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Game of August 2, 2011 at 20:40, 8 players
1. 482 pts mylover81
2. 458 pts sandy914
3. 399 pts Thuwal

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceknort   H8    86    86   trocken
 2. ?benrsz  13G   112   198   zebrines
 3. ?acgnvw  12K    33   231   ganev
 4. abeiptw  14F    30   261   wane
 5. aceefsu   9F    68   329   farceuse
 6. deinort   L3    70   399   droniest
 7. aeeillt   4H    60   459   laetrile
 8. aefosxy   8J    64   523   oxeyes
 9. aaegprs  15A   100   623   parages
10. eghioru   3B    76   699   roughie
11. bdnotvy   B2    34   733   drony
12. abilmpt   A4    52   785   pibal
13. aehmouw   O1    42   827   mahewu
14. dinortu  15I    85   912   turdion
15. efijmtv  14B    42   954   jet
16. afimoot   C9    32   986   foamier
17. diiloqt   A1    36  1022   qi
18. diilotv  12A    28  1050   vomit

Remaining tiles: dil

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7081 Filemylover81   2 19:44  -568  482     1.7081 mylover81   2 19:44  -568  482 
  2.5837 Filesandy914    2 18:04  -592  458            Group: intermediate
  3.5778 FileThuwal      1 16:03  -651  399     1.6152 arlo805     1  9:32  -735  315 
  4.4654 Filegmills0     0 14:02  -715  335     2.6780 SuperH      2 12:25  -743  307 
  5.6152 Filearlo805     1  9:32  -735  315            Group: novice
  6.6780 FileSuperH      2 12:25  -743  307     1.5837 sandy914    2 18:04  -592  458 
  7.3802 FileDubyaDT     0 21:16  -779  271     2.5778 Thuwal      1 16:03  -651  399 
  8.5084 Fileluckymoo2   1 15:09  -794  256     3.5084 luckymoo2   1 15:09  -794  256 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4654 gmills0     0 14:02  -715  335 
                                             2.3802 DubyaDT     0 21:16  -779  271 

On 1st draw, TROCKEN H8 86 --- TROCKEN dry (wine) [adj]
Other moves: TROCKEN H2 78, TROCKEN H3 78, TROCKEN H4 78, TROCKEN H6 78, TROCKEN H7 78
CONKER H4 30 mylover81, gmills0
ROCKET H5 24 Thuwal
KNOT H6 16 sandy914
CORN H7 12 DubyaDT

On 2nd draw, ZEBR(I)NES 13G 112 --- ZEBRINE the offspring of a male horse and a female zebra [n]
Other moves: BRONZE(R)S 10F 94, B(R)ONZERS 10F 94, ZEBR(I)NES 13B 90, ZEBR(A)NOS 10B 88, BR(O)NZEN 14B 74
Z(O)NERS 14F 36 mylover81
Z(I)NES 14F 35 sandy914
Z(O)ONS 10F 35 Thuwal
CR(A)ZES 11H 32 gmills0
ZEES 13F 15 DubyaDT

On 3rd draw, GAN(E)V 12K 33 --- GANEV a thief [n]
Other moves: G(O)WAN 12K 29, C(O)WAN 14D 28, VAN(E) 14F 28, WAN(E) 14F 28, WAN(Y) 14F 28
WAN(E) 14F 28 mylover81
VAN 14F 25 sandy914
WAN 14F 25 SuperH
WA(I)V(E) K11 18 DubyaDT
AC(H)(I)NG K10 14 gmills0

On 4th draw, WANE 14F 30 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other tops: WE(E)ST N10 30
Other moves: PIETA 14K 29, BANE 14F 27, BANI 14F 27, PANE 14F 27, PIET 14K 27
WE(E)ST N10 30 mylover81
WANE 14F 30 SuperH, sandy914, Thuwal
WE(E)S N10 14 DubyaDT
WRITE 9G 13 gmills0
BIO 10F 11 luckymoo2

On 5th draw, FARCEUSE 9F 68 --- FARCEUSE female performer in farces [n]
Other moves: FESCUE 15A 47, FE(E)SES N10 32, FEES 14K 30, FE(E)SE N10 30, FAECES 15B 29
FE(E)SE N10 30 DubyaDT
FAUCES 15B 29 SuperH
FEES 15D 28 mylover81
FACES 15C 28 sandy914
FACE 15C 15 Thuwal
FE(E)S N10 14 gmills0

On 6th draw, DRONIEST L3 70 --- DRONY monotonous [adj]
Other tops: ORIENTED M3 70
Other moves: ORIENTED J3 65, ROINED 8J 33, DINERO 15A 29, DINERO 8A 29, DITONE 15A 29
NOTED 8K 28 SuperH
DO(E)ST N10 18 sandy914
DRIFT F6 15 gmills0
EDITOR 15I 13 luckymoo2
DE 15I 9 mylover81
DEEN M7 7 DubyaDT

On 7th draw, LAETRILE 4H 60 --- LAETRILE a drug derived from apricot pits [n]
Other moves: TAILLE 15A 26, TAILLE 8A 26, EALE K3 19, ILEAL K1 19, ALIT K4 18
EALE 8L 14 sandy914
TEE M2 14 mylover81
DATE 3L 10 Thuwal
DEAL 3L 10 luckymoo2
ATELIER 4F 8 gmills0

On 8th draw, OXEYES 8J 64 --- OXEYE a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: FAXES O1 45, FOXES O1 45, YEXES O1 45, FAIX M2 43, YEADS 3I 43
FOXES O1 45 gmills0, arlo805, SuperH
FOX 15E 37 mylover81
SAXE O1 33 sandy914, Thuwal
SEXY O3 14 DubyaDT

On 9th draw, PARAGES 15A 100 --- PARAGE equality of birth or rank [n]
Other moves: PRADS 3I 37, PARAGE 15A 35, PARAGE 8A 35, SPARGE 15A 35, SPARGE 8A 35
PARAGES 15A 50 SuperH
PAGERS O1 27 gmills0, mylover81, sandy914
GAPERS O1 27 arlo805
GAPES O1 24 luckymoo2
SPREE O1 21 Thuwal
PARLE H1 21 DubyaDT

On 10th draw, ROUGHIE 3B 76 --- ROUGHIE a dry bough [n]
Other tops: ROUGHIE 5C 76
Other moves: HEGIRA B10 36, GRITH K1 31, GOTH K2 29, HUGER O1 27, EDH 3K 26
HUGER O1 27 Thuwal, arlo805, sandy914
ETH K3 25 mylover81
HEIL H1 21 DubyaDT
HIRE O1 21 gmills0
HORE O1 21 luckymoo2

On 11th draw, DRONY B2 34 --- DRONY monotonous [adj]
Other tops: BODY 10C 34, DOBY 10C 34
Other moves: BONY 10C 33, BOYED O1 33, DOBY 2A 33, TOBY 10C 33, BODY 2A 32
BODY 10C 34 mylover81
BOYED O1 33 arlo805, SuperH, Thuwal
BONEY O1 30 gmills0, luckymoo2
BOUNTY D1 28 sandy914
BELT H2 6 DubyaDT

On 12th draw, PIBAL A4 52 --- PIBAL a small balloon for determining the direction and speed of the wind [n]
Other moves: TIMBAL A4 45, BITMAP A6 43, LIMBA A4 42, LIMPA A4 42, BLIMP A6 40
BALM A6 31 mylover81
BLAM A6 31 SuperH
AMP A6 26 Thuwal
MABE O1 24 arlo805
TIMBAL 15I 18 luckymoo2
LAME O1 18 sandy914, gmills0
HAP F3 8 DubyaDT

On 13th draw, MAHEWU O1 42 --- MAHEWU in South Africa, fermented liquid mealie-meal porridge, used as a stimulant [n]
Other moves: WHELM H1 39, HOM 4D 36, HUM 4D 36, OMLAH N2 36, METHO K2 35
HOWE O1 30 sandy914, arlo805, mylover81, Thuwal
WHEE O1 30 luckymoo2
WHEAR C11 22 DubyaDT
MOWER C11 20 gmills0

On 14th draw, TURDION 15I 85 --- TURDION a dance [n]
Other moves: UDON 14A 24, POORI 4A 23, PORNO 4A 23, RUDD 3J 22, DIDO 3J 21
DOON 5J 19 mylover81
DON 14B 18 arlo805
DUEL H1 15 Thuwal, gmills0
DROIT 15I 13 luckymoo2
DO A1 12 sandy914
RUIN D2 8 DubyaDT

On 15th draw, JET 14B 42 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JEEL H1 33, JEFF F6 33, JIFF F6 33, FEM 14B 32, JIVER C11 30
JET 14B 42 arlo805, sandy914
JEEL H1 33 gmills0, mylover81, luckymoo2, Thuwal
JEU D1 18 DubyaDT

On 16th draw, FOAMIER C9 32 --- FOAMY covered with foam [adj]
Other moves: MOLA N2 30, AFOOT 5I 29, FOOTIER C9 28, FADO 3J 27, FIDO 3J 27
FIT 13C 27 sandy914, mylover81
MOO 4D 26 arlo805
FA A1 18 Thuwal
TAMER C11 14 DubyaDT

On 17th draw, QI A1 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QADI 11B 28, QAID 11B 28, QUID D2 28, QUILT D2 28, QUOD D2 28
QI A1 36 luckymoo2, SuperH
QUID D2 28 sandy914, DubyaDT
QUOD D2 28 mylover81, Thuwal
QUILT D2 28 arlo805

On 18th draw, VOMIT 12A 28 --- VOMIT to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth [v]
Other moves: DIOTA D11 25, VOID M2 25, VIOLD 5E 24, IDIOT 5I 23, LIVID 5D 22
OVEL H1 21 Thuwal
DIVI 2H 20 sandy914
OVOID 10A 17 luckymoo2
VOID 10B 16 mylover81
VOLT 10B 15 arlo805
DIEL H1 15 DubyaDT

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