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Game of August 1, 2011 at 09:18, 11 players
1. 440 pts jonb5
2. 427 pts piyaya
3. 422 pts Faeythe

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abiooss   H4    20    20   basso
 2. aglmoqr   5D    32    52   qorma
 3. deiirty   E4    74   126   iodyrite
 4. ?aeginr   8H    80   206   orangier
 5. abenoru   8A    27   233   reborn
 6. adelouw  10C    68   301   outlawed
 7. ?aceens   A8    86   387   reascent
 8. acdenot   M2    78   465   catenoid
 9. eillnou   2I    22   487   lioncel
10. ahjotvz   7B    41   528   hazy
11. aderttw   B2    37   565   wreathed
12. aeiprtx  H10    72   637   waxier
13. agiopsu   A1    44   681   gaup
14. eilptvv   C1    33   714   lept
15. efiiotv   O1    39   753   olivet
16. fginsuy   1C    42   795   lysing
17. hijmotu  11G    34   829   mahout
18. fiijkuv   5J    30   859   juke

Remaining tiles: ffiiv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5921 Filejonb5       1 18:30  -419  440     1.6953 jeff        0  0:43  -843   16 
  2.5857 Filepiyaya      3 19:38  -432  427            Group: novice
  3.5773 FileFaeythe     1 16:51  -437  422     1.5921 jonb5       1 18:30  -419  440 
  4.5696 Filebabsbedi    1 22:06  -449  410     2.5857 piyaya      3 19:38  -432  427 
  5.4901 Filemarigold    0 18:59  -521  338     3.5773 Faeythe     1 16:51  -437  422 
  6.4967 Filejohnny55    0 16:53  -606  253     4.5696 babsbedi    1 22:06  -449  410 
  7.3606 Filestrykyster  0 14:00  -694  165     5.5251 charmz      0  9:48  -709  150 
  8.5251 Filecharmz      0  9:48  -709  150     6.5089 mj880       0  0:42  -848   11 
  9.  -  FileWStephen61  0  1:14  -831   28            Group: not rated
 10.6953 Filejeff        0  0:43  -843   16     1.4901 marigold    0 18:59  -521  338 
 11.5089 Filemj880       0  0:42  -848   11     2.4967 johnny55    0 16:53  -606  253 
                                             3.3606 strykyster  0 14:00  -694  165 
                                             4.  -  WStephen61  0  1:14  -831   28 

On 1st draw, BASSO H4 20 --- BASSO a low-pitched singer [n]
Other tops: BASIS H4 20, BASSI H4 20
Other moves: BASIS H8 16, BASSI H8 16, BASSO H8 16, ISBAS H4 16, ISBAS H8 16
BASIS H4 20 jonb5, piyaya, babsbedi
BOSS H5 12 johnny55, charmz
BIOS H8 12 marigold

On 2nd draw, QORMA 5D 32 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QORMAS 7C 28, QORMAS 6C 23, BROMAL 4H 20, GROMA G2 19, BROLGA 4H 18
GLAMOR 5F 18 piyaya
MAG I3 16 babsbedi, jonb5
GAM I3 16 jeff
GLOAM G8 12 marigold
SLAM 7H 7 johnny55
BRAG 4H 7 charmz

On 3rd draw, IODYRITE E4 74 --- IODYRITE a silver mineral [n]
Other moves: IODYRITE 8G 63, TRIDE 6B 28, BEDIRTY 4H 26, RIDE 6C 25, TIDE 6C 25
RETRY F2 18 piyaya
TIDY I1 17 jonb5
BRIDE 4H 16 johnny55, babsbedi
STY 6H 14 charmz
DEITY G8 13 marigold

On 4th draw, O(R)ANGIER 8H 80 --- ORANGEY resembling the colour of an orange [adj] --- ORANGY resembling or suggestive of an orange [adj]
Other tops: ERA(S)ING 12B 80, ORANGIE(R) 8H 80
Other moves: ORGANI(S)E 8H 77, ORGANI(Z)E 8H 77, ORGAN(D)IE 8H 77, ORIGANE(S) 8H 77, AGIN(N)ER D8 76
AR(S)ING 12C 28 jonb5
GRIDE 6B 28 piyaya
GRAN(S) 12A 26 charmz, Faeythe
GA(S) I3 25 babsbedi
RAGER 8A 21 johnny55
BEARING 4H 20 marigold

On 5th draw, REBORN 8A 27 --- REBORN born again [adj]
Other tops: ABUNE D8 27, UNBARE 8A 27, UNBORE 8A 27
Other moves: ABORNE D10 24, ARBOR 8A 24, BARER 8A 24, BONER 8A 24, BORER 8A 24
BONER 8A 24 jonb5
BORER 8A 24 Faeythe
BARER 8A 24 piyaya
BORNE D11 20 babsbedi
BRUNG L4 16 charmz
BEAN K5 12 johnny55
BIN M7 9 marigold

On 6th draw, OUTLAWED 10C 68 --- OUTLAW to prohibit [v]
Other moves: ROUNDEL F5 31, WALED D11 27, WEALD D11 27, WOALD D11 27, WOULD D11 27
WOULD D11 27 marigold
BOWLED 4H 24 charmz
AWED D10 23 piyaya
GLOWED L8 22 johnny55
WELD D11 21 Faeythe
WORE F3 16 jonb5
WILD M7 13 babsbedi

On 7th draw, REASCEN(T) A8 86 --- REASCENT a new or second ascent [n]
Other tops: REASCEN(D) A8 86, REASCEN(D) O8 86, REASCEN(T) O8 86
Other moves: A(B)SENCE 12C 85, CASE(M)EN 12C 81, CASE(R)NE 12C 81, CAS(S)ENE 12C 81, CA(S)SENE 12B 81
WAC(K)ES H10 39 Faeythe
CANES 12A 33 charmz, jonb5
CANE(S) 12A 30 babsbedi
WEANE(R) H10 27 johnny55
ACE 11J 13 piyaya
RACE(M)ES O8 8 marigold

On 8th draw, CATENOID M2 78 --- CATENOID a geometric surface [n]
Other moves: ANECDOTE B1 76, ANECDOTE N1 76, TACNODE 11I 75, ANECDOTE N6 67, ANECDOTA J1 65
WANTED H10 33 Faeythe
ANECDOTE N1 26 jonb5
DOC 11I 18 charmz
OCEAN 11J 17 strykyster
NOTICED M5 14 johnny55
CARTONED O6 12 babsbedi
CID M7 11 mj880

On 9th draw, LIONCEL 2I 22 --- LIONCEL a small lion used as a bearing (heraldry) [n]
Other tops: BULLETIN 4H 22, NIDE 6C 22
Other moves: IDE 6D 21, ELOIN 11H 20, LEUCIN 2J 20, OLEIN 11H 20, ULICON 2J 20
NIDE 6C 22 piyaya
UNLID 6A 19 babsbedi
LICE 2K 12 johnny55, marigold
CELL 12A 12 strykyster
NO B13 10 jonb5
NIL N3 9 Faeythe

On 10th draw, HAZY 7B 41 --- HAZY unclear [adj]
Other moves: JATO 1H 39, ZOA 1G 38, AZOTH 11J 37, ALTHO O1 36, JOTA 1F 35
ZOA 1G 38 piyaya
ZA 1H 35 babsbedi, Faeythe
ZOA J6 32 marigold
JAVA G9 22 strykyster
VAT 1H 22 jonb5
JAR O6 10 johnny55

On 11th draw, WREATHED B2 37 --- WREATHE to shape into a wreath [v]
Other moves: TAWTED 1E 35, WARTED 1E 35, ALEW O1 33, DEAW 1H 33, WARTED H10 33
WARTED H10 33 Faeythe, jonb5
WATT 1H 27 piyaya
ALDER O1 21 babsbedi
ALERT O1 18 johnny55
EWER 13A 14 marigold
RAT 1H 13 strykyster

On 12th draw, WAXIER H10 72 --- WAXY resembling wax [adj]
Other moves: PLEX O1 63, ILEX O1 57, PRETAX 1E 56, APEX 1G 50, PREX 1G 50
WAXIER H10 72 Faeythe
PLEX O1 63 marigold, babsbedi
AXE 1G 32 piyaya
EX C3 31 jonb5
PRETAX O7 23 johnny55
OXER K2 22 strykyster

On 13th draw, GAUP A1 44 --- GAUP to stare stupidly [v]
Other moves: SOAP A1 41, SOUP A1 41, GLOPS O1 33, PLIOSAUR O1 33, IGAPO 1G 32
GLOP O1 30 marigold
GAPS 1H 29 jonb5, Faeythe, piyaya
OP G12 23 babsbedi
PLUS O1 21 johnny55
CAPS 12A 16 strykyster

On 14th draw, LEPT C1 33 --- LEAP to spring off the ground [v]
Other moves: VIVE 1F 32, LEP C2 29, VALET G9 27, LEP C1 26, LEPT 1H 26
PELT 1H 24 Faeythe
LIVE 1F 23 jonb5
EVIL 11J 17 babsbedi
VIPER 15D 14 marigold
LIVE O2 11 johnny55
GIVE L8 11 strykyster
EL I1 2 piyaya

On 15th draw, OLIVET O1 39 --- OLIVET a button shaped like an olive [n]
Other moves: OLIVE O1 36, FIVE 1F 32, FLITE O1 27, FLOTE O1 27, IF I12 27
OLIVE O1 36 piyaya
FIVE 1F 32 marigold, jonb5, babsbedi
FLITE O1 27 johnny55
FET 1H 22 Faeythe
FIVE 13G 18 strykyster

On 16th draw, LYSING 1C 42 --- LYSE to cause to undergo lysis [v]
Other tops: LYINGS 1C 42
Other moves: GASIFY 11G 34, SIGNIFY 13G 34, CUIFS 12A 33, LUNGYI 1C 33, ENUF I10 31
LYINGS 1C 42 piyaya
SYN 10M 26 jonb5
FIGS 13G 14 babsbedi
FIG 13G 13 strykyster
YIN 13G 11 Faeythe

On 17th draw, MAHOUT 11G 34 --- MAHOUT the keeper and driver of an elephant [n]
Other tops: OHM G12 34
Other moves: JATO G9 30, JOHN 6J 30, JOHN K5 28, ATOM G10 27, JOIN 6J 27
OH G12 27 piyaya
JOE 14F 26 jonb5
JAM G9 24 Faeythe
JOT 4K 20 marigold
HAM 11G 17 babsbedi
HIM 13G 15 strykyster

On 18th draw, JUKE 5J 30 --- JUKE to fake out of position [v]
Other moves: IF 2E 28, JIVE 5J 28, JUVE 5J 28, KIEVE 5K 24, FIKE 5J 22
JIVE 5J 28 WStephen61, jonb5, piyaya
JAM G9 20 Faeythe
JUT 4K 20 marigold
JUKE 14E 17 babsbedi
RIF O8 6 strykyster

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