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Game of August 1, 2011 at 10:02, 7 players
1. 524 pts piyaya
2. 478 pts michele
3. 401 pts WStephen61

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aablotu   H3    22    22   ablaut
 2. ?bfinrt   3G    32    54   fatbird
 3. aeilstx   6E    69   123   saxatile
 4. degopst   K5    44   167   plodges
 5. eginrsw   N3    75   242   swinger
 6. deiimot   O8    41   283   medii
 7. adgnotw  J10    34   317   wagon
 8. aehinoy  L11    36   353   honey
 9. imnotvy  15K    33   386   tyiyn
10. aeoortu  I10    27   413   orate
11. iilmops  15E    33   446   limps
12. afiorvv  14N    28   474   fa
13. ?djnoqu  14B    44   518   quoad
14. cehnorr   F5    65   583   ranchero
15. aadelno   E9    24   607   odal
16. aeeeinr   N1    26   633   inswinger
17. aeotuvz   2B    57   690   zouave
18. aeeijku   L1    46   736   jerk
19. acertuv   3A    35   771   vaute

Remaining tiles: ceeir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5878 Filepiyaya      3 20:21  -247  524     1.6658 shanice     1 11:48  -516  255 
  2.5796 Filemichele     1 22:35  -293  478            Group: novice
  3.  -  FileWStephen61  2 15:35  -370  401     1.5878 piyaya      3 20:21  -247  524 
  4.4904 Filemarigold    0 23:27  -390  381     2.5796 michele     1 22:35  -293  478 
  5.5935 Filejonb5       2 16:20  -408  363     3.5935 jonb5       2 16:20  -408  363 
  6.6658 Fileshanice     1 11:48  -516  255     4.5396 Velly       0  2:46  -707   64 
  7.5396 FileVelly       0  2:46  -707   64            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  WStephen61  2 15:35  -370  401 
                                             2.4904 marigold    0 23:27  -390  381 

On 1st draw, ABLAUT H3 22 --- ABLAUT a patterned change in root vowels of verb forms [n]
Other moves: BLOAT H4 20, BOULT H4 20, ABLAUT H4 18, ABLAUT H7 18, ABLAUT H8 18
BLOAT H4 20 piyaya, jonb5, WStephen61, marigold
BOULT H4 20 shanice
TABULA H8 18 michele

On 2nd draw, FATBIR(D) 3G 32 --- FATBIRD a wading bird [n]
Other moves: BARFIN(G) 3G 30, BAR(E)FIT 3G 30, FAINT(E)R 3G 28, F*RT*Ng 3G 28, RAFTIN(G) 3G 28
FIB(S) 9E 19 jonb5
BRI(E)F I6 19 shanice
IF G2 18 piyaya
FAB 3G 15 marigold
RIB I7 14 michele

On 3rd draw, SAXATILE 6E 69 --- SAXATILE living or growing among rocks [adj]
Other tops: SAXATILE 6G 69
Other moves: AXITES G6 43, EXALTS G6 43, AXELS G6 42, AXILE G6 42, AXILS G6 42
EXIT G6 41 michele
AXIL G6 41 shanice
EXALTS 5E 26 WStephen61, marigold
AXELS 5E 24 piyaya
EXIST K1 24 jonb5

On 4th draw, PLODGES K5 44 --- PLODGE (English dialect) to wade in water [v]
Other moves: ESTOP N2 38, POSTED N1 38, DESPOT N1 34, DEPOTS 5J 29, STODGE 2B 29
DESPOT N1 34 jonb5
POST N1 24 piyaya
PROTEGES L2 24 WStephen61
DEL 5F 16 michele
EX G5 11 marigold

On 5th draw, SWINGER N3 75 --- SWINGER one that swings [n]
Other moves: SWINGERS 11D 74, SWINGERS E6 74, SEWERING 10H 72, WINGERS 9B 72, SWINGER G8 68
WISER J10 33 piyaya
WEIRS J10 33 shanice
SWINGER N3 25 michele
DINGE 8K 24 jonb5
SWIGS E2 18 marigold

On 6th draw, MEDII O8 41 --- MEDIUS the middle finger [n]
Other moves: DEMIT O8 38, IDEM O7 35, DEMO O8 32, MED O8 32, MODEL 5D 32
MED O8 32 michele, WStephen61
DOMED 8K 30 jonb5, marigold
MET O8 29 piyaya
ODE O7 26 shanice

On 7th draw, WAGON J10 34 --- WAGON to convey by wagon (a four-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle) [v]
Other tops: WONGA J10 34
Other moves: WADT J10 31, WAND J10 31, WANG J10 31, WOAD J10 31, WAD J10 30
WAND J10 31 michele, piyaya
WANG J10 31 shanice, jonb5
NOTAL 5D 25 WStephen61
WODGE 10G 14 marigold

On 8th draw, HONEY L11 36 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other moves: HAY I11 31, HONEY 5B 31, HONEY 13I 30, HOOEY 13I 30, HYENA L11 30
HONEY L11 36 piyaya
HAY I11 31 jonb5
HAY 5D 27 WStephen61
YAH I9 25 shanice
YAHS E3 20 marigold
HO 2F 18 michele

On 9th draw, TYIYN 15K 33 --- TYIYN a small unit of money in Kyrgyzstan [n]
Other moves: MINY M8 31, MITY M8 31, MONY M8 31, VISNOMY E4 30, YOM M12 29
YOM I9 27 shanice
MONTY N11 26 michele
YON M12 23 piyaya
MISTY E4 20 WStephen61
MASH 11I 9 jonb5
MANY F5 9 marigold

On 10th draw, ORATE I10 27 --- ORATE to speak formally [v]
Other moves: RATEL 5D 25, ROTAL 5D 25, RATOO I11 21, RATU I9 21, ROTA I9 21
ROTAL 5D 25 piyaya
TOLE 5F 17 michele
FA G3 9 jonb5

On 11th draw, LIMPS 15E 33 --- LIMP to walk lamely [v]
Other tops: IMPIS 15E 33, PLIMS 15E 33
Other moves: IMPS 15F 30, MIPS 15F 30, MOPS 15F 30, MOPSY N11 30, P*MS 15F 30
LIMPS 15E 33 jonb5, shanice, piyaya
PLIMS 15E 33 WStephen61, michele
MOPS 15F 30 marigold

On 12th draw, FA 14N 28 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other moves: ARF D13 27, OAF D13 27, ORF D13 27, RIF D13 27, IF D14 26
FA 14N 28 jonb5
FAVORS E1 24 marigold, piyaya
FORA L1 22 michele
FAVOR 7B 16 WStephen61

On 13th draw, QUO(A)D 14B 44 --- QUOAD so far as [conj]
Other tops: JONQU(I)L E9 44
Other moves: QU(I)NOL 5C 41, JOD(E)L 5D 39, J(I)RD L1 38, JOR(S) L1 36, JUR(A) L1 36
QI F14 31 piyaya, jonb5, WStephen61, marigold
QU(A)D 5C 31 michele

On 14th draw, RANCHERO F5 65 --- RANCHERO one who works on or owns a ranch [n]
Other moves: CH H11 32, CHON 5C 24, CHORE 5A 24, OCHRE 5A 24, SCHNORR E6 24
CH H11 32 michele
CHORE 5A 24 WStephen61
HORN L1 22 piyaya
CHORES E1 22 jonb5, marigold

On 15th draw, ODAL E9 24 --- ODAL a Scottish estate without feudal superior [n]
Other moves: LORAL 5D 23, LOREL 5D 23, NERAL 5D 23, NEROL 5D 23, AEON E9 21
ORAL 5E 21 piyaya
LANDER 5A 18 jonb5
ANODES E1 18 marigold
DEAR 5C 14 WStephen61
EA E9 9 michele

On 16th draw, INSWINGER N1 26 --- INSWINGER
Other moves: NERAL 5D 23, AIN 15A 22, AIR 15A 22, RIN 15A 22, ARE M7 18
AIR 15A 22 michele, piyaya, marigold

On 17th draw, ZOUAVE 2B 57 --- ZOUAVE a French infantry man [n]
Other moves: ZERO L1 46, TOZIE 1K 45, TOAZE 2C 39, TOUZE 2C 39, TOZE 2D 38
ZERO L1 46 Velly
AZO 2E 37 michele
ZIT 1M 36 WStephen61, marigold
ZO 2F 36 piyaya

On 18th draw, JERK L1 46 --- JERK to move with a sharp, sudden motion [v]
Other tops: JARK L1 46, JUKE D1 46, JUKU D1 46
Other moves: KAIE 1L 39, KUIA 1L 39, JURA L1 38, JURE L1 38, JURAL 5D 37
JERK L1 46 piyaya
JUKE D1 46 WStephen61
KA 1G 28 michele
JAR L1 18 Velly
JO D13 9 marigold

On 19th draw, VAUTE 3A 35 --- VAUTE to attain great success [v]
Other moves: CARTE 3A 33, VAUT 3A 31, OVERACT C2 30, CART 3A 29, CRURAL 5C 29
RAVE 1G 27 WStephen61
CURVE D1 26 marigold, piyaya
CARVER 5A 26 michele

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