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Game of July 31, 2011 at 15:51, 8 players
1. 518 pts PIThompson
2. 429 pts iwhist
3. 256 pts remij

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. hlmoopr   H8    34    34   morpho
 2. ?aaiinu  12E    70   104   bauhinia
 3. ?eiilnt   8H    80   184   melinite
 4. aegoost  10H    63   247   rootages
 5. deilnrt  O10    27   274   sidler
 6. aegnoru   M3    24   298   rogueing
 7. ehinosy   5F    80   378   hoseying
 8. aefnprv   H1    42   420   pervs
 9. abeelox   9G    41   461   box
10. efirtuy   3B    88   549   fruitery
11. aceklrt   O1    92   641   retackle
12. acdensu  14D    84   725   uncased
13. afmnotw  15A    43   768   foam
14. eglnost   2B    24   792   eons
15. abdeilv   N1    31   823   abid
16. aadeqtw  13B    29   852   qat
17. adeijlz   6B    42   894   jailed
18. egtvwwz  F10    32   926   zea

Remaining tiles: gtvww

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7534 FilePIThompson  5 17:04  -408  518     1.7534 PIThompson  5 17:04  -408  518 
  2.5926 Fileiwhist      2 19:34  -497  429            Group: intermediate
  3.4599 Fileremij       0 16:33  -670  256     1.6313 matrix      0  5:16  -818  108 
  4.5574 Filesiuyee      0 11:33  -705  221     2.6110 margalang   0  4:02  -868   58 
  5.6313 Filematrix      0  5:16  -818  108            Group: novice
  6.6110 Filemargalang   0  4:02  -868   58     1.5926 iwhist      2 19:34  -497  429 
  7.5651 Fileadragonfly  0  0:25  -902   24     2.5574 siuyee      0 11:33  -705  221 
  8.3394 FileLosh        0  1:57  -913   13     3.5651 adragonfly  0  0:25  -902   24 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4599 remij       0 16:33  -670  256 
                                             2.3394 Losh        0  1:57  -913   13 

On 1st draw, MORPHO H8 34 --- MORPHO a tropical butterfly [n]
Other moves: MORPH H8 32, MORPHO H4 32, OOMPH H8 32, MORPH H4 30, MORPHO H3 28
PROMO H4 24 adragonfly
HOOP H5 18 PIThompson
HOMO H5 18 siuyee
MOOR H5 12 iwhist, remij

On 2nd draw, (B)AUHINIA 12E 70 --- BAUHINIA a small tropical tree [n]
Other moves: ANAMORPHOU(S) H5 51, AMORPHOU(S) H7 45, NAUP(L)II 11E 32, (L)AUAN G9 20, UNAI(S) 14D 19
(S)AUNA 14H 19 siuyee, PIThompson
AIN(S) I11 16 iwhist
RAIN 10H 6 remij

On 3rd draw, MELINIT(E) 8H 80 --- MELINITE a powerful explosive [n]
Other tops: MENILIT(E) 8H 80, M(E)LINITE 8H 80, M(E)NILITE 8H 80
Other moves: LINTIE(S) 14B 79, LINIE(S)T M7 76, LINIE(S)T 14C 71, LINTIE(S) M6 68, ETI(O)LIN I3 66
LINTIE(S) 14B 29 PIThompson
(S)ILT 14H 18 iwhist
(S)INE M12 16 siuyee
LINT 13L 10 remij

On 4th draw, ROOTAGES 10H 63 --- ROOTAGE a system of roots [n]
Other moves: PSOAE 11H 24, TOGAS 14D 24, TOGES 14D 24, AGES 14E 23, EGOS 14E 23
STOOGE 14H 23 PIThompson
SAGE 14H 23 iwhist
GAST M10 21 siuyee
GATES 11K 20 remij

On 5th draw, SIDLER O10 27 --- SIDLER one that sidles [n]
Other moves: RODENT 13G 24, SILTED O10 24, SLIDER O10 24, SNIDER O10 24, STILED O10 24
SIDLER O10 27 PIThompson
SLIDER O10 24 iwhist
STRIDE O10 24 siuyee
RIDING M5 11 remij

On 6th draw, ROGUEING M3 24 --- ROGUE to cheat or defraud [v]
Other moves: AERUGO G4 23, ORGONE 13E 23, ERUGO G5 22, AGO 11K 21, AGONE 13F 21
ORANGE 14J 18 PIThompson, iwhist
RAGING M5 11 remij
ORANGE I3 10 siuyee

On 7th draw, HOSEYING 5F 80 --- HOSEY to choose sides for a children's game [v]
Other moves: HOSEY 14F 41, HYSON 14F 35, HYEN L1 34, HYES L1 34, HOSEN 14F 32
NOH N4 32 PIThompson
HOY L2 30 iwhist, matrix
SHINY 13A 26 siuyee
NOSY 4L 22 remij

On 8th draw, PERVS H1 42 --- PERV one who has been perverted [n] --- PERV to look at lustfully [v]
Other moves: FRAPS H1 39, FAVES H1 36, FRAPE 4D 34, PAREVE 14J 34, PAVES H1 33
FAVES H1 36 siuyee, PIThompson
PAVES H1 33 matrix
PET N6 23 iwhist
FAVER 15K 12 remij

On 9th draw, BOX 9G 41 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: OXO 9H 39, LOX 9G 37, EXO I8 35, OX 9H 35, LEX N2 31
BOX 9G 41 iwhist
LEX N2 31 PIThompson
EX 6F 27 siuyee
BOXY J2 22 remij
AXE 14M 20 matrix

On 10th draw, FRUITERY 3B 88 --- FRUITERY a place for storing fruit [n]
Other moves: FEUTRE 14J 34, FIERY 2F 27, FIERY 13A 26, REIFY 13A 26, RIFTY 13A 26
FIERY 13A 26 PIThompson
FRY 13K 25 matrix
FURY 13B 24 siuyee
FRY 13C 22 iwhist
FURRY 3K 11 remij

On 11th draw, RETACKL(E) O1 92 --- RETACKLE to tackle again [v] --- TACKLE to seize and throw to the ground [v]
Other moves: TACKLER 6A 76, CAULKER D1 32, CAUKER D1 30, CREAK 11B 30, CALKER 6B 29
CAULK D1 28 PIThompson
TRUCK D1 24 iwhist
TRACK F10 23 remij
RACKET C3 13 Losh

On 12th draw, UNCASED 14D 84 --- UNCASE to remove from a case [v]
Other moves: UNCASED 6A 74, UNCAUSED D3 74, DURANCES C1 62, AMORPHOUS H7 48, CASED 14F 32
UNCASED 14D 34 PIThompson
DANCES 14C 29 iwhist
FADE B3 10 remij

On 13th draw, FOAM 15A 43 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: FAWN 15A 36, WAFT 15A 36, ATOM 15A 34, FOAM 2A 34, MAWN 15A 33
FOAM 15A 43 PIThompson, iwhist
TWIT K10 14 remij

On 14th draw, EONS 2B 24 --- EON an indefinitely long period of time [n]
Other tops: TEFLONS B1 24
Other moves: GENTOO B10 22, SEGNO L2 22, SOFTEN B1 22, TEFLON B1 22, SEGO M12 21
SLOG M12 21 iwhist, PIThompson
STRONG C1 7 remij

On 15th draw, ABID N1 31 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other tops: ABED N1 31
Other moves: BLIVE 13A 30, VAILED 6B 30, VIALED 6B 30, DEV N2 29, DIV N2 29
VAILED 6B 30 PIThompson
VIBE 6C 18 iwhist
DIVE 14L 16 remij

On 16th draw, QAT 13B 29 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 11D 28, AWA N13 26, AWE N13 26, DWAAL 13K 26, DEAW 2G 24
QAT 13B 29 PIThompson
TAWED 6C 21 iwhist
DAW 6E 21 margalang
TWIT K10 14 remij

On 17th draw, JAILED 6B 42 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: ZA A1 38, JA A1 32, ZEA F10 32, LAZIED 6B 30, ZEAL 11C 30
JAILED 6B 42 PIThompson
JADE 14L 24 margalang
ZA 11D 24 iwhist
JIZ K4 19 remij

On 18th draw, ZEA F10 32 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: GAZE C5 24, ZEE 14M 24, ZEL 13M 24, WE N14 22, WE 7F 20
ZEA F10 32 PIThompson
WE N14 22 iwhist
TWIG K10 16 remij
J*W B6 13 margalang

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