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Game of August 2, 2011 at 10:38, 10 players
1. 623 pts PIThompson
2. 479 pts briz2408
3. 392 pts remij

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehlorsu   H4    26    26   houser
 2. eeinott   9D    60    86   tenorite
 3. ?gmorss   K4    90   176   gormless
 4. adfknow   L2    33   209   know
 5. ?eflqrx   8A    50   259   fixer
 6. abeeino   2J    34   293   baken
 7. bddeopr   1F    41   334   bedrop
 8. aeefnuy   2D    39   373   fayne
 9. adeiltv   B7    76   449   dilative
10. egimort  11E    72   521   ergotism
11. acilptv  H11    36   557   optic
12. adegiou   3D    30   587   aged
13. aailovw   4A    40   627   avow
14. aelnruy   M2    34   661   eyne
15. iilnoru   7A    24   685   idol
16. adilsuz  12A    50   735   zilas
17. aachjlt   A1    42   777   jacal
18. aadeinr  15H    86   863   canaried
19. hiituuu  14N    23   886   hi
20. iiqtuuu  14F    35   921   quit

Remaining tiles: iiuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7542 FilePIThompson  8 14:49  -298  623     1.7542 PIThompson  8 14:49  -298  623 
  2.5366 Filebriz2408    1 17:38  -442  479            Group: intermediate
  3.4561 Fileremij       1 18:49  -529  392     1.6319 matrix      2 10:43  -640  281 
  4.5524 FileLucylulu    2 13:57  -624  297            Group: novice
  5.6319 Filematrix      2 10:43  -640  281     1.5366 briz2408    1 17:38  -442  479 
  6.5922 Filepiyaya      1  8:48  -742  179     2.5524 Lucylulu    2 13:57  -624  297 
  7.3535 Filekp10        0 13:39  -764  157     3.5922 piyaya      1  8:48  -742  179 
  8.5771 Filesandy914    0  8:07  -776  145     4.5771 sandy914    0  8:07  -776  145 
  9.5238 Filejimbo       0  7:00  -852   69     5.5238 jimbo       0  7:00  -852   69 
 10.4505 Fileleobill     0  1:57  -899   22            Group: not rated
                                             1.4561 remij       1 18:49  -529  392 
                                             2.3535 kp10        0 13:39  -764  157 
                                             3.4505 leobill     0  1:57  -899   22 

On 1st draw, HOUSER H4 26 --- HOUSER one who organizes housing projects [n]
Other tops: HOUSEL H4 26
Other moves: HELOS H4 24, HERLS H4 24, HEROS H4 24, HOERS H4 24, HOLES H4 24
HORSE H4 24 remij, matrix
HOLES H4 24 briz2408
HOURS H4 24 PIThompson
SHORE H4 18 jimbo

On 2nd draw, TENORITE 9D 60 --- TENORITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: NOISETTE 7E 60, TEOSINTE 7E 60
Other moves: TENTIE I3 22, HOTTIE 4H 18, THEINE 4G 18, EINE G4 17, INTO I4 17
TONE I6 16 matrix
TENT I3 14 PIThompson, briz2408
TEN I3 11 piyaya
TENT G8 10 jimbo
HINT 4H 7 remij

On 3rd draw, GORM(L)ESS K4 90 --- GORMLESS stupid [adj]
Other tops: GORM(L)ESS E4 90
Other moves: OGR(I)SMS L3 83, ORG(A)SMS L3 83, S(I)MORGS L3 81, S(I)MORGS L9 79, SORGH(U)MS 4D 76
MOR(E)S 8K 25 PIThompson
HOM(E)RS 4H 20 matrix
GR(A)MS L5 19 briz2408
GROOMS 5E 18 jimbo
SHOR(E)S 4G 16 piyaya
MESS K8 12 remij

On 4th draw, KNOW L2 33 --- KNOW to have a true understanding of [v]
Other moves: KOW L3 31, FADO L1 30, FRANK 6J 30, AWOKE 8D 29, FAKED 8E 29
KNOW L2 33 matrix, PIThompson, piyaya
KOW L3 31 briz2408
SANK 10K 18 remij
KNOW F8 13 jimbo

On 5th draw, F(I)XER 8A 50 --- FIXER one that fixes [n]
Other moves: L(A)XER 8A 41, (A)XEL M3 39, (A)XLE M3 39, (O)XER M3 39, F(A)KER 2J 38
F(I)XER 8A 50 PIThompson
F(A)KER 2J 38 matrix
Q(U)EER E7 26 piyaya
FIXER I8 20 Lucylulu
TEX(T) D9 20 remij
XI I8 18 briz2408
REX E8 10 jimbo
OX G9 9 kp10

On 6th draw, BAKEN 2J 34 --- BAKE to prepare food in an oven [v]
Other moves: A(L)BINO 8J 32, EBONISE 7C 30, BEANO J2 29, AEON M2 28, EBON 7A 28
BAKEN 2J 34 matrix
EBON 7A 28 PIThompson
BONE 7B 26 Lucylulu
OBE 7C 24 piyaya
KOB 2L 18 briz2408
BEE 10E 18 remij
BEES 11H 6 kp10

On 7th draw, BEDROP 1F 41 --- BEDROP to drop upon [v]
Other moves: PEDRERO E5 40, REBOP 1G 35, PROB 1H 32, DOPED 7B 30, DOPER 7B 29
REBOP 1G 35 piyaya
PROB 1H 32 PIThompson
DROP 1H 29 matrix
PROD 1H 28 briz2408
PED 1M 24 remij
REED E8 10 kp10

On 8th draw, FAYNE 2D 39 --- FAYNE to feign [v]
Other moves: EYNE 2E 35, FY 10E 35, EYEN M2 34, EYNE M2 34, FAY 1M 34
FEY 1M 34 remij, briz2408
FAY 1M 34 PIThompson, piyaya, matrix
AYE 7C 26 Lucylulu
BEEF F1 11 kp10

On 9th draw, D(I)LATIVE B7 76 --- DILATIVE tending to dilate [adj]
Other moves: VALIDEST 11E 74, DILATIVE I8 66, DOVETAIL G8 66, DILAT(I)VE B3 65, VIALED 3B 45
LATED 3C 37 PIThompson
VADE 3C 32 matrix
LAVED 7B 30 Lucylulu
DEV 1M 26 remij
FAVE D2 20 briz2408
SAVED 11K 9 kp10

On 10th draw, ERGOTISM 11E 72 --- ERGOTISM poisoning produced by eating ergot-infected grain [n]
Other tops: GORMIEST 11E 72
Other moves: TRIREME E5 36, IDEM 7A 28, DEMIT 7B 27, MERI 1A 27, MIRE 1A 27
MORE 1A 27 PIThompson
DOME 7B 26 Lucylulu
MIG 1M 24 remij, briz2408
GEM 3C 21 matrix
SMOG 11K 7 kp10

On 11th draw, OPTIC H11 36 --- OPTIC an eye [n]
Other moves: CAPI 1A 33, OCTAL H11 30, PAV 1M 30, VALI 1A 30, DAVIT 7B 29
CAPI 1A 33 PIThompson
PAV 1M 30 remij, briz2408
PEAL 14A 6 kp10

On 12th draw, AGED 3D 30 --- AGE to grow old [v]
Other moves: A(L)GOID 8J 29, GEODE M1 29, GADE 3C 28, D*G* 1A 27, DOGE 1A 27
AGED 3D 30 PIThompson
DAG 1M 20 briz2408
DOG 1M 20 remij
MADE L11 14 kp10
CAGED 15H 11 Lucylulu

On 13th draw, AVOW 4A 40 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: AVOW 12L 36, VAW 4B 36, VOW 4B 36, ALOW 4A 34, AWA 4C 34
AVOW 4A 40 PIThompson
WO 4D 32 sandy914
DAW 7B 24 Lucylulu
WO A14 20 remij
FAW D2 18 kp10
OW 1N 17 briz2408

On 14th draw, EYNE M2 34 --- EYE the organ of sight [n]
Other tops: EYEN M2 34, EYRE M2 34
Other moves: NEARLY M1 32, AERY 12L 30, EARLY M2 30, YALE 12L 30, YARE 12L 30
EYNE M2 34 PIThompson
YARN 12L 30 Lucylulu
YEAR 12L 30 briz2408
YULE 12L 30 sandy914
YEN 1M 25 remij
GOAL 4K 5 kp10

On 15th draw, IDOL 7A 24 --- IDOL an object of worship [n]
Other moves: ROIL C3 22, ROIN C3 22, ROON C3 22, ROUL C3 22, INRO 5C 20
IDOL 7A 24 Lucylulu
OURN 12L 18 PIThompson
OX C7 14 briz2408
OIL 12L 14 sandy914
MORN L11 12 kp10
ON 1N 8 remij

On 16th draw, ZILAS 12A 50 --- ZILA an administrative district in British India [n]
Other moves: ZILA 12A 46, ZILAS A1 42, ZILA A1 39, ZILAS M7 37, SAZ M11 36
ZILAS A1 42 PIThompson
SAZ M11 36 briz2408
ZA A10 24 sandy914
SIT 13F 4 kp10

On 17th draw, JACAL A1 42 --- JACAL a hut [n]
Other moves: MATCH L11 32, AVAL 13A 31, (L)ATCH 8K 30, COL C3 28, COT C3 28
JACAL A1 42 PIThompson
JAIL 14F 27 briz2408
MACH L11 22 leobill
JET 8G 21 sandy914, Lucylulu
MATH L11 18 remij
TEACH 14A 10 kp10

On 18th draw, CANARIED 15H 86 --- CANARY to prance about [v]
Other moves: AVID 13A 34, AVA 13A 27, A(L)DERN 8J 26, A(L)DRIN 8J 26, A(L)INED 8J 23
AVA 13A 27 briz2408
IRED 12L 22 PIThompson
MAID L11 14 kp10
MEND L11 14 remij
ROWED 5J 9 Lucylulu

On 19th draw, HI 14N 23 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other moves: HI A14 20, UH 12L 18, UH J6 18, UH 1N 17, SH*T 10K 16
HI 14N 23 PIThompson
HUT 14K 15 remij, Lucylulu
SHIM 7H 13 briz2408
HE N14 10 kp10

On 20th draw, QUIT 14F 35 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: QUIT 13K 32, QI 3I 26, QI I3 26, QUID O12 24, SUQ 10K 16
QUIT 14F 35 PIThompson, Lucylulu, remij, briz2408
QUID O12 24 sandy914
QUA K13 12 kp10

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