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Game sheet of DubyaDT (file), Game of August 2, 2011 at 21:24

Word find
Word played
1 AEHIOSY HOSEY H7 22 -8 22 3/3   H8 30 30 3/3
2 EEISTTU SHITE 8G 8 -54 30 4/4 SUETIEST 10H 62 92 3/4
3 AEINNOV HOVE 8H 10 -84 40 4/4 INNOVATE K4 94 186 4/4
4 ?IMNNOZ ZOOM 7J 18 -54 58 3/3 TOZIN(G) O10 72 258 4/4
5 ?EHIORV (D)OH G7 23 -78 81 3/3 OVERHI(G)H 8A 101 359 3/4
6 DILNORS SOLDIER C3 20 -54 101 2/3 DISENROL M7 74 433 3/4
7 ABCELNO BEANO 6H 9 -61 110 2/2 BIOCLEAN F7 70 503 3/4
8 AAEPRTU PEAT 13D 7 -23 117 2/3 PREZ 12L 30 533 3/5
9 AGLTUWY WIG 4J 14 -25 131 2/2 WALTY L1 39 572 3/5
10 ADEFIPT TAPA 13C 12 -24 143 3/3 FIATED 2J 36 608 3/5
11 BDEMPSU SUE 1H 14 -35 157 1/1 BEMUDS 15H 49 657 3/5
12 AEGIRUU GUV B6 11 -23 168 2/2 WARE 1L 34 691 2/5
13 AIKORTU KA 3I 16 -16 184 2/2 KAURI 1F 32 723 2/5
14 ADFGORU KA F1 8 -24 192 2/2 FORAGED C3 32 755 2/5
15 AEEGJMO JAG 6B 27 -12 219 1/2 JAM B4 39 794 2/5
16 EGILOPT JOG 4B 22 -21 241 3/3 PIET D1 43 837 2/6
17 CEGINRX OXEN A8 11 -25 252 5/5 LEX 3L 36 873 2/7
18 AGINOQW AGONY 5H 9 -27 261 5/5 WANG E3 36 909 2/7
19 CGILORT LION 6H 6 -19 267 6/6 COIL J4 25 934 2/8

Total: 267/934 or -667 for 28.58%
Rank: 3225

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