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Game of August 2, 2011 at 06:02, 6 players
1. 454 pts margalang
2. 436 pts jimbo
3. 260 pts leobill

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aimprwy   H8    38    38   wimpy
 2. ?adginn  12E    74   112   digynian
 3. abegjrs  11K    46   158   jager
 4. ?aaeilr   E5    82   240   railhead
 5. ceeinru   O9    30   270   curnier
 6. defopsw  13J    34   304   spew
 7. aehkoot  14I    40   344   the
 8. abcdimo  15D    44   388   modica
 9. ailnotz   5D    84   472   trizonal
10. egostux   6H    55   527   sox
11. enrstty   4J    38   565   sentry
12. aegiloo  14B    25   590   looie
13. eegrtuv   4A    31   621   revet
14. deertuv   A2    33   654   verdure
15. adefilo  A12    39   693   defi
16. afknotu   N2    38   731   tarok
17. abnoqtu  B10    35   766   qua
18. abgilou   O1    36   802   goby
19. hlnostu   H1    30   832   tholos
20. abfinsu  F10    33   865   fained

Remaining tiles: bisu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6126 Filemargalang   1 15:45  -411  454     1.6126 margalang   1 15:45  -411  454 
  2.5219 Filejimbo       0 19:00  -429  436     2.6017 sherrymoon  0  2:31  -822   43 
  3.4373 Fileleobill     0 13:51  -605  260            Group: novice
  4.3646 Filestrykyster  0 17:53  -645  220     1.5219 jimbo       0 19:00  -429  436 
  5.5691 Filebabsbedi    1  8:27  -698  167     2.5691 babsbedi    1  8:27  -698  167 
  6.6017 Filesherrymoon  0  2:31  -822   43            Group: not rated
                                             1.4373 leobill     0 13:51  -605  260 
                                             2.3646 strykyster  0 17:53  -645  220 

On 1st draw, WIMPY H8 38 --- WIMPY weak, ineffectual [adj]
Other tops: WIMPY H4 38
Other moves: AWMRY H8 34, PRIMY H8 32, PRIMY H4 30, WIMPY H5 30, WIMPY H6 30
WARY H5 20 jimbo

On 2nd draw, DIGYN(I)AN 12E 74 --- DIGYNIAN pertaining to digynous plants [adj]
Other tops: D(E)NAYING 12D 74, D(I)GYNIAN 12E 74, (B)ANDYING 12D 74, (C)ANDYING 12D 74, (P)ANDYING 12D 74, (S)DAYNING 12E 74
Other moves: PAND(Y)ING 11H 72, AM(E)NDING 10G 67, AWNING(E)D 8G 64, DAWNING(S) 8F 64, DIG(Y)NIAN 9G 64
DAMNING 10F 17 jimbo

On 3rd draw, JAGER 11K 46 --- JAGER a German army marksman [n]
Other tops: JABS 11K 46
Other moves: JAB 11K 44, JAGS 11K 44, JAG 11K 42, JARS 11K 42, JAR 11K 40
JIBERS 9G 26 jimbo

On 4th draw, RAIL(H)EAD E5 82 --- RAILHEAD the end of a railroad line [n]
Other tops: LARIA(T)ED E5 82, (F)AIRLEAD E5 82, (S)ALARIED E5 82
Other moves: AR(T)ERIAL O7 74, RA(D)IALE G4 70, LAIRA(G)E G4 67, (P)RAEDIAL E8 66, RA(D)IALE I2 63
AERIAL(S) O9 21 jimbo

On 5th draw, CURNIER O9 30 --- CURNY granular [adj]
Other moves: NIECE 13J 28, CERULE 8A 27, CURNIER O5 27, CURRIE O8 27, ECURIE O8 27
CRUEL 8A 24 jimbo
RACE 6D 12 margalang

On 6th draw, SPEW 13J 34 --- SPEW to vomit [v]
Other tops: PEWS F4 34
Other moves: DEWS F4 33, DOWELS 8A 33, OWED 13J 33, SOWFED D1 33, FEW F4 32
DOPES 13A 25 margalang
JAPED K11 15 jimbo
JAWS K11 14 strykyster

On 7th draw, THE 14I 40 --- THE used to specify or make particular [definite article]
Other tops: HAKE G7 40, HOKA G7 40, HOKE G7 40
Other moves: HE 14J 39, HOOKA G6 38, KOHA G7 38, ATOKE G6 35, HAIK F10 34
HOTEL 8A 27 margalang
HAKE 6D 21 jimbo
HIT 9G 11 strykyster

On 8th draw, MODICA 15D 44 --- MODICUM a small amount [n]
Other moves: COMBI 15E 35, IAMBIC F8 35, IAMBI F8 32, BOMA G7 30, CAMO G7 30
CAMO 15F 26 jimbo
MA N14 18 margalang
ADO 15G 14 leobill
MADE 10B 13 strykyster

On 9th draw, TRIZONAL 5D 84 --- TRIZONAL having three zones [adj]
Other moves: ZONAL 8A 45, LAZO D4 41, AZONAL 6A 37, AZONAL 6E 37, ZONA I7 36
ZONAL 8A 45 margalang
ZIT 9G 23 jimbo
TZAR 5B 13 leobill

On 10th draw, SOX 6H 55 --- SOCK a knitted or woven covering for the foot [n]
Other tops: EXO 6I 55, SEX 6H 55
Other moves: EX 6I 52, OX 6I 52, EX F9 51, OX F9 51, SIX F4 51
SOX 6H 55 margalang
TAXES J4 28 jimbo, leobill
WOX 8H 13 strykyster

On 11th draw, SENTRY 4J 38 --- SENTRY the one who stands guard [n]
Other moves: YETTS 7I 33, TRYST 4A 31, YENS 7I 31, YEST 7I 31, YETT 7I 31
SENTRY 7I 25 jimbo
TENTS 4J 22 margalang
TAXES J4 12 strykyster

On 12th draw, LOOIE 14B 25 --- LOOIE a lieutenant of the armed forces [n]
Other moves: AGLOOS H1 24, AGLY O1 24, GEAL 7I 24, GLEY O1 24, GOEY O1 24
GLEY O1 24 margalang
LOGY O1 24 strykyster
LEGAL 8A 21 jimbo
LORE N2 8 leobill

On 13th draw, REVET 4A 31 --- REVET to face with masonry [v]
Other moves: VERY O1 30, GREET 4A 29, EGRET 4A 27, ERUGOS H1 27, EVET 4B 27
VERY O1 30 leobill, margalang, strykyster
GREY O1 24 jimbo

On 14th draw, VERDURE A2 33 --- VERDURE green vegetation [n]
Other moves: DEVEL 8A 30, VERY O1 30, DEEV 7I 27, DERV 7I 27, REDYE O1 27
VERY O1 30 margalang, jimbo, babsbedi
VEER A1 21 strykyster, leobill

On 15th draw, DEFI A12 39 --- DEFI a challenge [n]
Other tops: FLAYED O1 39
Other moves: DEFY O1 33, FADY O1 33, FAILED F10 33, LIFE A12 33, ALFREDO N1 30
FLAYED O1 39 babsbedi
DEFY O1 33 leobill, margalang
LADY O1 24 jimbo
FYLE O3 10 strykyster

On 16th draw, TAROK N2 38 --- TAROK a card game [n]
Other moves: FAIKED F10 37, FAINED F10 33, OAKY O1 33, OKAY O1 33, TAKY O1 33
FA N14 22 margalang
FORK N2 22 leobill
KNOT M1 16 jimbo
FINK 7D 16 strykyster
FAT M2 12 babsbedi

On 17th draw, QUA B10 35 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QUANT 2J 34, TOBY O1 33, QUAT M1 32, BONY O1 31, QAT G7 31
QUANT 2J 34 margalang, leobill
QUINT 7C 25 jimbo, strykyster
QUIT 7C 23 babsbedi

On 18th draw, GOBY O1 36 --- GOBY a small fish [n]
Other tops: GABY O1 36
Other moves: BOGY O1 35, IGLOO C10 30, LOGY O1 29, BALOOS H1 27, OILY O1 25
OILY O1 25 margalang
BIG C9 23 babsbedi
BIZ G3 17 leobill
BO O1 14 jimbo
WAIL 8H 7 strykyster

On 19th draw, THOLOS H1 30 --- THOLOS a circular, underground tomb [n]
Other moves: NTH M3 27, OH F9 27, HO 13C 25, LOUGH G9 25, NOH G7 25
OH G8 23 margalang
HUNS 7K 18 leobill
SUN 15K 18 jimbo
SOT 15K 18 babsbedi
VOLTS 2A 16 strykyster
TONS 7K 15 sherrymoon

On 20th draw, FAINED F10 33 --- FAIN to delight in [v]
Other tops: NAIF F7 33, SAB 9A 33
Other moves: SIB F4 30, SAI 9A 29, SAN 9A 29, SAU 9A 29, BASIN F2 28
SAN 9A 29 margalang
FINS C9 28 sherrymoon
FUBS 7K 22 babsbedi
FIBS 7K 22 leobill
SIN 15K 18 jimbo
RUB 7A 8 strykyster

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