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Game of August 1, 2011 at 20:49, 11 players
1. 528 pts mylover81
2. 498 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 492 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegjnvw   H8    30    30   navew
 2. ?degptx   I5    43    73   podex
 3. adloors  11E    32   105   ordeals
 4. deiilno   K6    59   164   lionised
 5. aegipst  13C    86   250   gapiest
 6. beejotu   8K    51   301   objet
 7. aennouw   J5    35   336   owe
 8. ?eghiir   O8    89   425   thingier
 9. anorrtu   H1    32   457   outran
10. acehins   3F    86   543   asthenic
11. acelmov   2B    40   583   celom
12. abeknoo  12A    41   624   beak
13. aafnovy  A12    36   660   boyf
14. egiqstu  N10    63   723   qi
15. inortuz  L12    53   776   ritz
16. defglsy   4A    44   820   fledgy
17. amorstt   A4    36   856   farmost
18. aaiortu  M11    36   892   ratio
19. aennuuv   L1    22   914   vain

Remaining tiles: enuuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7091 Filemylover81   4 17:01  -386  528     1.7091 mylover81   4 17:01  -386  528 
  2.5629 FileGrace_Tjie  0 14:05  -416  498            Group: intermediate
  3.5659 Filenaomiari    3 23:27  -422  492     1.6514 dannyboy    0  3:02  -855   59 
  4.5809 Filemichele     1 21:42  -435  479            Group: novice
  5.5745 Filesandy914    0 16:26  -504  410     1.5629 Grace_Tjie  0 14:05  -416  498 
  6.5047 Filemazscot     0 23:14  -534  380     2.5659 naomiari    3 23:27  -422  492 
  7.5018 Filetonikay     0 22:48  -556  358     3.5809 michele     1 21:42  -435  479 
  8.3324 Fileding        0 24:34  -626  288     4.5745 sandy914    0 16:26  -504  410 
  9.6514 Filedannyboy    0  3:02  -855   59     5.5047 mazscot     0 23:14  -534  380 
 10.5189 Filecharmz      1  4:18  -857   57     6.5018 tonikay     0 22:48  -556  358 
 11.5325 Fileraggedy01   0  1:00  -866   48     7.5189 charmz      1  4:18  -857   57 
                                             8.5325 raggedy01   0  1:00  -866   48 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3324 ding        0 24:34  -626  288 

On 1st draw, NAVEW H8 30 --- NAVEW a wild Swedish turnip [n]
Other moves: GANEV H8 26, JAW H6 26, JAW H7 26, JAW H8 26, J*W H6 26
JAW H8 26 michele, Grace_Tjie
JAW H7 26 raggedy01
J*W H6 26 tonikay
JAW H6 26 naomiari
JAG H8 22 ding
WAVE H8 20 mazscot

On 2nd draw, P(O)DEX I5 43 --- PODEX the rump [n]
Other moves: (A)PEX I6 42, DEX I7 40, P(A)X I7 40, P(O)X I7 40, P(Y)X I7 40
(A)PEX I6 42 mylover81
P(A)X I7 40 Grace_Tjie
DEX I7 40 naomiari
TEX I7 38 dannyboy
EX I8 36 michele
W(A)XED 12H 30 mazscot
PAX 9G 23 ding
TAXED 9G 22 raggedy01
TAXE(S) 9G 20 tonikay

On 3rd draw, ORDEALS 11E 32 --- ORDEAL a severely difficult or painful experience [n]
Other moves: LOORDS 13C 30, ADOORS 13C 28, DOLORS 13C 28, DROOLS 13C 28, ROSEOLA 11E 28
DOS G7 21 Grace_Tjie
DOL G7 21 dannyboy, naomiari, michele
ROD J4 18 mylover81
LOADERS 11D 16 mazscot
LORDS I11 14 tonikay
PAD 5I 12 ding

On 4th draw, LIONISED K6 59 --- LIONISE to treat as a celebrity [v]
Other moves: NIDE J6 27, NODE J6 27, DOLINE J2 23, INDOL G5 23, DOLINE 12A 22
LINED J2 22 mylover81
IDOL G6 22 sandy914
DEIL J8 21 michele, tonikay
OPINED 5H 18 mazscot
PILED 5I 16 Grace_Tjie, naomiari
AXEL 9H 11 ding

On 5th draw, GAPIEST 13C 86 --- GAPY infested with gapeworms [adj]
Other moves: PLAITS J10 31, PLEATS J10 31, PIETAS 13C 30, PLAIT J10 30, PLEAS J10 30
GAPIEST 13C 36 mazscot
SPIDE 13H 23 sandy914
SPATE L4 23 Grace_Tjie
SPED 13H 22 naomiari
PEST 13F 20 michele
SAX 9G 11 tonikay
LEAST 6K 7 ding

On 6th draw, OBJET 8K 51 --- OBJET an object [n]
Other moves: JOE 12D 46, JO 12D 41, JOBE 14B 37, JUBE 14B 37, OBJET G5 37
JO 12D 41 michele
JOBE 14B 37 naomiari
JET G7 33 mylover81
JOB 14B 31 mazscot
BAJU D12 28 sandy914
JOT 14B 25 tonikay
JAB D12 24 Grace_Tjie, ding

On 7th draw, OWE J5 35 --- OWE to be under obligation to pay or repay [v]
Other tops: AWE J5 35
Other moves: ANEW G6 32, ANEW J3 32, ANOW G6 32, ANOW J3 32, ENOW G6 32
ANEW J3 32 mylover81
NOW G7 31 sandy914
NOW J4 31 michele
NEON 9K 21 naomiari
NEW L12 19 Grace_Tjie
DAWN 13K 16 mazscot
OE 9M 15 tonikay
JAW M8 14 ding

On 8th draw, THI(N)GIER O8 89 --- THINGY real [adj]
Other moves: TIGERI(S)H O8 86, RIGHTIE(S) O4 62, (M)IGHTIER O4 61, J(A)GHIRE M8 34, HIEI(N)G 4J 32
HIRE L12 29 Grace_Tjie
HEIR L12 29 mylover81
HIRE 4J 24 sandy914
HIRE(D) 14B 24 naomiari
HER(D) 4J 22 michele
(O)H 9M 17 tonikay
EIGH(T) N8 12 mazscot
DIG 13K 10 ding

On 9th draw, OUTRAN H1 32 --- OUTRUN to run faster than [v]
Other moves: JURANT M8 28, TAUON N10 28, ROTAN 14B 27, TORAN 14B 27, TRONA H1 23
NOR G7 19 Grace_Tjie
ROT G7 19 naomiari
NOTA 14B 17 sandy914
ROUT 14A 13 mylover81
JAR M8 11 michele, ding
TAJ M6 11 tonikay
TOR 14B 11 mazscot

On 10th draw, ASTHENIC 3F 86 --- ASTHENIC a slender, lightly muscled person [n]
Other moves: CHANTIES 3D 65, CHINAS 14A 39, CHINES 14A 39, ECHE N8 38, EECH N7 37
NESH N7 33 mylover81
INCHES L1 31 michele
CHINESE N2 28 sandy914
HE N10 27 naomiari
HIS L12 25 Grace_Tjie
ASH 9M 19 ding
CHASING C7 17 mazscot
HO 1G 5 tonikay

On 11th draw, CELOM 2B 40 --- CELOM a body cavity in some animals [n]
Other tops: CLOAM 2B 40
Other moves: CLEOME N6 38, CLAM 12A 33, CAMO 12B 32, CAM G7 31, MOVE L12 31
MOVE L12 31 mazscot
CLOVE 2B 28 mylover81, tonikay, naomiari
COME 14B 27 Grace_Tjie
MAL 2J 25 sandy914
EVIL L1 16 michele
JAM M8 13 ding

On 12th draw, BEAK 12A 41 --- BEAK a bird's bill [n]
Other tops: BEAK N7 41, BOAK 12A 41, KOBAN 14B 41
Other moves: EEK N8 38, KEA N10 37, KOA N10 37, NABK L12 37, BEAK N10 36
BEAK 12A 41 mylover81
BLEAK D1 28 mazscot
BLOKE D1 28 Grace_Tjie
*B* N13 22 ding
KOA 14B 19 tonikay
KANE D12 18 sandy914
BOOKER 15J 13 michele

On 13th draw, BOYF A12 36 --- BOYF boyfriend [n]
Other moves: FAVA L12 35, NAVY L12 35, *F*Y 14A 34, FAY 14B 32, FOY 14B 32
FOY 14B 32 michele, mylover81
FAY L12 31 Grace_Tjie
BONY A12 27 sandy914, naomiari
ENVOY C2 22 mazscot
YO N14 22 ding
NO 14B 8 tonikay

On 14th draw, QI N10 63 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIETS L1 57, QUITES L1 57, QUIETS 4A 55, QUITES 4A 55, QUIET L1 48
QI N10 63 naomiari, mylover81
QUIETS L1 57 sandy914
QUITE L1 48 Grace_Tjie
QUEST N6 45 michele
QIS N1 38 tonikay
QI 13N 11 ding

On 15th draw, RITZ L12 53 --- RITZ pretentious display [n]
Other moves: ZORI M11 37, ZIN M11 35, ZIT M11 35, ZORI 10B 35, TOZIE B8 34
ZIT M11 35 mylover81
ZO 10E 28 tonikay
ZONE 14L 26 ding, naomiari, mazscot
ZIT L2 24 Grace_Tjie, michele
ZIN L2 24 sandy914

On 16th draw, FLEDGY 4A 44 --- FLEDGY covered with feathers [adj]
Other moves: SYED 14C 37, FLEDGY D1 36, FEDS 14D 35, DEF M11 34, DEF G7 33
FED 2J 33 Grace_Tjie
FLEYS D1 30 mylover81
YE 2J 28 naomiari
FES N1 26 sandy914
FE M13 26 tonikay
FLED D1 24 michele
FAX 9G 17 mazscot
DIE 13K 8 ding

On 17th draw, FARMOST A4 36 --- FARMOST most distant [adv]
Other tops: AFTMOST A3 36, FORMATS A4 36
Other moves: MOA M13 35, FORAMS A4 33, FORMAT A4 33, STOA M12 32, FARMS A4 30
FORMATS A4 36 mylover81
FARMOST A4 36 naomiari
FARMS A4 30 Grace_Tjie, michele
MOST N1 26 sandy914
MAST N1 26 charmz
SOMA N3 22 tonikay
GRAMS E4 16 mazscot
ZA 15L 11 ding

On 18th draw, RATIO M11 36 --- RATIO a proportional relationship [n]
Other moves: RAIA 5C 28, TAO M13 27, AIA 5D 24, AUA 5D 24, ARTI M11 23
ROT G7 19 mazscot, Grace_Tjie
AA B14 19 mylover81
ITA 14E 15 sandy914
RITZ 15I 13 michele
YA 14A 10 ding
KART D12 9 charmz
ORE B10 9 naomiari
DIT 13K 8 tonikay

On 19th draw, VAIN L1 22 --- VAIN filled with undue admiration for oneself [adj]
Other tops: VEIN L1 22
Other moves: EAN 14D 20, AE B14 19, EA B14 19, VANNER F6 19, AVINE L1 18
VEIN L1 22 mylover81
VAIN L1 22 charmz, naomiari, michele
AE B14 19 sandy914
GAVE E4 16 Grace_Tjie
YAE 14A 16 tonikay
EVEN C2 14 mazscot
AZO 15K 12 ding

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