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Game of August 2, 2011 at 23:42, 6 players
1. 423 pts sunshine12
2. 388 pts Andy1990
3. 272 pts monkelita

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdinorr   H7    24    24   nordic
 2. aabiost   9F    65    89   airboats
 3. aabeoor  10H    32   121   dobra
 4. aefioru   K5    40   161   airfare
 5. ehlorst   M2    74   235   holsters
 6. ?ddeeru   F8    63   298   daunered
 7. ahoprtw   J2    42   340   wrath
 8. adegoot   L1    34   374   godet
 9. ?nnosvv  15D    39   413   voduns
10. afopuuy   N1    37   450   foy
11. aeegimu   8A    39   489   gaumed
12. einntvy   8K    40   529   ferny
13. aeelpst   C5    62   591   epaulets
14. aeemoqv   D1    30   621   voema
15. iilnpuu   1A    36   657   pulvini
16. aegiklt   3A    86   743   gatelike
17. eiinnwx   4F    43   786   nix
18. einquwz  10B    32   818   zee
19. cijnquw   5A    28   846   quean

Remaining tiles: ciijw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6647 Filesunshine12  1 21:54  -423  423     1.6647 sunshine12  1 21:54  -423  423 
  2.4999 FileAndy1990    1 17:37  -458  388     2.6704 ceosickey   0  5:04  -767   79 
  3.  -  Filemonkelita   1 16:12  -574  272            Group: not rated
  4.4945 Filejohnny55    0 10:39  -610  236     1.4999 Andy1990    1 17:37  -458  388 
  5.4664 Filegmills0     0 15:05  -651  195     2.  -  monkelita   1 16:12  -574  272 
  6.6704 Fileceosickey   0  5:04  -767   79     3.4945 johnny55    0 10:39  -610  236 
                                             4.4664 gmills0     0 15:05  -651  195 

On 1st draw, NORDIC H7 24 --- NORDIC pertaining to cross-country ski racing and ski jumping [adj]
Other moves: DORIC H8 22, CORNI H4 20, DORIC H4 20, NORDIC H3 20, NORDIC H4 20
CORD H8 14 johnny55
COIN H5 12 Andy1990

On 2nd draw, AIRBOATS 9F 65 --- AIRBOAT a boat used in swampy areas [n]
Other moves: COBIAS 12H 20, BAAS G8 19, BAIT G8 19, BOAS G8 19, BOAT G8 19
BOAT G8 19 sunshine12
COAST 12H 14 johnny55
BADS 10F 13 Andy1990

On 3rd draw, DOBRA 10H 32 --- DOBRA a former gold coin of Portugal [n]
Other tops: DOBRO 10H 32
Other moves: ABODE 10E 30, BODE 10F 29, BROO 10J 28, DAB 10H 26, DEB 10H 26
ROB 10D 21 sunshine12
CABER 12H 18 johnny55
BORA F6 12 Andy1990

On 4th draw, AIRFARE K5 40 --- AIRFARE payment for travel by airplane [n]
Other moves: FEUAR 8K 39, FUERO 8K 39, AFIRE 11J 36, AFORE 11J 36, AFRO 11J 34
FIRE 11K 29 sunshine12
FARER K8 16 Andy1990
TARE L9 8 johnny55

On 5th draw, HOLSTERS M2 74 --- HOLSTER a case for a pistol [n] --- HOLSTER to put in a holster (a case for a pistol) [v]
Other tops: HOSTLERS M2 74
Other moves: LOATHERS F7 65, RATHOLES F8 65, RESHOT 8A 41, SLOTH 12K 35, SLOTH J2 33
SHORT 12K 29 johnny55, Andy1990, sunshine12
HO J6 28 ceosickey

On 6th draw, DAU(N)ERED F8 63 --- DAUNER to stroll [v]
Other moves: DE(T)RUDE G1 62, DE(T)RUDE I1 62, REDED L1 32, FERER 8K 31, DE(K)ED L1 30
FERR(Y) 8K 28 Andy1990
CRU(S)E 12H 22 sunshine12
ADDER(S) F9 11 johnny55

On 7th draw, WRATH J2 42 --- WRATH to make wrathful [v]
Other tops: HARDTOP 15C 42, WORTH J2 42, WROTH J2 42
Other moves: OPAH N2 39, OPAH L2 37, WROATH J1 37, ROWTH J2 36, PHO J5 35
DRAW 15F 24 sunshine12, johnny55, monkelita
DROP 15F 21 Andy1990
DOW 15F 21 ceosickey

On 8th draw, GODET L1 34 --- GODET a piece of cloth placed in a seam [n]
Other tops: GATED L1 34
Other moves: GOADED 15A 33, GOADED 8A 33, TOGED L1 33, DODGE 15D 30, GOADED 15C 30
GOADED 15A 33 monkelita
DODGE 15D 30 ceosickey
GAD N1 23 sunshine12
DATED 15F 21 Andy1990, johnny55

On 9th draw, VOD(U)NS 15D 39 --- VODUN a primitive religion of the West Indies [n]
Other moves: VOD(U)N 15D 36, VO(E)S N1 30, VO(L)S N1 30, VO(R)S N1 30, VO(W)S N1 30
DOV(E)NS 15F 27 Andy1990
DOV(E)S 15F 24 johnny55, sunshine12
CONS 12H 17 monkelita

On 10th draw, FOY N1 37 --- FOY a parting entertainment or gift [n]
Other moves: FOP N1 34, OF N2 29, OY N2 29, YAP E10 27, YUP E10 27
RAY 8M 18 Andy1990, johnny55, sunshine12, gmills0
UP 14I 12 monkelita

On 11th draw, GAUMED 8A 39 --- GAUM to smear [v]
Other moves: FERMI 8K 37, IMAGED 8A 36, FERIA 8K 31, MEGA I4 27, GAMBO I6 25
IMAGED 8A 36 gmills0
MEAGER 13A 18 johnny55
FA 1N 15 Andy1990
RAM 8M 15 monkelita, sunshine12

On 12th draw, FERNY 8K 40 --- FERNY abounding in ferns [adj]
Other moves: TANTIVY L9 36, VINERY 13B 32, VINTRY 13B 32, I(N)VITEE 11E 28, NITERY 13B 26
YET 7C 25 sunshine12
FY 1N 24 Andy1990
ENTRY 13C 24 monkelita
REV 8M 18 gmills0
TINNER 13A 12 johnny55

On 13th draw, EPAULETS C5 62 --- EPAULET a shoulder ornament [n]
Other moves: ASLEEP 12J 33, CLASPT 12H 31, SALEP 12K 31, SLEEP 12K 31, STEEP 12K 31
CLASP 12H 29 monkelita
AS O1 28 Andy1990, sunshine12
MAPLES D8 20 gmills0
PLASTER 3D 11 johnny55

On 14th draw, VOEMA D1 30 --- VOEMA (South Africa) vigour [n]
Other moves: VOEMA D2 28, MAE B10 25, MEE B10 25, AMOVE D1 24, EMOVE D1 24
MAE B10 25 monkelita
MEE B10 25 sunshine12
VASE 12A 22 gmills0
MOVE B2 20 Andy1990
SAVE 12C 14 johnny55

On 15th draw, PULVINI 1A 36 --- PULVINUS a swelling at the base of a leaf [n]
Other moves: PIU B10 25, PI B10 22, PULA B5 21, PUNA B5 21, LIN E3 18
PIU B10 25 sunshine12
UP 14I 12 monkelita
PEN 3C 10 gmills0, Andy1990

On 16th draw, GATELIKE 3A 86 --- GATELIKE resembling a gate [adj]
Other moves: KEG I4 26, KEST 12A 26, KIST 12A 26, TAIGLE B10 26, KEA I4 24
GEEK 3C 18 gmills0
AKE 10A 17 Andy1990
KEEL 3C 16 sunshine12
ELK B12 16 monkelita

On 17th draw, NIX 4F 43 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other moves: IXIA 4G 42, WEXE 14E 29, XI E10 29, NIXE E5 28, WE B10 28
NIX 4F 43 sunshine12, monkelita
WEXE 14E 29 gmills0
EX 14I 27 Andy1990

On 18th draw, ZEE 10B 32 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: QUEAN 5A 28, WE B10 28, SIZE 12C 26, QIS 12A 22, QIS I13 22
ZEE 10B 32 Andy1990
QIS I13 22 monkelita
ZEX H2 19 sunshine12
WET 11A 6 gmills0

On 19th draw, QUEAN 5A 28 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: JUICY O4 25, JEAN 5B 22, QIS 12A 22, QIS I13 22, GJU A3 19
JUS 12A 18 gmills0
JA B7 18 sunshine12
JUS I13 18 Andy1990

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