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Game of August 1, 2011 at 15:24, 7 players
1. 674 pts musdrive
2. 471 pts margalang
3. 337 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehiouuv   H6    20    20   hove
 2. ?cdettu  10B    77    97   cuttled
 3. aiopwyz   G5    50   147   poz
 4. aagiors   5B    33   180   airgaps
 5. deiortu   B7    72   252   outcried
 6. ekmrsty  A12    67   319   kyes
 7. abeelmt   F8    63   382   meltable
 8. adelnsy  12D    82   464   analysed
 9. ?giopwx   A6    68   532   wox
10. ?aefrrt   K5    94   626   raftered
11. aefgior  15D    39   665   faerie
12. bcehnno   F2    38   703   cohab
13. eeimnov   D1    86   789   vomerine
14. deinnow   8K    36   825   twine
15. aiinost   I6    25   850   os
16. adgjlno   C2    35   885   ja
17. aginntu  14H    74   959   antigun
18. gilopru   N2    76  1035   prouling
19. adiilnq   3I    52  1087   qindar

Remaining tiles: il

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7114 Filemusdrive    5 17:19  -413  674     1.7114 musdrive    5 17:19  -413  674 
  2.6129 Filemargalang   2 20:20  -616  471            Group: intermediate
  3.5223 Filejimbo       1 10:08  -750  337     1.6129 margalang   2 20:20  -616  471 
  4.  -  Filejbutterfly  0 18:32  -839  248     2.6704 ceosickey   0  2:46 -1021   66 
  5.5356 Fileraggedy01   1  4:43  -996   91            Group: novice
  6.6704 Fileceosickey   0  2:46 -1021   66     1.5223 jimbo       1 10:08  -750  337 
  7.4994 Filemazscot     0  1:45 -1039   48     2.5356 raggedy01   1  4:43  -996   91 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  jbutterfly  0 18:32  -839  248 
                                             2.4994 mazscot     0  1:45 -1039   48 

On 1st draw, HOVE H6 20 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v] --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other tops: HIVE H5 20, HIVE H6 20, HIVE H7 20, HIVE H8 20, HOVE H5 20, HOVE H7 20, HOVE H8 20
Other moves: EVO H6 12, EVO H7 12, EVO H8 12, HIE H6 12, HIE H7 12
HOVE H5 20 musdrive
HIVE H5 20 margalang
HOVE H6 20 raggedy01

On 2nd draw, CUTT(L)ED 10B 77 --- CUTTLE to fold cloth in a particular fashion [v]
Other moves: CUTT(L)ED 10D 75, CUTT(L)ED G1 72, CUTT(L)ED I1 72, CU(R)ETTED 9B 64, OUT(A)CTED 7H 62
CUD 10F 24 musdrive
C(I)TED 10D 21 margalang

On 3rd draw, POZ G5 50 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: TOWZY D10 40, TOWZY E10 40, HAZY 6H 39, WHIZ 6G 39, PHIZ 6G 38
POZ G5 50 musdrive
HAZY 6H 39 raggedy01
YOW I5 27 margalang

On 4th draw, AIRGAPS 5B 33 --- AIRGAP a gap in a magnetic circuit [n]
Other moves: AGORAS A5 31, AGRIAS A5 31, GRAIPS 5C 31, ORGIAS A5 31, OSAR F5 30
GRIPS 5D 29 margalang
SAG F6 26 musdrive
GATORS E8 14 jbutterfly

On 5th draw, OUTCRIED B7 72 --- OUTCRY to cry louder than [v]
Other moves: ETOURDIE 9H 62, REDOUT 4A 30, OREAD F2 23, TREAD F2 23, TRIAD F2 23
TIRADE B2 22 jimbo
RAD F4 19 musdrive, margalang
DETOUR D8 18 jbutterfly
ROUTED C8 16 raggedy01

On 6th draw, KYES A12 67 --- KYE a Korean village fund which lends for weddings, funerals etc [n]
Other moves: KYES A7 66, MURKY 8A 57, MUSKY 8A 57, KUMYS 8A 54, TURKEY 8A 54
MURKY 8A 57 jimbo, musdrive
MUSKY 8A 57 margalang
TESTY E10 16 jbutterfly

On 7th draw, ME(L)TABLE F8 63 --- MELT to change from a solid to a liquid state by heat [adj] --- MELTABLE able to be melted [adj]
Other moves: TUMBLE 8A 39, ABA F5 37, ALME A6 34, BEMA 4A 32, MABE 4A 32
ABA F5 37 musdrive
TUBAL 8A 24 jimbo
BATTLE D8 22 jbutterfly
MUTE 8A 21 margalang
BATTLE E8 16 raggedy01

On 8th draw, ANALYSED 12D 82 --- ANALYSE to separate a whole into parts [v]
Other moves: ANALYSED 12F 76, DYES A7 54, DYNES A6 50, LYES A7 50, NYAS A7 50
DYES A7 54 musdrive
YEEDS 15D 39 margalang
DELAYS 15E 30 jbutterfly
EASY 15F 21 jimbo

On 9th draw, WOX A6 68 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: PIX A6 65, POX A6 65, XI(S) A8 65, W(O)X A6 64, GOX A6 62
WOX A6 68 musdrive
EXPO 15F 39 jimbo, margalang

On 10th draw, RAFT(E)RED K5 94 --- RAFTER to supply with supporting beams [v] --- RAFTERED furnished with rafters [adj]
Other tops: RAFTER(E)D K5 94
Other moves: FERRATE(S) 15E 80, FA(L)TERER J6 70, FERRATE(S) J6 70, RAFTERE(D) J8 70, RAFTERE(D) J6 64
FERRATE(S) 15E 80 jimbo
FERRATE(S) 15E 30 musdrive
FEATER 15E 27 margalang
ZO(N)ER 7G 13 jbutterfly

On 11th draw, FAERIE 15D 39 --- FAERIE a fairy [n]
Other moves: FEAR J6 36, FIAR J6 36, FIER J6 36, FIERE 15D 36, GRIEF C3 36
FEAR J6 36 musdrive
OF J5 28 margalang
FEAR 15E 21 jbutterfly
TARGE 8K 21 jimbo

On 12th draw, COHAB F2 38 --- COHAB someone who cohabits [n]
Other moves: OBEAH F2 37, HOE J6 34, BAH F4 33, TENCH 8K 33, B*CH* L1 32
BAH F4 33 musdrive
HO J6 31 margalang
B(E)NCH 9J 14 jbutterfly
BANE 6J 12 jimbo

On 13th draw, VOMERINE D1 86 --- VOMER a bone of the skull [adj] --- VOMERINE pertaining to a vomer [adj]
Other moves: VENOM J2 36, ENMOVE 3C 30, MEIN J6 30, MIEN J6 30, NOME J4 29
VENOM J2 36 musdrive
MI J6 25 margalang
MOVIE 3E 15 jbutterfly
VAIN 6J 15 jimbo

On 14th draw, TWINE 8K 36 --- TWINE to entangle together [v]
Other moves: WINNED L1 33, WONNED L1 33, TOWED 8K 30, WINED J2 30, WINNED 14I 29
TWINE 8K 36 musdrive, jimbo, margalang
COWED 2F 15 jbutterfly

On 15th draw, OS I6 25 --- OS an orifice [n] --- OS a narrow ridge of gravel and sand [n] --- OS a bone [n]
Other tops: SO I6 25
Other moves: NATIS C2 24, BIOTA 13F 22, BOATS 13F 22, ANIS C3 20, AS C13 20
SATI C2 20 musdrive
FAERIES 15D 10 jimbo
TAM 3B 10 margalang
STAIN M5 7 jbutterfly

On 16th draw, JA C2 35 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JO C2 35
Other moves: GAJO 14H 33, JONG N6 28, DANIO C2 27, GALVO 1A 27, GONIA C2 27
JO C2 35 musdrive
CLAD 2F 7 jbutterfly

On 17th draw, ANTIGUN 14H 74 --- ANTIGUN opposed to guns [adj]
Other moves: ANTIGUN 14I 72, FAGIN 7K 25, ANTIGUN N2 24, GAJO 2A 24, ANTING 14I 20
FAGIN 7K 25 musdrive
GNAT N7 7 jbutterfly

On 18th draw, PROULING N2 76 --- PROUL to prowl [v]
Other moves: PUG 15M 24, FOP 7K 23, GUP 15M 23, PIROGI M3 22, PURLOIN N2 22
PROULING N2 26 musdrive
PUG 15M 24 ceosickey
GULPER O4 11 mazscot
PROG 5J 7 jbutterfly

On 19th draw, QINDAR 3I 52 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QI 7M 42, QI M7 42, QI O1 37, QUA M13 24, YEAD 13A 19
QI M7 42 musdrive, jbutterfly, margalang, ceosickey
QI O1 37 mazscot

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