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Game of August 3, 2011 at 16:56, 11 players
1. 534 pts Hasni
2. 533 pts nderera
3. 529 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. biirrst   H3    22    22   sbirri
 2. aeknort   3H    30    52   skater
 3. ?noorst   5D    78   130   orations
 4. deginnu   I7    69   199   enduing
 5. aeirsvv  11D   106   305   vivaries
 6. acdehot   E2    64   369   chordate
 7. ?beefnq   2J    40   409   benet
 8. adefjmt   D4    41   450   joe
 9. eeortux   8A    39   489   exert
10. aeglouw   1H    42   531   alowe
11. eglnpsy   O1    46   577   espy
12. aeilmty   N4    79   656   meatily
13. dfnootu   A2    66   722   unfooted
14. acgilnp   K8    63   785   clasping
15. afhloou  15H    48   833   faugh
16. agilmot   B6    34   867   maxi
17. adgiltz   8M    39   906   zig
18. dilotuw   C7    30   936   wed
19. ailoqtu   G8    26   962   aqua

Remaining tiles: iiloot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5947 FileHasni       3 21:25  -428  534     1.7053 mylover81   0 10:19  -657  305 
  2.6444 Filenderera     3 21:39  -429  533            Group: intermediate
  3.5160 Filejimbo       2 22:58  -433  529     1.6444 nderera     3 21:39  -429  533 
  4.5662 FileGrace_Tjie  2 18:07  -445  517     2.6794 SuperH      0  2:32  -853  109 
  5.5370 Fileraggedy01   3 22:40  -456  506     3.6613 sunshine12  0  7:07  -897   65 
  6.  -  Filephyllis     1 24:03  -524  438            Group: novice
  7.7053 Filemylover81   0 10:19  -657  305     1.5947 Hasni       3 21:25  -428  534 
  8.5564 Filenarisa      1 10:11  -736  226     2.5160 jimbo       2 22:58  -433  529 
  9.4462 Fileleobill     2  6:17  -809  153     3.5662 Grace_Tjie  2 18:07  -445  517 
 10.6794 FileSuperH      0  2:32  -853  109     4.5370 raggedy01   3 22:40  -456  506 
 11.6613 Filesunshine12  0  7:07  -897   65     5.5564 narisa      1 10:11  -736  226 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  phyllis     1 24:03  -524  438 
                                             2.4462 leobill     2  6:17  -809  153 

On 1st draw, SBIRRI H3 22 --- SBIRRO an Italian police officer [n]
Other moves: BIRRS H4 20, BRITS H4 20, SBIRRI H4 18, SBIRRI H7 18, SBIRRI H8 18
BRITS H4 20 jimbo, nderera, phyllis, Grace_Tjie
RIBS H5 12 raggedy01
STIR H5 8 Hasni

On 2nd draw, SKATER 3H 30 --- SKATER one that skates [n]
Other tops: TAROKS 3C 30, TRANKS 3C 30, TROAKS 3C 30, TRONKS 3C 30
Other moves: RANKEST 3C 26, BANKER 4H 24, BANKET 4H 24, BARKEN 4H 24, BEKNOT 4H 24
BANKER 4H 24 raggedy01
TAKERS 3C 22 Hasni
OKRA G7 19 Grace_Tjie
SKART 3H 14 nderera
TANKS 3D 14 phyllis
KNOTS 3D 10 jimbo

On 3rd draw, OR(A)TIONS 5D 78 --- ORATION a formal speech [n]
Other tops: ROOTIN(G)S 5D 78, TORSION(S) 5D 78, TOR(D)IONS 5D 78, TOR(S)IONS 5D 78, TRO(M)INOS 5D 78, (H)ORNITOS 5D 78, (M)ONITORS 5E 78, (P)ORTIONS 5D 78, (P)OSITRON 5E 78
Other moves: (I)SOTRON N2 77, ISOTRON(S) 8H 74, ISO(B)RONT 8H 74, I(S)OTRONS 8H 74, S(A)NTOOR N3 69
BON(E)R 4H 25 sunshine12
NOS(E)R N1 19 jimbo, nderera
ROST N1 19 Grace_Tjie
R(E)ST N1 17 Hasni
ROOST(E)R 6H 10 raggedy01
SNOOTI(E)R 8C 8 phyllis

On 4th draw, ENDUING I7 69 --- ENDUE to provide with some quality or gift [v]
ENDURING 7D 62 jimbo
GUNNED 6A 24 phyllis
DINE 2J 22 nderera, Hasni
DUNG 4A 22 sunshine12
NEG 6D 18 raggedy01
DUG 4B 16 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, VIVARIES 11D 106 --- VIVARY a place for raising and keeping live animals [n]
Other moves: SAVVIER N3 82, VERVAINS 12C 80, VIVARIES 11H 78, SAVVIER G8 68, VIVERRAS E1 64
VASE N1 25 nderera, jimbo, Hasni
VIVAS 11H 22 raggedy01
AVE H13 21 phyllis
VARIES 11F 18 Grace_Tjie
AIR 11H 3 sunshine12

On 6th draw, CHORDATE E2 64 --- CHORDATE a taxonomic division of the animal kingdom [n]
Other moves: HATED 2J 53, DETACH 2J 45, INCHOATE 8H 42, REACH H11 39, ROACH H11 39
HATED 2J 53 nderera
VETCH D11 34 raggedy01
HEAD 4L 32 Hasni
CHAT 4A 28 Grace_Tjie
CHAV D8 15 jimbo
HOT D4 12 sunshine12

On 7th draw, BENE(T) 2J 40 --- BENET to net [v]
Other tops: BENE(S) 2J 40
Other moves: FEEB 4L 36, FE(E)B 4L 34, F(A)B 2J 33, F(E)EB 4L 33, F(I)B 2J 33
F(A)B 2J 33 Grace_Tjie
FEEN 4L 28 Hasni
BEEF L1 24 jimbo
Q(U)EEN 9C 24 phyllis
Q(U)A J1 11 nderera

On 8th draw, JOE D4 41 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other tops: JEAT 1H 41
Other moves: JOE 4D 39, JOT 4D 39, MOATED D4 39, JO 4D 36, JO D4 36
JOE D4 41 Hasni, raggedy01, Grace_Tjie, phyllis, nderera
JOE 4D 39 SuperH
JAG 13G 19 jimbo
AIN 8G 3 sunshine12

On 9th draw, EXERT 8A 39 --- EXERT to put into action [v]
Other moves: EXO 1H 35, VEXER D11 32, TEX 4L 29, EX 1N 28, OX J13 28
EXERT 8A 39 raggedy01
EXO 1H 35 SuperH
VEXER D11 32 narisa
OXTER 12K 28 jimbo
EX 1N 28 nderera
REX 4M 21 phyllis
DETOX 9I 21 Grace_Tjie
OX 12K 20 Hasni

On 10th draw, ALOWE 1H 42 --- ALOWE ablaze [adv]
Other moves: WAGE 4J 40, AGLOW 1G 38, GLOW 1H 35, WAG 4J 35, WAGE 4L 33
AGLOW 1G 38 raggedy01
GLOW 1H 35 SuperH, jimbo
WAGE 4L 33 narisa, Hasni, mylover81
OW 7B 27 nderera
WE 7A 19 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, ESPY O1 46 --- ESPY to catch sight of [v]
Other moves: SPEEDY 6A 38, EY(A)S F3 32, YEP 7A 32, NEEDY 6B 31, PLESH 3A 31
ESPY O1 46 jimbo
SPEEDY 6A 38 nderera, raggedy01
YEP 7A 32 Hasni
NEEDY 6B 31 mylover81
PEN 7A 22 phyllis
Y(A) F4 17 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, MEATILY N4 79 --- MEATILY in a meaty manner [adv]
Other moves: REAMY H11 39, TALCY 2B 36, MAY 7A 34, ENMITY 12H 33, YAM 7A 32
REAMY H11 39 mylover81, nderera
MAY 7A 34 Grace_Tjie
YAM 7A 32 Hasni, phyllis
MEATILY N4 29 raggedy01
MEATY G9 17 jimbo
GLAM 13I 7 narisa

On 13th draw, UNFOOTED A2 66 --- UNFOOTED untrodden [adj]
Other moves: FOUND O8 55, FOUNT O8 49, FOOD O8 46, FOUD O8 46, FOOT O8 43
FOUND O8 55 mylover81, raggedy01
FOOD O8 46 Grace_Tjie, Hasni, narisa, phyllis, jimbo
FOID 8L 36 nderera
UNIT 8L 15 leobill

On 14th draw, CLASPING K8 63 --- CLASP to embrace tightly [v]
Other moves: CLIP 8L 33, PANIC 8K 30, PAX B6 30, PIX B6 30, NAPE J8 28
CLIP 8L 33 jimbo, Grace_Tjie
PAX B6 30 Hasni
PAIL 8L 27 narisa
PAIN 8L 27 nderera
PLACING 13C 26 raggedy01
PEA J10 23 phyllis, mylover81
PIN 8M 15 leobill

On 15th draw, FAUGH 15H 48 --- FAUGH used to express disgust [interj]
Other tops: AFOUL O7 48
Other moves: FOAL O8 43, FOOL O8 43, FOUL O8 43, FOU O8 40, GHOUL 15K 39
FAUGH 15H 48 raggedy01
FOOL O8 43 mylover81, phyllis
FOUL O8 43 Grace_Tjie
LOUGH 15H 39 jimbo
HOX B6 36 Hasni, nderera
FLAG 15H 24 leobill

On 16th draw, MAXI B6 34 --- MAXI a long skirt or coat [n]
Other tops: MOXA B6 34
Other moves: MOTI O6 32, CLAIM 8K 30, MAX B6 30, MIX B6 30, MOAI B2 29
MAXI B6 34 nderera, Hasni
CLAIM 8K 30 mylover81, leobill, Grace_Tjie
LOTA O6 24 phyllis
MIG 8M 18 jimbo
PLAT 12K 12 narisa
OX B7 11 raggedy01

On 17th draw, ZIG 8M 39 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZIT 8M 36, GADI O6 34, ZILA M6 34, ADZ G7 32, DIAL O8 31
ZIG 8M 39 Grace_Tjie, leobill, jimbo, narisa
ZIT 8M 36 raggedy01, phyllis, mylover81
ZAG M6 31 Hasni
ZA M6 26 nderera

On 18th draw, WED C7 30 --- WED to marry [v]
Other moves: PILOW 12K 28, WET C7 26, VIOLD D11 22, PUTID 12K 20, NOWL 14K 19
WED C7 30 leobill, Hasni
PLOW 12K 18 narisa, jimbo
POW 12K 16 Grace_Tjie
WIG O6 14 phyllis
NOW 14K 11 nderera
DOG O6 10 raggedy01

On 19th draw, AQUA G8 26 --- AQUA water [n]
Other tops: QUALIA G9 26
Other moves: QUAIL G9 25, QUAI G9 23, QUAT G9 23, QUA G9 22, QUAI 14E 20
AQUA G8 26 nderera
QUAIL G9 25 phyllis, Grace_Tjie
QI 14G 16 jimbo
ZA M8 15 Hasni, mylover81
QUAG 13F 15 raggedy01
QAT 6M 12 narisa

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