

On 2nd draw, WALTZ 4D 34 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: PATU I3 24, WAT I3 23, WAPITI 5C 22, WAPITI 5E 22, PAT I3 21
WAT I3 23 iwhist

On 3rd draw, STONNED 10H 80 --- STONNE to stun [v]
Other moves: TENDONS 10B 78, (E)NDNOTES 8H 77, TENDONS G8 64, ENDNOT(E)S 8B 60, SONNET(E)D 8B 59
TONNES 10C 24 iwhist

On 4th draw, (E)NWOUND K5 40 --- ENWIND to wind around [v]
Other tops: UNWO(U)ND K5 40, (I)NWOUND K5 40, (U)NWOUND K5 40
Other moves: UNWE(L)DY M7 36, YOW 5C 33, WY(E) 11J 32, YOW(E)D 5A 32, DU(R)OY 5A 31
DOWNY N10 24 iwhist

On 5th draw, BECKET M9 34 --- BECKET a securing rope [n]
Other moves: BOKE 3C 33, COKE 3C 33, BECKE M9 32, KEB 5C 31, KOB 5C 31
BACK E3 24 iwhist

On 6th draw, HAYER L4 38 --- HAYER one that hays [n]
Other moves: HOYA 5C 37, AHOY 5B 35, AHOY N12 35, YEAH N12 35, HEY 5C 33
AHOY 3B 30 iwhist

On 7th draw, DOATERS 15G 92 --- DOATER one who dotes [n]
Other tops: TROADES 15G 92
Other moves: TROADES 3A 81, DELATORS F2 65, LEOTARDS F4 65, LODESTAR F4 65, OREADS 15H 42
ROSED 15K 36 iwhist

On 8th draw, EMBARGO 14A 85 --- EMBARGO to prohibit trade by a governmental order [v]
Other moves: BEGLAMOR F1 71, BREGMA 14B 37, BEMA 5C 31, BOMA 5C 31, EMBOG 5A 31
GAMER 5A 25 iwhist

On 9th draw, HEED 15A 58 --- HEED to pay attention to [v]
Other tops: HUED 15A 58
Other moves: PENED M3 42, HUE 15A 41, NEED 15A 40, DEEN 15A 38, HEED A12 36
HEED A12 36 iwhist
HEAPED E2 24 adragonfly
PEN A13 15 leobill

On 10th draw, ARSY M4 37 --- ARSY lucky [adj]
Other moves: FRIARY E10 36, SKYF 12L 36, FAIRY E11 34, FIRRY E11 34, FRAYS J2 34
FARC(E) 8D 13 iwhist

On 11th draw, PINAFORE E1 76 --- PINAFORE a child's apron [n]
Other moves: OPE 13C 28, PROF 3B 28, OF 13C 27, REO 13A 27, FENI 5C 25
FOR 5C 21 mylover81
FEN N2 18 iwhist
NOPE 13G 15 leobill
FRINGE 7D 12 adragonfly

On 12th draw, PIPIER 1C 33 --- PIPY shrill [adj]
Other tops: PIPERS 1C 33, SIPPER 1C 33
Other moves: PIPERS 1E 30, PIPIER 1E 30, PERIS F6 29, ESPIER 8A 27, PERIS D8 27
PIPERS 1E 30 mylover81, adragonfly
PIPIS 1E 27 iwhist
SPIER 1D 24 leobill

On 13th draw, FLAIL D8 33 --- FLAIL to swing freely [v]
Other moves: FILLET 8A 30, CALLET 8A 27, FILLE 8A 27, FLITE 8A 27, IF 2E 26
IF F1 26 mylover81, iwhist
FACT D8 22 adragonfly
FLIT J2 18 leobill

On 14th draw, MATIN 2B 28 --- MATIN a morning song, as of birds [n]
Other moves: LAM F4 26, AMI N12 24, AMOUNT 13F 24, AMINO 13F 23, AMNIO 13F 23
MOUNT 13G 20 leobill, adragonfly
TAM N2 18 iwhist
MAIN N1 18 mylover81

On 15th draw, LEX F4 56 --- LEX law [n]
Other tops: LAX F4 56
Other moves: AX 3B 46, EX 3B 46, OX 3B 46, AXE N12 39, AQUAE 10A 34
LEX F4 56 mylover81
LAX F4 56 iwhist
QUA 10B 32 remij
AXEL 9A 12 leobill

On 16th draw, SKUG 12L 22 --- SKUG to shelter [v]
Other tops: GAS 3A 22, GIS 3A 22, GUS 3A 22, SAUTE 14J 22, SKAG 12L 22, SKEG 12L 22
Other moves: AGUES N1 21, GEALS 9A 21, AAS 3A 20, AGUISE 13F 20, AIS 3A 20
GAS 3A 22 mylover81
SKAG 12L 22 iwhist
GALS 9B 20 leobill
GUISE 11B 12 adragonfly
HAGS 4L 9 remij

On 17th draw, TAV 3A 32 --- TAV a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: OGIVE O11 27, VAT 3A 26, VET 3A 26, GAVE O12 24, GIVE O12 24
TAV 3A 32 mylover81
GAVE O12 24 adragonfly, remij
GIVE O12 24 iwhist
GATE O12 15 leobill

On 18th draw, JIVE N1 34 --- JIVE to dance to jazz or swing music [v]
Other tops: JUVE N1 34
Other moves: JIVE 11C 28, JIAO 10B 27, OGIVE O11 27, JOE N2 26, GIVE O12 24
JIVE N1 34 mylover81
JIVE 11C 28 adragonfly, leobill
GIVE O12 24 iwhist
HAVE 4L 11 remij

On 19th draw, MACAQUE B2 40 --- MACAQUE a short-tailed monkey [n]
Other moves: AQUAE 10A 34, CAIQUE 11B 34, AQUA 10A 33, QUA 10B 32, JA 1N 27
AQUA 10A 33 leobill
QUA 10B 32 remij, mylover81
JO 1N 27 iwhist

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