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Game of August 3, 2011 at 20:40, 17 players
1. 644 pts PIThompson
2. 538 pts Gypsylady
3. 526 pts Thuwal

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdekxy   H4    40    40   yacked
 2. efiorst   I8    71   111   foister
 3. ?aemnoo   4A    76   187   aeronomy
 4. amossuy  15F    41   228   mousy
 5. abdeijt   3A    37   265   jeat
 6. ?adeorr   8G    86   351   reformade
 7. deglouu  14I    27   378   rogued
 8. abeilrt   O1    83   461   liberate
 9. eghilpu  14A    55   516   pleugh
10. adflstu   C8    76   592   sulfated
11. eiinorv  11E    94   686   revision
12. aceilpz   N5    70   756   azide
13. ceegnrs   A3    45   801   jaegers
14. aciloww   M7    37   838   wawa
15. abilnox  12K    52   890   bolix
16. acinnnt  A12    33   923   capi
17. hiinptt  15L    35   958   thin
18. innpqtv   5J    30   988   qintar

Remaining tiles: nnpv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7556 FilePIThompson  5 17:06  -344  644     1.7556 PIThompson  5 17:06  -344  644 
  2.6437 FileGypsylady   1 15:21  -450  538            Group: intermediate
  3.5753 FileThuwal      2 18:31  -462  526     1.6437 Gypsylady   1 15:21  -450  538 
  4.5580 Filenarisa      2 20:42  -472  516     2.6325 TwoFold     2 15:02  -500  488 
  5.6325 FileTwoFold     2 15:02  -500  488     3.6824 Davina      1 14:47  -528  460 
  6.5046 Filetonikay     0 14:47  -516  472     4.6687 monthree    0  5:26  -876  112 
  7.5972 Fileiwhist      1 15:11  -527  461     5.6598 sunshine12  0  4:02  -887  101 
  8.6824 FileDavina      1 14:47  -528  460     6.6442 nderera     1  2:44  -919   69 
  9.4147 FileChiliB.     0 17:31  -560  428            Group: novice
 10.5185 Filejimbo       1 13:56  -630  358     1.5753 Thuwal      2 18:31  -462  526 
 11.6687 Filemonthree    0  5:26  -876  112     2.5580 narisa      2 20:42  -472  516 
 12.6598 Filesunshine12  0  4:02  -887  101     3.5046 tonikay     0 14:47  -516  472 
 13.5647 Fileneyetifu    0  5:01  -890   98     4.5972 iwhist      1 15:11  -527  461 
 14.3349 Fileding        0  5:31  -907   81     5.5185 jimbo       1 13:56  -630  358 
 15.6442 Filenderera     1  2:44  -919   69     6.5647 neyetifu    0  5:01  -890   98 
 16.  -  FileJoykor      0  2:01  -940   48     7.5024 Andy1990    0  0:13  -966   22 
 17.5024 FileAndy1990    0  0:13  -966   22            Group: not rated
                                             1.4147 ChiliB.     0 17:31  -560  428 
                                             2.3349 ding        0  5:31  -907   81 
                                             3.  -  Joykor      0  2:01  -940   48 

On 1st draw, YACKED H4 40 --- YACK to talk persistently [v]
Other moves: CAKEY H8 36, YACKED H7 36, CAKEY H4 34, YACKED H3 34, YACKED H8 34
YACKED H4 40 narisa, PIThompson
CAKEY H4 34 Gypsylady
DEXY H6 30 tonikay
DEXY H5 30 monthree
CAKED H4 30 neyetifu
DEXY H7 30 Joykor
DECK H8 22 ChiliB.
DECK H5 22 iwhist

On 2nd draw, FOISTER I8 71 --- FOISTER one who foists [n]
Other tops: FOISTER G8 71, FORTIES G8 71, FORTIES I8 71
Other moves: FORKIEST 7E 67, FEISTY 4C 24, FERITY 4C 24, FREITY 4C 24, FROSTY 4C 24
FROSTY 4C 24 Thuwal
FEISTY 4C 24 jimbo
FICTORS 6F 22 narisa
FORTY 4D 22 iwhist
FOISTER I8 21 Gypsylady, PIThompson
FORTIES I8 21 monthree
IF I7 18 Joykor
FATES 5G 16 neyetifu
SOFA 5E 14 tonikay
FORDS 9E 11 ChiliB.

On 3rd draw, AE(R)ONOMY 4A 76 --- AERONOMY the study of the upper atmosphere [n]
Other moves: AERONOM(Y) 14G 72, MAROONE(D) 14G 72, MAROONE(R) 14G 72, MA(R)OONER 14B 72, (C)OENAMOR 14B 72
AMEN H12 30 monthree, iwhist
MEAN(S) 15E 28 tonikay, PIThompson
MOAN(S) 15E 28 jimbo
MOON(S) 15E 28 Gypsylady, TwoFold
NOME(S) 15E 28 Thuwal
MANE(S) 15E 28 nderera
MAN H13 21 ChiliB., neyetifu
MOO(D)Y 4D 18 narisa

On 4th draw, MOUSY 15F 41 --- MOUSY resembling a mouse [adj]
Other tops: MASSY 15F 41, MASSY 15G 41, MAYOS 15E 41, MOSSY 15F 41, MOSSY 15G 41, MOYAS 15E 41, MUSSY 15F 41, MUSSY 15G 41
Other moves: MAYS 15F 38, MOYS 15F 38, YAMS 15F 38, MAYOS 3B 35, MOYAS 3B 35
MOSSY 15F 41 Gypsylady
MOUSY 15F 41 TwoFold, PIThompson, Thuwal
MOSSY 15G 41 narisa
MUSSY 15G 41 Davina
MASSY 15G 41 nderera
MASSY 15F 41 jimbo
YAMS 15F 38 tonikay
YAM H13 31 neyetifu, monthree
MOY H13 30 iwhist
MAY H13 30 ChiliB.

On 5th draw, JEAT 3A 37 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: BATED J6 35, ABIDE 3C 34, JADEITE B1 34, JETBEAD 13H 34, JIBE 3D 34
TAJ 3B 33 TwoFold, PIThompson, Thuwal
JADE 3D 32 tonikay
BAITED 14B 31 Davina
JIBES 11E 28 ChiliB.
BAITED A3 27 Gypsylady
JA 3F 24 iwhist, sunshine12
ABIDE A4 24 jimbo
JANE E2 22 narisa

On 6th draw, REFOR(M)ADE 8G 86 --- REFORMADE
Other moves: NARRO(W)ED E4 82, ROADS(T)ER 11E 82, ARRO(W)ED 14A 77, AR(B)ORED 14A 77, AR(M)ORED 14A 77
ADORER(S) J2 66 jimbo
JARRED A3 42 PIThompson, TwoFold, Thuwal, narisa
RAJA A1 33 Gypsylady, tonikay, Davina, sunshine12
REAR(E)D 5F 18 iwhist
JADE A3 12 ChiliB.

On 7th draw, ROGUED 14I 27 --- ROGUE to cheat or defraud [v]
Other tops: ROUGED 14I 27
Other moves: GLED 5A 26, GOOLD J6 26, GLODE 14B 24, LODGE 14B 24, LOOED J6 23
GLED 5A 26 PIThompson
LODGE 14B 24 Davina
GOD 5D 21 tonikay, narisa, TwoFold
GOD 14E 16 Thuwal
GOURD K5 14 ChiliB.
SOULED 11I 14 iwhist
GLUES 11E 12 jimbo
JAG A3 11 sunshine12

On 8th draw, LIBERATE O1 83 --- LIBERATE to set free [v]
Other moves: LIBRATED N1 76, LIBERATE 13B 72, TITRABLE 12G 72, BLASTIER 11F 70, LIBRATES 11B 70
JAILER A3 39 TwoFold, PIThompson, Gypsylady, Thuwal
RAJA A1 33 tonikay, Davina
LAB 15M 20 ChiliB.
TAB 15M 20 iwhist, jimbo
BE 2B 20 narisa

On 9th draw, PLEUGH 14A 55 --- PLEUGH a plough [n] --- PLEUGH to plough [v]
Other moves: GULPH 14B 53, PUJAH A1 51, LEUGH 14B 49, HEIL 15L 47, PLIE 15L 39
HEIL 15L 47 iwhist, PIThompson
PUJA A1 39 Thuwal
HEP 15M 32 ChiliB.
HIP 15M 32 Davina, jimbo
HIDE N6 31 TwoFold, Gypsylady
HIP 13M 29 narisa
UH L14 9 tonikay

On 10th draw, SULFATED C8 76 --- SULFATE to treat with sulfuric acid [v]
Other moves: FLAPS A11 33, AUF N4 31, FADS N6 31, FUDS N6 31, FAD N6 30
FLAPS A11 33 PIThompson, tonikay, sunshine12, narisa, Gypsylady
FADS N6 31 Davina, TwoFold
FAD 15M 29 iwhist, Thuwal
DAPS A12 27 ChiliB., jimbo

On 11th draw, REVISION 11E 94 --- REVISION a revised version [n]
Other moves: VISIONER 11G 72, JARVIE A3 48, VINIER D7 36, IONISER 11E 28, VISIE 8A 27
VISOR 8A 27 tonikay, TwoFold, PIThompson, jimbo
VISE 8A 24 narisa, Davina
FIVER 11C 22 ChiliB.
ROPE A12 21 iwhist, Gypsylady, Thuwal

On 12th draw, AZIDE N5 70 --- AZIDE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZED N6 66, JALAPIC A3 54, ZEAL 12A 46, ZIT 7M 46, L*Z 15M 41
ZED N6 66 Thuwal, Gypsylady, PIThompson, narisa, TwoFold
ZEAL 12A 46 ChiliB.
ZIT 7M 46 Davina
ZAS 8A 36 iwhist
ZAP 12B 28 tonikay
ZIP A12 24 jimbo

On 13th draw, JAEGERS A3 45 --- JAEGER a German army marksman [n]
Other moves: JAEGER A3 42, JAGERS A3 42, CANGS M7 35, CANES M7 34, CARES M7 34
JAEGERS A3 45 PIThompson
CREEPS A10 33 narisa, jimbo, Gypsylady
GREN 15L 31 ChiliB.
GEES 10K 30 tonikay
AZIDES N5 18 Davina
JAG A3 11 iwhist
CEP A12 10 Thuwal

On 14th draw, WAWA M7 37 --- WAWA speech [n] --- WAWA to speak (Chinook 19C) [v]
Other tops: WAWL M7 37
Other moves: WAW M7 36, ALLOW 10B 33, CAPI A12 33, CAPO A12 33, WAW 5D 33
WAW M7 36 Davina, TwoFold
WOW 13M 31 iwhist, tonikay, PIThompson
WAW 13M 31 narisa
CLAW 12A 24 ChiliB., Gypsylady
LOW 15M 23 Thuwal
WOE M12 12 ding

On 15th draw, BOLIX 12K 52 --- BOLIX to make a mess of [v]
Other moves: AXIAL 5E 41, AX N1 38, BIAXAL 5F 38, NOX 5D 36, BOX 13M 35
AX N1 38 Thuwal, Davina, TwoFold
NOX 15M 35 PIThompson
LOX 15M 35 iwhist
LAX 15M 35 tonikay
BOX 12K 32 narisa
OXEN F9 27 Gypsylady
AXEL M12 22 ding
LAX 12B 20 ChiliB.

On 16th draw, CAPI A12 33 --- CAPO a pitch-raising device for fretted instruments [n]
Other moves: AID 15A 26, INAPT A11 24, NAIN 15L 23, TAIN 15L 23, CAN 5D 21
CAPI A12 33 PIThompson, TwoFold
AID 15A 26 Gypsylady
TIC 15M 20 Thuwal
ANTIC M1 19 Davina
CAB 3M 14 ChiliB.
NAN 15M 14 iwhist
TAXI O10 11 ding
CAN 12B 10 narisa
COB K10 7 tonikay

On 17th draw, THIN 15L 35 --- THIN having relatively little density or thickness [adj] --- THIN to water down [v]
Other moves: HIP 15M 32, HIN 15M 26, HIT 15M 26, PHI 15L 26, PHT D7 23
THIN 15L 35 iwhist, Thuwal, PIThompson
HIP 15M 32 ChiliB., Gypsylady, Davina
HIP M3 21 tonikay
TIN 15M 14 ding
PEE B2 10 narisa

On 18th draw, QINTAR 5J 30 --- QINTAR a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other moves: QI 2N 22, VINT M2 17, INVAR 5K 16, PION J6 16, PIVOT J5 16
QI 2N 22 tonikay, iwhist, Andy1990, Davina, ChiliB., PIThompson, Thuwal, narisa, Gypsylady, ding, TwoFold

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