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Game sheet of sunshine12 (file), Game of August 3, 2011 at 15:28

Word find
Word played
1 AEEEGNT TENGE H4 14 -56 14 2/5 TEENAGE H7 70 70 2/5
2 EHIMPRS TEENAGERS H7 30 -80 44 1/6 SERAPHIM 11E 110 180 2/6
3 ?ADJLNT JETLA(G) F10 30 -10 74 2/6 JA(U)NT 12A 40 220 2/6
4 ?AABDST JABS A12 39 -51 113 4/6 BASTA(R)D M9 90 310 2/6
5 AFNORSY JOYS A12 42 -6 155 3/7 YOJANS A10 48 358 2/7
6 IOORTUY YON 10F 29 -3 184 3/7 TROY N7 32 390 3/7
7 EFHIORT EH O8 29 -51 213 3/6 FROTHIEST E4 80 470 3/7
8 DEILLRT DRILLED 15G 30 -36 243 2/7 TRILLED I2 66 536 2/7
9 DELNOOV VOE O6 26 -13 269 3/5 DOLMEN L8 39 575 1/7
10 AEEIOQS Q(U)A C11 22 -26 291 4/4 QADIS 15K 48 623 3/7
11 AEIMOOP AMIE O5 26 -68 317 1/6 IPOMOEA O1 94 717 3/9
12 EFINRRW FEW 10D 30 -8 347 2/6 WIFE D1 38 755 3/9
13 CDEENUV             DUNCH 8A 42 797 4/9
14 CEORUWX EXO F5 55   402 2/6       852 3/9
15 AEINRUZ RIZ 14H 41 -63 443 1/6 SUZERAIN 15A 104 956 2/9
16 ABGIOUW WAR G9 21 -15 464 3/6 BIOG H1 36 992 3/9
17 AGIKRUW WOX 6D 13 -24 477 5/6 AUK 14D 37 1029 3/9
18 CEILRUV VIEW 1A 30 -6 507 3/7 ERUVIN C3 36 1065 3/10

Total: 507/1065 or -558 for 47.60%
Rank: 5650

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