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Game of August 3, 2011 at 03:26, 7 players
1. 542 pts iwhist
2. 539 pts immy
3. 320 pts coffeeman

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaeiov   H3    24    24   aviate
 2. deefory   4G    28    52   overdye
 3. ainqrst   9B    77   129   qintars
 4. aeoptuy   E5   102   231   autotype
 5. ehnnost   N2    35   266   hosen
 6. bdeglno   8H    89   355   englobed
 7. egimprt   6G    70   425   tampering
 8. abeintu   B9    36   461   quinate
 9. aegnsuz  15A    72   533   seaze
10. adfimnu   3E    34   567   madafu
11. dilostx  F11    45   612   oxids
12. aeiilor  D11    31   643   ale
13. fiknoru   O1    40   683   kif
14. ghlnouw   2D    31   714   noh
15. ?bcgnou   C4    75   789   buncoing
16. acellow   1F    41   830   callow
17. eijrttw   4A    42   872   jibe
18. eirrttw   A1    39   911   trijet

Remaining tiles: irrvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5936 Fileiwhist      4 16:09  -369  542     1.5936 iwhist      4 16:09  -369  542 
  2.5738 Fileimmy        2 12:21  -372  539     2.5738 immy        2 12:21  -372  539 
  3.4804 Filecoffeeman   0 23:58  -591  320     3.5642 Bez         1  7:27  -696  215 
  4.5642 FileBez         1  7:27  -696  215     4.5709 babsbedi    0  3:42  -822   89 
  5.  -  Filechip1960    0 13:49  -705  206            Group: not rated
  6.5709 Filebabsbedi    0  3:42  -822   89     1.4804 coffeeman   0 23:58  -591  320 
  7.2353 Filejlslas      0  4:57  -873   38     2.  -  chip1960    0 13:49  -705  206 
                                             3.2353 jlslas      0  4:57  -873   38 

On 1st draw, AVIA(T)E H3 24 --- AVIATE to fly an aircraft [v]
Other tops: AVAI(L)E H3 24
Other moves: VAI(R)E H4 22, VA(R)IA H4 22, VIO(L)A H4 22, VI(D)EO H4 22, VI(R)EO H4 22
AVIA(N) H4 16 coffeeman
OVA(T)E H4 16 iwhist
VEI(L) H5 12 immy

On 2nd draw, OVERDYE 4G 28 --- OVERDYE to dye with too much colour [v]
Other tops: OVERFED 4G 28, REEDIFY 5D 28
Other moves: DEFY G6 26, DEFY I6 26, FEYED G6 26, VERDOY 4H 26, FEYER G6 25
FREED 9D 20 immy
FEED G6 20 iwhist
FEED 9E 19 coffeeman

On 3rd draw, QINTARS 9B 77 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: QATS N1 41, QIS N2 39, TRANQS 6F 37, TRANQ 6F 36, TRANQS 9C 35
QATS N1 41 immy
QIS N2 39 iwhist
DRAINS K4 14 coffeeman

On 4th draw, AUTOTYPE E5 102 --- AUTOTYPE a type of photographic process [n] --- AUTOTYPE to reproduce by a photographic process [v]
Other moves: AUTOTYPE E7 76, AUTO(T)YPE 7D 67, AU(T)OTYPE 7F 65, TOEY 10C 34, APAY 3F 32
OYE 10E 31 immy, iwhist
QUOTE B9 16 coffeeman

On 5th draw, HOSEN N2 35 --- HOSE stockings or socks [n] --- HOSEN stockings or socks [n]
Other moves: HONEST 13A 32, HOSEN 13C 32, SHE F5 31, TENSON N1 31, THE F5 31
HONES 13A 30 iwhist
HENS N1 29 immy
HONEST M1 18 coffeeman, chip1960

On 6th draw, ENGLOBED 8H 89 --- ENGLOBE to form into a globe [v]
Other moves: BELONGED 12D 76, ENGLOBED 12E 76, BODGE 13C 35, BOLDEN 13B 35, BLONDE 13A 33
BLOND 13A 31 iwhist
BOD O1 26 immy
BELONGED 12D 26 chip1960
GLOBED 12A 24 coffeeman

On 7th draw, TAMPERING 6G 70 --- TAMPER to interfere in a harmful manner [v]
Other moves: IMPOT 3K 36, EMPTIER N8 34, IMP O1 32, PERM D12 30, PIMA F6 30
PAM 3G 27 immy
PRIME 12A 24 coffeeman
ME O1 17 iwhist
PIMP 11E 10 chip1960

On 8th draw, QUINATE B9 36 --- QUINATE arranged in groups of five [adj]
Other moves: QUAINT B9 34, QUEINT B9 34, QUINTA B9 34, QUINTE B9 34, BANQUET B6 26
QUINTA B9 34 coffeeman
BAN O1 22 immy
BIT 10A 22 iwhist
BEN O1 22 Bez
DEBUT O8 9 jlslas
GIANT J8 8 chip1960

On 9th draw, SEAZE 15A 72 --- SEAZE to grasp suddenly [v]
Other tops: GEEZ 15A 72, SENZA 15A 72
Other moves: GAZE M1 55, ZEA A13 55, NAZE M1 53, AZAN 3F 48, SENZA 3D 45
GEEZ 15A 72 Bez
ZAS O1 43 immy, iwhist
GAZES J8 35 coffeeman
GAUZES J8 18 chip1960
LEGS K8 10 jlslas

On 10th draw, MADAFU 3E 34 --- MADAFU (African) coconut milk [n]
Other moves: FANUM D1 32, INFO 3K 32, DIF O1 31, FAME M1 31, FAND F12 31
FAD O1 29 iwhist, immy
MAID F12 29 Bez
FAINT 7A 9 chip1960

On 11th draw, OXIDS F11 45 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: LOX O1 44, SIX O1 44, SOX O1 44, TIX O1 44, DETOX 12D 42
LOX O1 44 immy, iwhist
SOX C11 42 Bez
EXIST 12E 13 chip1960
OX 3N 9 coffeeman

On 12th draw, ALE D11 31 --- ALE an alcoholic beverage [n]
Other tops: ARE D11 31
Other moves: AL D11 29, AR D11 29, LA D12 24, LI D12 24, LO D12 24
ARE D11 31 iwhist, immy
ORIEL 2B 22 Bez
EXILE 12E 13 coffeeman
DERAIL O8 8 chip1960

On 13th draw, KIF O1 40 --- KIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: OUK 2D 37, ROK 2D 37, NUKE M1 33, ROKE M1 33, OKE M2 31
KIF O1 40 iwhist
KIN O1 28 immy
FOR 2J 28 Bez
DRINK 14F 20 chip1960
DRUNK 14F 20 coffeeman
DINK O8 9 jlslas

On 14th draw, NOH 2D 31 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other moves: GHOUL 2B 30, OH 2E 30, UH 2E 30, BLOWGUN M8 28, HOWLING C5 28
OH 2E 30 immy
UH 2E 30 iwhist
HOLY L1 14 coffeeman
GLOW J8 10 jlslas
DOWN 14F 8 chip1960

On 15th draw, BU(N)COING C4 75 --- BUNCO to swindle [v]
Other moves: BUNCOI(N)G C4 74, BOUNCI(N)G C4 72, BOU(N)CING C4 72, COU(R)BING C4 72, BUNCO(S) 1C 46
CUB(I)NG 1F 38 immy
COB 2J 24 iwhist
ICON 13F 10 coffeeman
BOUNT(Y) 7A 8 chip1960

On 16th draw, CALLOW 1F 41 --- CALLOW an alluvial flat [n] --- CALLOW immature [adj]
Other moves: COWAL 1F 38, AWE M2 36, CLAW 1F 35, CLEW 1F 35, CLOW 1F 35
CALLOW 1F 41 iwhist, immy
CLAW 1F 35 babsbedi
BELLOW M8 24 coffeeman, chip1960

On 17th draw, JIBE 4A 42 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: EEJIT N8 28, WE M3 28, WOF 3M 28, WIRE 1A 27, WITE 1A 27
JIBE 4A 42 iwhist
WIRE 1A 27 babsbedi
JIB 4A 20 immy, coffeeman
BITTER M8 18 chip1960

On 18th draw, TRIJET A1 39 --- TRIJET a aeroplane powered by three jet engines [n]
Other moves: JIRRE A4 36, WE M3 28, WOF 3M 28, WIRE 1A 27, WITE 1A 27
WIRE 1A 27 immy, babsbedi
BITTER M8 18 chip1960
AWE 13B 12 iwhist
BREW M8 10 coffeeman

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