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Game of August 1, 2011 at 07:50, 5 players
1. 446 pts charmz
2. 411 pts fatcat
3. 346 pts lulu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??birsv   H4    78    78   vibrios
 2. dhiiors  10A    66   144   hidrosis
 3. aaelnor   A8    30   174   enhalo
 4. eeflntw  D10    32   206   reflew
 5. agilmpu   B2    82   288   plagium
 6. acnorst   E4    94   382   ostracon
 7. aeijltt  15D    48   430   wiltja
 8. afkmnno   A1    49   479   foam
 9. deginow   A8    36   515   enhaloed
10. aceipty   D1    38   553   pacy
11. adeegii   1D    27   580   paged
12. einnoqs  J13    31   611   qis
13. abkrttu  13J    36   647   quark
14. aenorru   L7    68   715   aurorean
15. beeintv   M2    23   738   venite
16. bdeginw  N10    44   782   winked
17. begnouz   O6    53   835   bonze
18. eeghott   G5    86   921   goethite

Remaining tiles: iotuxy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5238 Filecharmz      4 20:35  -475  446     1.6946 jeff        0  4:11  -857   64 
  2.4375 Filefatcat      2 19:22  -510  411            Group: novice
  3.5617 Filelulu        3 14:45  -575  346     1.5238 charmz      4 20:35  -475  446 
  4.5835 Filepiyaya      4 11:52  -622  299     2.5617 lulu        3 14:45  -575  346 
  5.6946 Filejeff        0  4:11  -857   64     3.5835 piyaya      4 11:52  -622  299 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4375 fatcat      2 19:22  -510  411 

On 1st draw, VIBR(I)(O)S H4 78 --- VIBRIO any of a genus of bacteria shaped like a comma [n]
Other tops: V(E)RBI(D)S H4 78, V(I)BRI(O)S H4 78
Other moves: VIBR(I)(O)S H2 76, V(I)BRI(O)S H2 76, VIBR(I)(O)S H3 72, VIBR(I)(O)S H6 72, V(E)RBI(D)S H2 72
V(E)RBS H4 26 charmz
BR(A)V(E)S H4 24 jeff
BRI(D)(E)S H4 18 fatcat

On 2nd draw, HIDROSIS 10A 66 --- HIDROSIS abnormal perspiration [n]
Other tops: HIDROSIS 10C 66
Other moves: HIOIS G9 23, HIOIS I9 23, HORIS G9 23, HORIS I9 23, SHOD G8 23
SHIR I8 22 jeff
VOIDS 4H 18 charmz
DISH 10F 12 fatcat

On 3rd draw, ENHALO A8 30 --- ENHALO to surround with a halo [v]
Other moves: LAHAR A8 27, LOHAN A8 27, NAHAL A8 27, ALOHA A7 24, AROHA A7 24
RAH A8 18 jeff
NAH A8 18 charmz
ALONE E8 10 fatcat

On 4th draw, REFLEW D10 32 --- REFLY to fly again [v]
Other moves: EFT 11D 26, EWT 11D 26, TWELVE 4D 24, FEW B13 23, EF 11D 22
FOWL E9 20 charmz
WEB 6F 16 fatcat

On 5th draw, PLAGIUM B2 82 --- PLAGIUM the crime of kidnapping [n]
Other moves: PLAGIUMS F3 67, LIPOMA E7 33, PLAGIUM 13C 32, GLIOMA E7 31, GLEAM 14B 28
P*M E9 22 charmz
LAMB 6E 10 fatcat

On 6th draw, OSTRACON E4 94 --- OSTRACON a piece of tile for writing a message upon [n]
Other tops: CORANTOS E4 94
Other moves: CORTINAS 5D 90, ENACTORS 14D 64, (O)STRACON 9H 63, CORT(I)NAS 8D 62, CARTOON E5 40
CROWNS 15A 33 fatcat
WORST 15D 24 charmz, lulu

On 7th draw, WILTJA 15D 48 --- WILTJA an Aboriginal shelter [n]
Other moves: WILJA 15D 45, JAI D4 42, JAIL D1 42, JEAT D1 42, JILT D1 42
JILT D1 42 fatcat
JILT G9 35 lulu
JOT 4D 20 charmz

On 8th draw, FOAM A1 49 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: FANK D1 42, MONK D1 38, KOAN A1 36, AMOK D1 34, FLANK 13C 34
FOAM A1 49 piyaya
KI G9 21 lulu
BANK 6H 12 charmz
M(I)NK 8G 9 fatcat

On 9th draw, ENHALOED A8 36 --- ENHALO to surround with a halo [v]
Other tops: WODGE C4 36, WODGE D1 36
Other moves: DINGOED C4 34, WINGE C4 34, WINGE D1 34, WONGI D1 34, DOWIE D2 32
ENHALOED A8 36 charmz
WIND D1 30 fatcat
VOWING 4H 26 lulu
GLOW 13C 16 piyaya

On 10th draw, PACY D1 38 --- PACY pacey [adj]
Other moves: CITY D1 34, PATY D1 34, PITY D1 34, ATYPIC 14I 32, ETYPIC 14I 32
PLATY 13C 28 piyaya
PLACE 13C 20 fatcat, charmz
PYE 14I 20 lulu

On 11th draw, PAGED 1D 27 --- PAGE to summon by calling out the name of [v]
Other moves: PEAGE 1D 24, AIDE B12 23, IDEA B12 22, IDEE B12 22, DIE F4 19
PAGED 1D 27 fatcat, lulu, charmz, piyaya

On 12th draw, QIS J13 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NEONS J11 24, NINES J11 24, NONES J11 24, NONIS J11 24, EONS J12 23
QIS J13 31 lulu
NINES J11 24 fatcat, piyaya
VINES 4H 16 charmz

On 13th draw, QUARK 13J 36 --- QUARK a hypothetical atomic particle [n]
Other moves: EUREKA 14A 34, QUART 13J 28, AUK D6 27, BAUK G5 27, K(O)B 9G 27
QUARK 13J 36 lulu, charmz, piyaya
LARK 13D 13 fatcat

On 14th draw, AUROREAN L7 68 --- AURORA the rising light of the morning [adj] --- AUROREAN relating to the dawn [adj]
Other moves: DREAR C10 26, AEON 14L 24, NEAR 14L 24, RANKER N10 24, REAN 14L 24
RANKER N10 24 lulu
NEAR 14L 24 charmz
UNRAKE N9 24 piyaya
RANK N10 10 fatcat

On 15th draw, VENITE M2 23 --- VENITE the ninety fifth Psalm [n]
Other moves: BLIVE 13C 22, BEE B13 21, EVENT M3 21, EVITE M3 21, NEIVE 2G 21
BIKE N11 20 piyaya, fatcat
BREVE 11K 20 charmz
BRINE 11K 14 lulu

On 16th draw, WINKED N10 44 --- WINK to close and open one eye quickly [v]
Other moves: WINGED K5 33, BINGED K5 31, WEB L3 29, DEWING K3 28, BEWIG K3 26
WINKED N10 44 piyaya, fatcat, charmz
WINGED 3I 15 lulu

On 17th draw, BONZE O6 53 --- BONZE a Buddhist priest [n]
Other moves: ZEBU K10 49, ZINEB G9 49, ZOBU K10 49, ZING G9 44, ZONE O7 44
ZONE O7 44 lulu, fatcat
BEZ 6H 34 charmz
EE 14N 2 piyaya

On 18th draw, GOETHITE G5 86 --- GOETHITE an ore of iron [n]
Other moves: TEETH I5 31, THEED C6 30, HE O14 29, HO O14 29, COH(O)G 9E 27
HO O14 29 lulu, fatcat, piyaya, charmz

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