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Game of July 31, 2011 at 18:55, 9 players
1. 630 pts jeff
2. 578 pts mylover81
3. 410 pts Thuwal

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehimqy   H8    22    22   qi
 2. lmopsuy  10D    30    52   moyls
 3. amorttu   F3    65   117   mutatory
 4. behinpw  11B    38   155   phew
 5. aaeginr  12C    89   244   anergia
 6. adeostu   5D    86   330   outdates
 7. ?aeillo   3F    72   402   malleoli
 8. ?behors  13I    89   491   hombres
 9. acdegns  13A    46   537   caged
10. adeiruz   O8    54   591   izards
11. efiptuv   6J    33   624   five
12. ajnstuw  N10    52   676   ja
13. iklnorw   4A    42   718   know
14. aelpsuy   A4    48   766   keypals
15. diinorv   7M    34   800   div
16. bcennot   2J    28   828   boet
17. efginnr  14H    35   863   nife
18. einorru   1H    30   893   irone
19. cegintu  15D    36   929   centu
20. ginrtux   6A    29   958   yunx

Remaining tiles: girt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6956 Filejeff        7 17:39  -328  630     1.7087 mylover81   3 19:56  -380  578 
  2.7087 Filemylover81   3 19:56  -380  578            Group: intermediate
  3.5802 FileThuwal      2 21:09  -548  410     1.6956 jeff        7 17:39  -328  630 
  4.4563 Fileremij       0 17:50  -612  346     2.6816 Davina      0  3:53  -777  181 
  5.5222 Filejimbo       0 13:15  -737  221     3.6487 nderera     0  1:08  -912   46 
  6.6816 FileDavina      0  3:53  -777  181            Group: novice
  7.3534 Filekp10        0  5:18  -875   83     1.5802 Thuwal      2 21:09  -548  410 
  8.  -  Filemggab       0  4:20  -886   72     2.5222 jimbo       0 13:15  -737  221 
  9.6487 Filenderera     0  1:08  -912   46            Group: not rated
                                             1.4563 remij       0 17:50  -612  346 
                                             2.3534 kp10        0  5:18  -875   83 
                                             3.  -  mggab       0  4:20  -886   72 

On 1st draw, QI H8 22 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI H7 22
Other moves: HIYA H5 20, HIYA H6 20, HIYA H7 20, HIYA H8 20, YEAH H5 20
QI H7 22 jeff
HAY H6 18 Thuwal
HEM H6 16 remij

On 2nd draw, MOYLS 10D 30 --- MOYL a mule [n]
Other tops: YOMPS 10D 30, YUMPS 10D 30
Other moves: LYMS 10E 29, SPY 10H 28, LUMPS 10D 27, MOPUS 10D 27, POSY 10F 27
SPY 10H 28 jeff
PLUMS 10D 23 Thuwal
QUOPS 8H 17 remij

On 3rd draw, MUTATORY F3 65 --- MUTATORY changing [adj]
Other moves: OUMA 11C 29, ROMA 11C 29, AMU 11D 27, MOA 11D 25, MOA 11E 25
MORA 11C 25 mylover81
TRAM 11B 24 jeff
QUOTA 8H 15 Thuwal, remij

On 4th draw, PHEW 11B 38 --- PHEW used to express relief, fatigue, or disgust [interj]
Other moves: WHIP 11B 36, HEW 11C 32, PEH 11C 30, PEW 11C 30, WHIN I6 29
PHEW 11B 38 mylover81, jeff
WIN I7 25 Thuwal
WIMP 3D 14 remij

On 5th draw, ANERGIA 12C 89 --- ANERGIA lack of energy [n]
Other moves: AERATING 5B 68, GAINER 12A 43, REIGN 12A 41, RAINE 12A 37, AGEN 12C 33
REIGN 12A 41 jeff
AGER 12C 33 mylover81
QI 8H 11 remij
MEE D10 10 Thuwal

On 6th draw, OUTDATES 5D 86 --- OUTDATE to make out-of-date [v]
Other moves: OUTDATES 5A 68, DOSE 13C 39, DOUSE 13B 39, OUTED 13A 38, SATED 13A 38
TEDS 13B 36 mylover81, jeff
USE 13D 18 Thuwal
QUOTA 8H 15 remij

On 7th draw, MA(L)LEOLI 3F 72 --- MALLEOLI bony protuberances of the ankle [n] --- MALLEOLUS a rounded bony projection on either side of the ankle [n]
Other tops: MALLEO(L)I 3F 72
Other moves: MAL(L)EOLI 3F 70, AL(V)EOLI 13I 67, LO(B)ELIA 13I 67, AL(V)EOLI 11I 64, ISOLA(B)LE K4 64
LO(D)E 13A 22 jeff
AL(E)E 13A 22 mylover81
QA(T) 8H 11 remij
I(D)OL H12 9 Thuwal

On 8th draw, HO(M)BRES 13I 89 --- HOMBRE a fellow [n]
Other tops: HERBOS(E) 13I 89, HERBO(U)S 13I 89, HOB(B)ERS 13I 89, HO(B)BERS 13I 89, H(E)RBOSE 13I 89
Other moves: BOSH(T)ER 13I 85, BO(T)HERS 13I 85, BREHO(N)S 13I 85, BRO(C)HES 13I 85, BOSH(T)ER 6H 80
HORSE 6J 33 mylover81
HOSER J10 27 mggab
HAH C11 18 jeff
Q(I)S 8H 11 remij

On 9th draw, CAGED 13A 46 --- CAGE to confine [v]
Other moves: CADES 13A 43, CAGES 13A 43, ACNED 13A 42, CANED 13A 42, CANGS 13A 42
CAGED 13A 46 jeff
CADGES O8 33 mylover81
DANCES O8 30 mggab
SAC O13 15 remij
SCANS O9 8 Thuwal

On 10th draw, IZARDS O8 54 --- IZARD a type of ibex [n]
Other moves: AZIDES O8 51, DARZIS O8 51, DAZERS O8 51, DURZIS O8 51, ZERDAS O8 51
DAZERS O8 51 jeff
REZ 4B 46 mylover81
SEZ O13 36 remij
ZO D4 22 Thuwal
SIZED K5 15 mggab

On 11th draw, FIVE 6J 33 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: FIE 14J 32, IF 14I 32, EFT 2I 31, EFT 6I 31, FIE 2J 31
FIVE 6J 33 jeff
IF I8 29 Thuwal
FIVE 11I 29 mylover81
FE N10 28 nderera
CUP A13 21 jimbo, remij

On 12th draw, JA N10 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JAWS 4A 48, JUNTOS D1 42, JUST 4A 42, JUTS 4A 42, JAW 14H 40
JA N10 52 Thuwal, mylover81, jeff
JABS L11 26 jimbo
J*W M5 17 remij

On 13th draw, KNOW 4A 42 --- KNOW to have a true understanding of [v]
Other tops: WINK 4A 42, WONK 4A 42, WORK 4A 42
Other moves: KNUR 4D 34, WOK 4B 32, KILN 4A 30, KILO 4A 30, KINO 4A 30
KNOW 4A 42 mylover81
WORK 4A 42 jeff, Thuwal
COW A13 24 remij, jimbo

On 14th draw, KEYPALS A4 48 --- KEYPAL a person with whom one corresponds by e-mail [n]
Other moves: KEYPAL A4 45, PALSY 14F 43, KELPY A4 42, KYPES A4 42, PEAKY A1 42
PEAKY A1 42 jeff, Davina, mylover81, Thuwal
YESK A1 33 remij
PEAKS A1 33 jimbo

On 15th draw, DIV 7M 34 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other tops: VIRID 14F 34
Other moves: VIRINO 14F 30, VID I7 29, DOR 7M 28, VIRID N4 27, VIN I7 25
ROD N6 22 jeff
COD A13 18 Thuwal, remij, jimbo, Davina
DIV 2M 17 mylover81
CON A13 15 kp10

On 16th draw, BOET 2J 28 --- BOET a brother, or a buddy (South African) [n]
Other moves: BENTO B2 27, BONNE B2 27, CENTO B2 27, CONNE B2 27, CONTE B2 27
BO 2J 22 mylover81
COB A13 21 Davina, remij, Thuwal, jimbo, jeff
CON A13 15 kp10

On 17th draw, NIFE 14H 35 --- NIFE the earth's hypothetical core of nickel and iron [n]
Other tops: RIFE 14H 35
Other moves: GIF 14H 34, NEIF 14G 34, REIF 14G 34, GIF I7 33, RIF 14H 33
RIFE 14H 35 jeff
FIE 14J 32 mylover81
FERN 4L 31 Davina
CIG A13 18 remij, jimbo
FIN B2 12 kp10

On 18th draw, IRONE 1H 30 --- IRONE an aromatic oil [n]
Other moves: INURE 15D 24, IRONE 15D 24, OURIE 15D 24, RORIE 15D 24, URINE 15D 24
ICON A12 21 Davina, Thuwal
RONE 15E 18 mylover81
RUNE 15E 18 jimbo
COR A13 15 remij
CON A13 15 jeff
QI 8H 11 kp10

On 19th draw, CENTU 15D 36 --- CENTAS a monetary unit of Lithuania [n] --- CENTU a Lithuanian monetary unit [n]
Other tops: CUTIE 15D 36
Other moves: GENIC 15K 30, GUNITE 15C 30, CENTU B2 27, TINGE 15D 27, TUNIC 15K 26
GENIC 15K 30 mylover81
CITE 15E 24 Davina
CUTE 15E 24 Thuwal, jeff, jimbo
CIG A13 18 remij
CUT A13 15 kp10

On 20th draw, YUNX 6A 29 --- YUNX a genus of small birds [n]
Other moves: XI I7 28, TUX 15J 26, GRUNT 15K 24, UNRIG N4 24, TRIG N5 23
XI I7 28 mylover81
GRUNT 15K 24 Davina
EX N13 18 nderera, jeff, jimbo
CUT A13 15 kp10
WOX D4 13 Thuwal

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