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Game of August 4, 2011 at 05:38, 6 players
1. 312 pts jimbo
2. 281 pts spellcheck
3. 278 pts leobill

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aceegv   H8    28    28   encave
 2. delnoor  10H    65    93   condoler
 3. egiilot  O10    27   120   regilt
 4. afgooru  14J    36   156   frugal
 5. eiimstv  15E    32   188   visite
 6. deeinos  12B    74   262   nosedive
 7. aenorst   K5    86   348   tornades
 8. adeeill  13A    29   377   aedile
 9. ?aacity   M3    78   455   atypical
10. demoptz  B10    70   525   zoned
11. aeiloty   J5    31   556   aye
12. abeknoo   L1    36   592   boke
13. aghilsu   8K    33   625   nucha
14. fimorwx  11E    49   674   moxa
15. fhmnopu  L12    38   712   houf
16. aiilmnt   1F    33   745   minilab
17. biprtuw   N1    23   768   pub
18. inpqrsu   O1    33   801   ins
19. gjnrruw   I3    23   824   jug

Remaining tiles: npqrrrttww

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5201 Filejimbo       0 12:52  -512  312     1.7227 kellybelly  1  4:15  -709  115 
  2.4356 Filespellcheck  1 10:22  -543  281            Group: novice
  3.4520 Fileleobill     1 12:02  -546  278     1.5201 jimbo       0 12:52  -512  312 
  4.5068 Fileluckymoo2   0  9:22  -700  124     2.5068 luckymoo2   0  9:22  -700  124 
  5.7227 Filekellybelly  1  4:15  -709  115     3.5498 Velly       1  1:06  -801   23 
  6.5498 FileVelly       1  1:06  -801   23            Group: not rated
                                             1.4356 spellcheck  1 10:22  -543  281 
                                             2.4520 leobill     1 12:02  -546  278 

On 1st draw, E(N)CAVE H8 28 --- ENCAVE to secrete [v]
Other tops: C(L)EAVE H8 28
Other moves: AVE(N)GE H3 26, C(L)EAVE H4 26, GE(N)EVA H8 26, G(L)EAVE H8 26, G(R)EAVE H8 26
CAVE(R) H4 24 jimbo

On 2nd draw, CONDOLER 10H 65 --- CONDOLER one that condoles [n]
Other moves: NOODLE 14E 23, RONDEL 14E 23, LODEN 14F 22, OLDEN 14F 22, OLDER 14F 22
E(N)CAVED H8 12 jimbo

On 3rd draw, REGILT O10 27 --- REGILD to gild once more [v]
Other moves: GIRLIE O8 24, GLOIRE O6 21, GOITER O5 21, GOITRE O6 21, LOGIER O5 21

On 4th draw, FRUGAL 14J 36 --- FRUGAL thrifty [adj]
Other moves: AFORE 11K 31, OAF 11J 25, OOF 11J 25, FLOOR M9 24, FLORA M9 24
DRUG K10 12 jimbo

On 5th draw, VISITE 15E 32 --- VISITE a woman's cloak [n]
Other moves: STIMIE 15E 29, STIVE 15F 29, VISIE 15F 29, SMITE 15F 26, STIEVE 13C 26

On 6th draw, NOSEDIVE 12B 74 --- NOSEDIVE a steep downward plunge [n] --- NOSEDIVE to go into a sudden steep drop [v]
Other moves: DIEDRE K10 26, EOSINE 11J 26, DESIRE K10 24, DINERS K10 24, DEVEINS 12F 22
DEEDS K7 14 jimbo

On 7th draw, TORNADES K5 86 --- TORNADE a thunderstorm [n]
Other moves: RESONATE 13A 84, EARSTONE E5 82, RESONATE E5 82, EARSTONE 8A 77, EARSTONE 8H 77
TONES J8 18 jimbo
ROASTED K4 16 spellcheck

On 8th draw, AEDILE 13A 29 --- AEDILE a magistrate in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: EDILE 13B 27, ELIDE 11B 27, AILED 11A 24, ANELED 8J 24, LADE 11C 23
DOLE C11 10 leobill
IDEALS D7 9 spellcheck

On 9th draw, ATY(P)ICAL M3 78 --- ATYPICAL not typical [adj]
Other moves: CYAT(H)IA G2 68, CYAT(H)IA I2 68, CY(M)ATIA G2 68, CY(M)ATIA I2 68, CA(P)ITAY(N) 9A 65
A(R)Y A13 15 spellcheck
ACT A13 15 jimbo
STY 12K 12 leobill

On 10th draw, ZONED B10 70 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZO J6 64, MOZE L1 51, ZO 11E 50, DOZE L1 47, TOZE L1 43
ZONED B10 70 spellcheck, leobill
COZ 8M 42 jimbo
DEMO N1 20 luckymoo2

On 11th draw, AYE J5 31 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: YAE J6 31, YEA J6 31
Other moves: TOEY J3 30, LAY J4 29, LEY J4 29, TAY J4 29, AY J5 28
CAY 8M 24 jimbo
COY 8M 24 leobill
TOY N1 17 luckymoo2
TOY 4M 10 spellcheck

On 12th draw, BOKE L1 36 --- BOKE to belch [v]
Other tops: BAKE L1 36
Other moves: KANE L1 32, BOKO C7 29, KOBO C7 29, ABODE C10 26, ATOK 4L 26
COB 8M 21 leobill
CAB 8M 21 jimbo
ZOO 10B 12 spellcheck

On 13th draw, NUCHA 8K 33 --- NUCHA the nape of the neck [n]
Other moves: GOSH L9 32, BAGH 1L 30, SAHIB 1H 30, SHLUB 1H 30, GASH N1 29
BASH 1L 27 jimbo, leobill
BAIL 1L 18 spellcheck, luckymoo2

On 14th draw, MOXA 11E 49 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other moves: MIXT 15L 35, EX 13H 34, EX I12 34, OXO L10 33, OXIDE F9 29
BROW 1L 27 spellcheck, leobill
BRIM 1L 24 jimbo

On 15th draw, HOUF L12 38 --- HOUF to go often to a place [v]
Other moves: BUMF 1L 33, BUMP 1L 30, MHO N3 28, BUFO 1L 27, FERMION 7I 27
BUMP 1L 30 jimbo, spellcheck, leobill, kellybelly
PHONE 8D 13 luckymoo2

On 16th draw, MINILAB 1F 33 --- MINILAB a retail outlet offering rapid on-site film development [n]
Other moves: BALM 1L 24, BIMA 1L 24, BLAM 1L 24, LIBANT 1J 24, LIMA N1 24
BALM 1L 24 kellybelly, jimbo, spellcheck
BLAM 1L 24 luckymoo2, leobill

On 17th draw, PUB N1 23 --- PUB a public bar [n] --- PUB to go to a public bar, PUBBED, PUBBING, PUBS [v]
Other moves: THREW N7 20, PUB 4H 19, RIB N1 19, RUB N1 19, TUB N1 19
PUB N1 23 kellybelly
WIT N1 19 luckymoo2
ZIT 10B 12 jimbo
WRITE 8D 12 spellcheck
BRAT 5H 6 leobill

On 18th draw, INS O1 33 --- IN to gather in harvest [v]
Other moves: QIS I3 25, QUINES 8D 25, QUIRES 8D 25, SQUIRE 8C 25, SUQ I3 25
QUINES 8D 25 spellcheck
SQUIRE 8C 25 kellybelly
SQUAT 5G 14 leobill

On 19th draw, JUG I3 23 --- JUG to put into a jug (a large, deep container with a narrow mouth and a handle) [v]
Other moves: JUN I3 21, JUN 2E 20, GJU 2D 19, UNZONED B8 17, JOG 11A 16
JUG I3 23 Velly
J*W 8G 13 spellcheck, jimbo, leobill, luckymoo2
JUN G6 13 kellybelly

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