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Game of August 3, 2011 at 01:56, 6 players
1. 507 pts iwhist
2. 463 pts nderera
3. 393 pts Lucylulu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aenrsst   H2    66    66   sarsnet
 2. adhlort   I6    27    93   ahold
 3. adeinrr   3G    74   167   darraine
 4. ?adeipt   O3    91   258   diptera
 5. egortvy   N2    34   292   vetoer
 6. abeekru   2B    49   341   berakes
 7. ?ainnuw   N9    34   375   awning
 8. acinoqu  13G    96   471   conquian
 9. efhoosw  15K    54   525   whose
10. bdefgit   C1    82   607   begifted
11. afiioot  H11    36   643   afoot
12. ceelnou   M6    31   674   leuco
13. egijnsu   8A    51   725   judges
14. aiimopy   J2    40   765   primy
15. ailmntx  L10    34   799   maxi
16. eenootz   1A    55   854   zobo
17. giilnrt   E5    86   940   tireling
18. eeiluvy   L1    30   970   veily

Remaining tiles: eiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5944 Fileiwhist      3 15:34  -463  507     1.6441 nderera     3 16:14  -507  463 
  2.6441 Filenderera     3 16:14  -507  463     2.6552 dannyboy    0  1:34  -906   64 
  3.5600 FileLucylulu    2  9:10  -577  393            Group: novice
  4.  -  Filecoffeeman   1  9:47  -781  189     1.5944 iwhist      3 15:34  -463  507 
  5.  -  Filegruau44     0  5:40  -905   65     2.5600 Lucylulu    2  9:10  -577  393 
  6.6552 Filedannyboy    0  1:34  -906   64            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  coffeeman   1  9:47  -781  189 
                                             2.  -  gruau44     0  5:40  -905   65 

On 1st draw, SARSNET H2 66 --- SARSNET thin tissue of fine silk [n]
Other moves: SARSNET H5 64, TRANSES H5 64, ANTRES H3 14, ANTRES H4 14, ANTRES H7 14
RANTS H4 12 iwhist

On 2nd draw, AHOLD I6 27 --- AHOLD a hold or grasp of something [n]
Other moves: HOLARD I7 26, HOLARDS 2B 26, HARLOT G7 25, HARLOT I7 25, HOARD I7 25
HOARD I7 25 iwhist

On 3rd draw, DARRAINE 3G 74 --- DARRAINE to justify [v]
Other moves: DRAINERS 2A 72, SERRANID 2H 72, DRAINERS 5A 68, DARRAINE 3D 61, AIRNED H10 27
DRAIN J2 17 nderera
RAINED 4H 14 iwhist

On 4th draw, DIPTE(R)A O3 91 --- DIPTERA a two-winged insect [n] --- DIPTERON a two-winged insect [n]
Other tops: DEPAI(N)T O3 91
Other moves: DI(O)PTASE 2B 79, PAI(N)TED J8 77, DIPTE(R)AS 2A 73, ADAPTI(V)E K1 70, ADAPTI(V)E K3 70
PA(S)TED O1 36 nderera, iwhist
PIE N1 10 gruau44

On 5th draw, VETOER N2 34 --- VETOER one that vetoes [n]
Other moves: TOEY 2K 30, YGOE 2K 30, GEY 2L 29, G*Y 2L 29, RORY J3 29
YES 2F 17 iwhist
GATOR K2 12 gruau44

On 6th draw, BERAKES 2B 49 --- BERAKE to rake all over [v]
Other tops: REBUKES 2B 49
Other moves: EUREKAS 2B 45, EUREKA H10 36, BEAKER N9 32, BERAKE N9 32, BREAK M5 31
BEAKER N9 32 nderera
BARK M6 25 Lucylulu
BAKER K2 22 gruau44
NAKER 6H 19 iwhist

On 7th draw, AWNIN(G) N9 34 --- AWNING a rooflike canvas cover [n]
Other moves: AWNIN(G) H10 30, AW J5 27, NAW 1A 27, (S)WAIN J7 27, AN(E)W 3B 26
AW J5 27 iwhist
NAW 1A 27 Lucylulu, dannyboy
WAN(E) 1A 25 nderera
(T)WIN M5 21 gruau44

On 8th draw, CONQUIAN 13G 96 --- CONQUIAN a card game [n]
Other moves: COQUINAS 5A 88, QUINIC L1 54, QUINOA L1 50, QUINA L1 48, QUINO L1 48
QUINA L1 48 nderera
QUIN L1 46 Lucylulu
QI M12 37 iwhist, dannyboy

On 9th draw, WHOSE 15K 54 --- WHOSE the possessive case of who [pron]
Other tops: WHOOF H11 54, WHOSO 15K 54
Other moves: HOWF H12 51, WHOOF M5 47, FORHOWS J1 46, HOWE 1A 45, HOWSO 15K 45
WHOOF H11 54 Lucylulu
WHOSE H11 45 nderera
WOOF H12 42 iwhist

On 10th draw, BEGIFTED C1 82 --- BEGIFT to present with gifts [v]
Other moves: FOID H12 36, DEIF 12L 32, BIDET 3A 30, BODE H12 30, FRIDGE D1 30
BODE H12 30 iwhist, Lucylulu
FRIED D1 26 nderera

On 11th draw, AFOOT H11 36 --- AFOOT on foot [adv]
Other moves: FOOT H12 33, FAB 1A 28, FOB 1A 28, OAF G5 28, FADO 8A 27
AFOOT H11 36 iwhist
FOOT H12 33 Lucylulu, nderera

On 12th draw, LEUCO M6 31 --- LEUCO as in leuco base, a colourless compound formed by reducing a dye [adj]
Other moves: LOBE 1A 28, OLEIC 12K 28, CODEN 8A 27, UNCO M7 27, COB 1A 25
COB 1A 25 Lucylulu, iwhist
CODE 8A 24 nderera, coffeeman

On 13th draw, JUDGES 8A 51 --- JUDGE to decide on critically [v]
Other moves: JUDGE 8A 48, JUDIES 8A 45, JEDIS 8A 42, JEDI 8A 39, JUDS 8A 39
JUDGES 8A 51 nderera, Lucylulu, iwhist, coffeeman

On 14th draw, PRIMY J2 40 --- PRIMY blooming [adj]
Other moves: RIMY J3 31, ROPY J3 31, MY G6 29, MY J5 29, AMP G5 28
PRIMY J2 40 iwhist
YOB 1A 28 Lucylulu
GIMPY D8 26 coffeeman
MOB 1A 25 nderera

On 15th draw, MAXI L10 34 --- MAXI a long skirt or coat [n]
Other moves: LAXISM F4 31, MAXIS F4 30, TAXMAN E1 30, TAXMEN E4 30, LAXIST F4 29
FLAX 5C 28 coffeeman
TAXIS F4 28 iwhist
FIX 5C 26 Lucylulu

On 16th draw, ZOBO 1A 55 --- ZOBO a male cross of a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZEIN 4A 46, ZEIN L1 46, OOZES F4 34, TOZES F4 34, ZEST F6 33
ZOBO 1A 55 nderera
ZOS F6 32 iwhist
FEZ 5C 30 Lucylulu
ZONE E5 26 coffeeman

On 17th draw, TIRELING E5 86 --- TIRELING a tired animal [n]
Other moves: RETILING E7 68, RIFLINGS 5A 24, FLINGS 5C 20, DIPTE(R)AN O3 19, MOWN 10L 19
FLIRTS 5C 18 Lucylulu
JILTING A8 16 nderera, coffeeman
FIG 5C 14 iwhist

On 18th draw, VEILY L1 30 --- VEILY like a veil [adj]
Other moves: JIVEY A8 22, VEIL 4A 22, VEIL L1 22, JEELY A8 19, LEU K11 19
VEILY L1 30 nderera
JIVEY A8 22 iwhist
ELEGY 12B 18 coffeeman

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