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Game of August 1, 2011 at 04:02, 5 players
1. 518 pts nderera
2. 281 pts reyna
3. 254 pts johnny55

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ahimnoy   H7    36    36   hominy
 2. ?ehilnw  12A    84   120   newishly
 3. ?beennq  B10    66   186   queen
 4. eirsttv   G1    68   254   trivets
 5. aciostt   2A    74   328   citators
 6. addkoor   1G    33   361   tarok
 7. acdoptv   2J    30   391   pav
 8. aegiios   A1    27   418   scag
 9. adenruz   D1    52   470   zander
10. afilrtw   F5    28   498   waift
11. degjort   3I    30   528   jet
12. bdelmou   L2    31   559   velum
13. aeiorux   K5    40   599   xu
14. ailopru  14A    62   661   unipolar
15. adeenou  15C    44   705   douane
16. abeorsy   J6    77   782   rosebay
17. abceglo   8J    36   818   socage
18. defgilo   8A    42   860   dieoff
19. bdeeiln   N1    78   938   bleeding

Remaining tiles: gir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6467 Filenderera     2 21:50  -420  518     1.6467 nderera     2 21:50  -420  518 
  2.6710 Filereyna       1 12:07  -657  281     2.6710 reyna       1 12:07  -657  281 
  3.4957 Filejohnny55    0 12:15  -684  254            Group: novice
  4.4623 Filenaneru      1 11:38  -812  126     1.5492 Lucylulu    0  2:06  -889   49 
  5.5492 FileLucylulu    0  2:06  -889   49            Group: not rated
                                             1.4957 johnny55    0 12:15  -684  254 
                                             2.4623 naneru      1 11:38  -812  126 

On 1st draw, HOMINY H7 36 --- HOMINY hulled, dried corn [n]
Other tops: HOMINY H4 36
Other moves: MYNAH H8 34, MYNAH H4 32, HOMINY H3 30, HOMINY H8 30, ANOMY H8 28
MANY H5 18 johnny55
MAY H6 16 nderera

On 2nd draw, NEWI(S)HLY 12A 84 --- NEWISHLY in a new manner [adv]
Other moves: WHELMIN(G) 9D 67, WENNI(S)H 11E 48, WINNLE(S) 11E 36, WH(A)E G8 32, W(A)HINE G8 32
WHINE(S) I5 27 nderera
WHEN 11E 20 johnny55

On 3rd draw, Q(U)EEN B10 66 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: Q(U)EEN 11D 44, Q(U)EEN A8 39, EQ(U)INE 10E 36, Q(U)INE 10F 35, Q(U)IN 10F 32
Q(U)EEN B10 66 nderera
Q(U)EEN A8 39 johnny55

On 4th draw, TRIVETS G1 68 --- TRIVET a small stand having three legs [n]
Other moves: VIRETOTS 8C 62, SIVER 15B 26, VIRES I6 25, STIVER 15B 24, STRIVE 15B 24
EST 15A 23 nderera
SHIVE F11 19 Lucylulu
STRIVE(S) E6 18 johnny55

On 5th draw, CITATORS 2A 74 --- CITATOR one that cites [n]
Other tops: RICOTTAS 2G 74
Other moves: MASTICOT 9H 66, STOMATIC 9E 64, ASCOT 15A 38, TIETACS 5E 36, ASCI 15A 35
COITS 1D 30 johnny55
COATS 1D 30 Lucylulu
STATIC 1D 27 nderera

On 6th draw, TAROK 1G 33 --- TAROK a card game [n]
Other moves: TOKO 1G 30, TOOK 1G 30, DAK 1B 29, KAROO D1 28, NOOK A12 28
TOOK 1G 30 nderera
TOOK C2 16 johnny55

On 7th draw, PAV 2J 30 --- PAV short form of pavlova, a sweet meringue [n]
Other tops: PACO 2J 30, PACT 2J 30
Other moves: CAPOT I6 29, PAC 2J 29, APOD I7 28, PAD 2J 28, POD 2J 28
PACT 2J 30 nderera
PAVED 5D 22 johnny55

On 8th draw, SCAG A1 27 --- SCAG heroin [n] --- SCAG to make a tear in cloth [v]
Other tops: SCOG A1 27
Other moves: PAVAGE 2J 24, ISO 15A 23, OSE 15A 23, OGIVES 4D 22, PAVISE 2J 22
OSE 15A 23 nderera
SAGE 15B 21 johnny55

On 9th draw, ZANDER D1 52 --- ZANDER a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: ZA 1D 44, ZERDA M1 39, HAZE F12 36, KANZU K1 36, ZAIRE 10F 36
ZA 1D 44 nderera
HAZE F12 36 johnny55

On 10th draw, WAIFT F5 28 --- WAIFT cast up goods [n]
Other moves: WAIF F5 27, KAFILA K1 26, NAIF A12 25, FAIL F5 24, FAIR F5 24
HAW F12 17 nderera
AW A14 17 reyna
WAIL 10F 15 johnny55

On 11th draw, JET 3I 30 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JET M1 29, JOR 6B 26, PAVED 2J 22, ERGOT M2 21, DOER E7 20
JOR 6B 26 reyna
WE C12 14 nderera
JIG 10G 11 johnny55

On 12th draw, VELUM L2 31 --- VELUM a thin membranous covering or partition [n]
Other moves: BOULE(S) E7 30, BEMUD M1 29, DEMOB M1 29, VELD L2 27, LEDUM M1 25
TOED C2 20 nderera
DOE E7 19 reyna
BUILD D10 8 johnny55

On 13th draw, XU K5 40 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: REMIX 6J 32, AXILE G9 31, OXIME 6I 30, AX A14 29, AXEL G9 29
XU K5 40 reyna, naneru
HEX F12 29 nderera

On 14th draw, UNIPOLAR 14A 62 --- UNIPOLAR showing only one kind of polarity [adj]
Other moves: POILU(S) E7 30, WRAP C12 24, OURALI C5 23, NOUP A12 22, PAVIOR 2J 22
PI C9 18 nderera
QUOP 10B 15 naneru
RAP J6 14 reyna

On 15th draw, DOUANE 15C 44 --- DOUANE a custom-house [n]
Other moves: ANODE 15D 39, UNDEAF 8A 33, DONEE 15E 31, EANED 15E 30, EANED 15H 30
ANODE 15D 39 reyna
DEAN 15G 24 nderera
DE E7 16 naneru

On 16th draw, ROSEBAY J6 77 --- ROSEBAY an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: YES M1 45, BES M1 43, OES M1 39, RES M1 39, BERAYS J6 38
YES M1 45 reyna
YEARS J6 34 nderera
SOYA J6 16 naneru

On 17th draw, SOCAGE 8J 36 --- SOCAGE a form of feudal land tenure [n]
Other moves: LOBE K9 31, BAGEL K11 29, BELGA K11 29, BOGLE K11 29, *B* K10 27
BOG K11 25 reyna
LAB K9 24 nderera
BOLE C5 13 naneru

On 18th draw, DIEOFF 8A 42 --- DIEOFF a sudden decline in a population [n]
Other moves: FIELD(S) E7 35, DEFOG K11 31, AFIELD M8 28, DEFI K11 27, DEIF K11 27
GOLF K11 27 reyna
DOF K11 25 nderera
YODEL 12J 18 naneru

On 19th draw, BLEEDING N1 78 --- BLEEDING the act of losing blood [n]
Other moves: BEELINED O2 62, BEELINED O6 62, BEELINED O7 62, BEDEL K11 29, BEEDI K11 29
BEDEL K11 29 reyna
BEND K11 27 nderera
BLEED O5 8 naneru

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