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Game of August 3, 2011 at 16:12, 10 players
1. 382 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 376 pts Hasni
3. 373 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bcelny   H7    32    32   benchy
 2. aailnsu  12F    20    52   inyalas
 3. delnrtu   K6    68   120   dentural
 4. aeipptt   8A    89   209   appetite
 5. adknors   8K    30   239   narks
 6. ?agooww   J5    30   269   wows
 7. degjors   N6    37   306   joked
 8. cdeorss   A7    63   369   sarcodes
 9. bfirtuy   E5    60   429   brutify
10. aaegiot  13I    27   456   galiot
11. aahilru  B10    37   493   huia
12. aeemnov  14F    39   532   venom
13. eegnotv  15G    35   567   toge
14. aadeilo   O1    36   603   alodia
15. egilnrr  C11    25   628   renig
16. aefilnx   2J    58   686   xenial
17. ehimotv   1E    42   728   motive
18. eefhlqu   2D    34   762   feh

Remaining tiles: elqruz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5658 FileGrace_Tjie  0 22:43  -380  382     1.6620 sunshine12  2 16:10  -389  373 
  2.5948 FileHasni       1 19:12  -386  376     2.6443 nderera     2 13:27  -473  289 
  3.6620 Filesunshine12  2 16:10  -389  373     3.6799 SuperH      1  9:26  -574  188 
  4.5591 Filenarisa      1 17:23  -440  322     4.6141 Klonimous   1  7:49  -612  150 
  5.6443 Filenderera     2 13:27  -473  289            Group: novice
  6.6799 FileSuperH      1  9:26  -574  188     1.5658 Grace_Tjie  0 22:43  -380  382 
  7.6141 FileKlonimous   1  7:49  -612  150     2.5948 Hasni       1 19:12  -386  376 
  8.5016 FileAndy1990    0  5:12  -696   66     3.5591 narisa      1 17:23  -440  322 
  9.  -  Filephyllis     0  3:22  -701   61     4.5016 Andy1990    0  5:12  -696   66 
 10.5163 Filejimbo       0  2:34  -704   58     5.5163 jimbo       0  2:34  -704   58 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  phyllis     0  3:22  -701   61 

On 1st draw, BENC(H)Y H7 32 --- BENCHY of a hillside, hollowed out in bench shapes [adj]
Other moves: BENC(H)Y H4 30, BEYL(I)C H4 30, BEYL(I)C H7 30, C(O)LBY H8 30, BEN(Z)YL H8 28
BELC(H) H4 22 sunshine12
BLEN(D) H4 18 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, INYALAS 12F 20 --- INYALA a South African antelope [n]
Other moves: INLAYS 12D 18, NYALAS 12G 18, SALINA I4 18, SNAILY 12C 18, UNLAYS 12D 18
LANA I6 16 Hasni
SAIN G11 11 sunshine12
SAN G6 11 Grace_Tjie
CANS 10H 8 narisa

On 3rd draw, DENTURAL K6 68 --- DENTURAL pertaining to a denture [adj] --- DENTURE a set of teeth [adj]
Other moves: RUNDLET I2 67, TRUNDLE I1 65, UNDERLIT F6 63, RUNDLETS L5 61, UNDERLET 8B 61
TUNED 11K 18 narisa
DENT 11K 18 Grace_Tjie
TERN 11K 14 Hasni
RED I6 13 sunshine12
DATER K11 12 Andy1990

On 4th draw, APPETITE 8A 89 --- APPETITE a desire for food or drink [n]
Other moves: NAPPE 8K 30, PATTIE L1 25, TAPPET L2 25, TAPPIT L2 25, TIPPET L2 25
NAPPE 8K 30 sunshine12, SuperH
PIPET L3 23 Grace_Tjie, narisa
PEAT L4 17 Hasni
PATENT 9D 10 Andy1990

On 5th draw, NARKS 8K 30 --- NARK to spy or inform [v]
Other tops: NORKS 8K 30
Other moves: KORAS I4 28, KRONA L4 28, OKRAS I4 28, PADKOS C8 28, ANDROS 8J 27
NORKS 8K 30 sunshine12
KAS I6 26 Hasni, Andy1990
SANK 11C 22 Grace_Tjie
AS I7 21 narisa

On 6th draw, WOW(S) J5 30 --- WOW to excite to enthusiastic approval [v]
Other tops: WAW(S) J5 30
Other moves: POWWA(W) C8 28, POWWO(W) C8 28, POW(W)AW C8 28, POW(W)OW C8 28, PO(W)WAW C8 28
WO(S) I6 23 Hasni
WOW(S) 11C 19 Klonimous
WOK N6 18 Andy1990, Grace_Tjie
KAW N8 18 sunshine12
WAG(E) L3 16 narisa

On 7th draw, JOKED N6 37 --- JOKE to say something amusing [v]
Other moves: JOKERS N6 35, JOKER N6 34, JOKES N6 34, JUDGER 10J 33, JUDGES 10J 33
JOKED N6 37 sunshine12, narisa, Hasni, Klonimous
JOKERS N6 35 nderera
JUDGES 10J 33 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, SARCODES A7 63 --- SARCODE living matter [n]
Other moves: COSTERS E5 36, SCOTERS E5 36, SECTORS E5 36, CODERS L1 28, CREDOS L1 28
CODERS L1 28 SuperH
SCORED L1 25 nderera
CROSS O4 21 Hasni, Klonimous, sunshine12
CROSSED D3 20 narisa
COPS B6 14 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, BRUTIFY E5 60 --- BRUTIFY to make brutal [v]
Other moves: TURFY 13C 44, RIFTY 13C 41, RIFTY B11 36, PURIFY C8 30, RIFT B11 28
FY 13F 26 Grace_Tjie
FIB B13 25 Klonimous
PURITY C8 24 nderera
FRUITY E4 24 narisa, SuperH
FIT B13 21 Hasni
AY I12 9 sunshine12

On 10th draw, GALIOT 13I 27 --- GALIOT a small galley [n]
Other moves: GELATI J10 24, GELATO J10 24, GALEA J10 23, EGOIST O4 21, GALA J10 20
GALEA J10 23 nderera
GOES O5 16 sunshine12, Klonimous
GAES O5 16 Hasni
EAT B12 15 Grace_Tjie
GOA O4 15 SuperH
AGE L4 12 narisa

On 11th draw, HUIA B10 37 --- HUIA a New Zealand bird [n]
Other moves: HUI B10 34, AAH 14H 32, LAH 14H 32, RAH 14H 32, AH 14I 31
LAH 14H 32 Klonimous
AHI B13 24 Grace_Tjie
RAHS O5 21 sunshine12, Hasni
HI 14M 19 nderera
SAIL 14A 8 narisa

On 12th draw, VENOM 14F 39 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other moves: ENMOVE D10 34, EMOVE D10 32, VOEMA D1 32, VOEMA L4 32, MAVEN D11 29
VENOMS O3 25 sunshine12
MOVE L3 22 narisa
VOES O5 18 Hasni, nderera
VOE F4 16 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, TOGE 15G 35 --- TOGE a toga [n]
Other moves: OGEE 15H 33, TENE 15G 31, TONE 15G 31, ETEN C10 29, ENE 15H 26
TOGE 15G 35 nderera
VETOES O3 21 sunshine12
VOTE L3 18 narisa
VOES O5 18 Hasni
VETO D2 18 SuperH
TOG C13 14 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, ALODIA O1 36 --- ALODIUM land held absolutely [n]
Other moves: EIDOLA O1 33, ELIAD D8 24, AISLED O6 23, ALDEA L4 23, APAID C7 22
LOADS O4 19 nderera
LEADS O4 19 Hasni
LIDO O3 15 sunshine12
DIE 14M 15 Grace_Tjie
DOLE L3 14 narisa

On 15th draw, RENIG C11 25 --- RENIG to fail to carry out a promise [v]
Other tops: RERIG C11 25
Other moves: GIRNEL 2J 22, INGLE D10 22, GREN C12 21, GRIN C12 21, ERG C10 20
RIG C13 14 narisa
GRIND 4K 14 nderera
GRIP B5 11 Grace_Tjie
DIRE 12A 10 sunshine12
GI N3 9 Hasni

On 16th draw, XENIAL 2J 58 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [adj] --- XENIAL concerning hospitality [adj]
Other moves: XENIA D1 44, FAX 14M 35, FIX 14M 35, AXILE F1 32, FAXED 4K 32
FAX 14M 35 Grace_Tjie, nderera, narisa
FIX 14M 35 sunshine12
XI 14M 31 Hasni
AXE D6 21 phyllis
TIX N13 20 jimbo

On 17th draw, MOTIVE 1E 42 --- MOTIVE to inspire to action [v]
Other moves: THEM 1H 40, HIVE 1G 39, HOMIE 1F 39, HOVE 1G 39, METHO 1F 39
MOTIVE 1E 42 nderera
THEM 1H 40 phyllis
HOVE 1G 39 sunshine12
HIVE 1G 39 Hasni, Grace_Tjie
MOVIE 1F 39 SuperH
THO 1H 27 jimbo
HIM M1 16 narisa

On 18th draw, FEH 2D 34 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FIQUE M1 34
Other moves: EF 2E 30, EH 2E 30, UH 2E 30, FE 2F 28, HE 2F 28
FEH 2D 34 SuperH
EH 2E 30 Hasni, Grace_Tjie
FEED 4L 16 narisa
QI M1 11 jimbo

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