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Game of August 2, 2011 at 09:06, 5 players
1. 436 pts jimbo
2. 55 pts babsbedi
3. 26 pts prioress

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ainnuv   H4    24    24   vicuna
 2. aeeorrs  10C    68    92   rearose
 3. aaemnop   9D    32   124   apeman
 4. adhiins   E5    52   176   dishpan
 5. egklors  12A    42   218   kores
 6. aeeiost   8A    31   249   sieth
 7. einoqtu   D1    51   300   quino
 8. afhloty   A1   104   404   haylofts
 9. aeiirtv  A12    33   437   kiva
10. ?eegott   1D    39   476   quote
11. aenptwx   2F    49   525   waxen
12. egoprtu   C3    35   560   pugree
13. ceflnor   3I    39   599   force
14. deillmr   N2    28   627   idler
15. aadenot   6C    24   651   raid
16. aegijlz  11I    34   685   glaze
17. acdilty   L1    92   777   dactylic
18. bemntuw  N10    40   817   unmew
19. bgijott   O8    36   853   jig
20. bbioott  12J    38   891   obo

Remaining tiles: bitt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5223 Filejimbo       1 19:01  -455  436     1.5223 jimbo       1 19:01  -455  436 
  2.5702 Filebabsbedi    0  1:29  -836   55     2.5702 babsbedi    0  1:29  -836   55 
  3.  -  Fileprioress    0  1:01  -865   26     3.5761 sandy914    0  1:37  -877   14 
  4.5761 Filesandy914    0  1:37  -877   14     4.5207 charmz      0  3:17  -882    9 
  5.5207 Filecharmz      0  3:17  -882    9            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  prioress    0  1:01  -865   26 

On 1st draw, VI(C)UNA H4 24 --- VICUNA a ruminant mammal [n]
Other moves: VAUN(T) H4 22, VIAN(D) H4 22, VINA(L) H4 22, VINA(S) H4 22, VIN(C)A H4 22
NAIV(E) H4 16 jimbo

On 2nd draw, REAROSE 10C 68 --- REARISE to arise again [v]
Other tops: REAROSE I7 68
Other moves: REAROSE I9 62, REAROUSE 7C 61, REASONER 8C 59, ROSIERE 5E 28, OVERSEA 4G 20
SOARER 10H 17 jimbo

On 3rd draw, APEMAN 9D 32 --- APEMAN an extinct primate [n]
Other moves: MANROPE C7 30, MOPANE 9E 30, PANAMA 9E 30, POME I7 30, MAP 9G 27
ROMP C10 16 jimbo

On 4th draw, DISHPAN E5 52 --- DISHPAN a pan for washing dishes [n]
Other moves: DASH 8A 46, DISH 8A 46, SIDH 8A 46, HANDS 8A 44, HINDS 8A 44
SHADER F5 18 jimbo

On 5th draw, KORES 12A 42 --- KORE an ancient Greek statue of a young woman [n]
Other tops: KEROS 12A 42, KOELS 12A 42
Other moves: GROKS 12A 38, LOKES 12A 34, ROKES 12A 34, KEGS 12B 32, ELKS 12B 30
KEGS 12B 32 jimbo
DISHPANS E5 14 sandy914

On 6th draw, SIETH 8A 31 --- SIETH scythe, a long bladed instrument for cropping [n]
Other tops: SAITH 8A 31, TAISH 8A 31
Other moves: OAKIES A10 30, AKEES A11 27, IKATS A11 27, OKTAS A11 27, SKATE A11 27
SKEET A11 27 jimbo

On 7th draw, QUINO D1 51 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: QUINE D1 51, QUITE D1 51, QUOTE D1 51
Other moves: QUEINT F2 46, QUIET F2 43, QUOIN F2 43, QUOIT F2 43, QUOIN 6B 36
QUITS A4 24 jimbo

On 8th draw, HAYLOFTS A1 104 --- HAYLOFT a loft for hay storage [n]
Other moves: KHAF A12 42, HOYA C3 39, FLUTY 2B 38, FOUTH 2B 38, YOUTH 2B 38
TAY 11I 15 jimbo

On 9th draw, KIVA A12 33 --- KIVA an underground ceremonial chamber [n]
Other moves: ARKITE A10 30, TAKIER A10 30, KAIE A12 24, KART A12 24, KATI A12 24
KIER A12 24 jimbo

On 10th draw, Q(U)OTE 1D 39 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: GEO(D)E B2 35, GE(M)OTE C3 25, TOG(A)TE C3 25, EGO B1 24, GOET(Y) C2 23
Q(U)OTE 1D 39 jimbo

On 11th draw, WAXEN 2F 49 --- WAXEN covered with wax [adj]
Other moves: AXE B1 48, WAX 2F 45, WEX 2F 45, AX B1 41, EX B1 41
WAXEN 11I 36 jimbo

On 12th draw, PUGREE C3 35 --- PUGREE a cloth band wrapped around a hat [n]
Other moves: UPTORE 1J 29, PEG C3 27, PUG C3 27, GORP C3 26, GUP C3 26
TROUPE 11I 19 jimbo

On 13th draw, FORCE 3I 39 --- FORCE to overcome resistance by the exertion of strength [v]
Other moves: FELON 3I 35, FOREL 3I 35, FORCE 11I 26, VELCRO 14A 26, FLOC 11I 24
NONCE 8H 11 jimbo

On 14th draw, IDLER N2 28 --- IDLER one that idles [n]
Other moves: DRILL N2 27, MIRED N1 27, CRIMED L3 26, IDEM N2 26, MICELL L1 26
MILDER 5G 18 jimbo

On 15th draw, RAID 6C 24 --- RAID to make a sudden assault on [v]
Other moves: CANOED L3 22, CANTED L3 22, COATED L3 22, DECANT L1 22, DEF I1 22
TONED 11I 15 jimbo

On 16th draw, GLAZE 11I 34 --- GLAZE to fit windows with glass panes [v]
Other moves: GAZE 11I 32, (C)AZ 6H 31, GLAZE 5J 30, JAGER 6J 29, JAGIR 6J 29
ZIG 5G 13 jimbo
TAG G1 6 charmz

On 17th draw, DACTYLIC L1 92 --- DACTYLIC a verse consisting of dactyls [n]
Other moves: DIACETYL M7 84, TALCY 12K 54, YALD 12K 45, YAD 12K 44, LADY 12K 43
DAILY N11 35 jimbo

On 18th draw, UNMEW N10 40 --- UNMEW to set free [v]
Other moves: UNWET N10 36, UNMET N10 34, NUMB N11 32, NEWT N11 30, RUBE K3 30
CUBE 8L 24 jimbo

On 19th draw, JIG O8 36 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other tops: JOG O8 36
Other moves: BO 12K 34, JOT O8 32, GO 12K 31, JO O1 29, IO 12K 28
JO O1 29 babsbedi
JET 13M 20 jimbo

On 20th draw, OBO 12J 38 --- OBO an oil bulk ore vessel [n]
Other moves: BO 12K 34, ZOBO L11 30, IO 12K 28, TO 12K 28, BOB M13 27
ZOOT L11 26 babsbedi, prioress
OB O14 17 jimbo
NOT J2 3 charmz

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