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Game of August 4, 2011 at 12:22, 13 players
1. 602 pts kellybelly
2. 515 pts margalang
3. 481 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?iknrsz   H4    56    56   zinkes
 2. adeoptu   4G    32    88   azoted
 3. ?ehlopv   5K    35   123   hovel
 4. ?deituu   8A    74   197   quietude
 5. abeilmo   O4    36   233   blame
 6. anstvwy   3C    39   272   wanty
 7. dehinop   N8    91   363   diphone
 8. eegiorv  13H    76   439   virogene
 9. eimortw   6A    67   506   timeworn
10. afginqt  12K    46   552   ganof
11. aelnrst  15H    88   640   rentals
12. aacejlr  11J    52   692   rajah
13. acilrsx   M5    45   737   varix
14. belnstu   B8    74   811   unsubtle
15. egiiosy  A13    37   848   sey
16. acdioqr   2B    38   886   qadi
17. cglooru   1C    46   932   colugo
18. cefiopr   5D    35   967   fop

Remaining tiles: ceiir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7194 Filekellybelly  3 15:22  -365  602     1.7194 kellybelly  3 15:22  -365  602 
  2.6094 Filemargalang   2 19:44  -452  515            Group: intermediate
  3.5972 FileHasni       1 22:43  -486  481     1.6094 margalang   2 19:44  -452  515 
  4.5660 FileGrace_Tjie  1 19:35  -514  453     2.6732 reyna       2 20:58  -544  423 
  5.6732 Filereyna       2 20:58  -544  423     3.6325 renmar      0  3:09  -867  100 
  6.5482 FileVelly       1 21:26  -601  366            Group: novice
  7.4609 Fileleobill     1 17:13  -657  310     1.5972 Hasni       1 22:43  -486  481 
  8.5381 Fileraggedy01   0  8:15  -809  158     2.5660 Grace_Tjie  1 19:35  -514  453 
  9.3725 Filestrykyster  0  7:37  -844  123     3.5482 Velly       1 21:26  -601  366 
 10.6325 Filerenmar      0  3:09  -867  100     4.5381 raggedy01   0  8:15  -809  158 
 11.5565 FileELCEE       0  7:29  -902   65     5.5565 ELCEE       0  7:29  -902   65 
 12.4646 Filegmills0     0  3:00  -928   39            Group: not rated
 13.  -  FileJadahlee    0  5:03  -929   38     1.4609 leobill     1 17:13  -657  310 
                                             2.3725 strykyster  0  7:37  -844  123 
                                             3.4646 gmills0     0  3:00  -928   39 
                                             4.  -  Jadahlee    0  5:03  -929   38 

On 1st draw, ZINK(E)S H4 56 --- ZINKE a wind instrument [n]
Other moves: KR(A)NZ H8 54, ZINK(E) H4 54, ZINK(Y) H4 54, Z(E)RKS H4 54, Z(O)NKS H4 54
Z(O)NKS H4 54 kellybelly
ZIN(C)S H4 46 margalang, renmar
ZIN(E)S H4 46 Hasni
S(H)RINK H7 28 Velly
SIZ(E)R H5 26 gmills0
ZIN(C) H8 24 leobill
SINK(E)R H4 20 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, AZOTED 4G 32 --- AZOTE nitrogen [adj] --- AZOTED having azote [adj]
Other tops: TOPAZ 4D 32
Other moves: ODEA I4 29, APODE I2 27, UPDATE I1 26, EUPAD I1 25, APOD I2 24
PATE I3 24 kellybelly, Hasni
DEPOT I1 24 margalang
POTE I3 24 Grace_Tjie
PAD I3 23 renmar
POT I3 21 Velly
DAZE 4F 14 leobill
DONATE 6F 13 gmills0

On 3rd draw, HOVEL 5K 35 --- HOVEL to live in a small, miserable dwelling [v]
Other tops: EPO(C)H 3C 35, PLE(S)H 3C 35, (A)LEPH 3C 35, (D)ELPH 3C 35
Other moves: HELV(E) 5K 33, HOVE 5K 33, HOVE(A) 5K 33, HOVE(D) 5K 33, HOVE(L) 5K 33
HOVEL 5K 35 Grace_Tjie, kellybelly
HOVE 5K 33 margalang
HOVE(D) 5K 33 Velly
HOVE(R) 5K 33 reyna
HOPE 5K 31 renmar
HOVE(R) 3K 28 Hasni
HOLDE(R) L1 13 leobill

On 4th draw, (Q)UIETUD(E) 8A 74 --- QUIETUDE a state of tranquillity [n]
Other moves: (Q)UIETUDE N2 70, U(N)SUITED 9F 61, (Q)UI(E)TUDE 8E 58, DILUE(N)T O3 24, DILUTE O3 24
DILUTE O3 24 Velly, Hasni
U(N)TILED O1 24 kellybelly
LITED O5 18 margalang
TID(A)L O1 15 Grace_Tjie
LIED O5 15 reyna

On 5th draw, BLAME O4 36 --- BLAME to find fault with [v]
Other moves: ALIBLE O1 33, EMBALL O1 33, EMBOLI O1 33, LIABLE O1 33, MOBILE O1 33
BLAME O4 36 kellybelly, margalang, leobill, reyna, Velly, Hasni
LIMBO O5 27 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, WANTY 3C 39 --- WANTY a horse's belt [n]
Other tops: TAWNY 3C 39, VASTY 3C 39
Other moves: ANTSY 3C 33, AYS I6 33, NASTY 3C 33, TANSY 3C 33, WAY 3I 33
WANTY 3C 39 margalang
WAVY N8 26 Grace_Tjie
YAWNS 9K 25 kellybelly
WAYS 9L 21 Hasni, reyna
WANTS 9K 19 leobill
WANTS E5 16 Velly

On 7th draw, DIPHONE N8 91 --- DIPHONE a shorthand sign for a diphthong [n]
Other moves: PHONIED N8 84, SPHENOID 9H 79, SIPHONED 9H 77, PHONIED 2G 73, UNHOPED B8 42
PHONE 4A 37 kellybelly, Hasni
HOED 4A 35 reyna
PEH 4B 31 Grace_Tjie
HOPE 2B 29 margalang
EH N5 26 Velly
HID 9M 22 leobill
HIDE 8L 12 Jadahlee

On 8th draw, VIROGENE 13H 76 --- VIROGENE a virus-forming gene [n]
Other moves: VIROGENE 6B 74, VERTIGO E5 44, VEER 4A 31, VIER 4A 31, VEERING 13I 30
VIER 4A 31 kellybelly
GOVERN 13I 24 Velly
GOER 4A 23 margalang
GRAVE D1 22 leobill
VOR 4B 21 Grace_Tjie
GORE M12 19 Hasni
GRIEVE C6 12 Jadahlee

On 9th draw, TIMEWORN 6A 67 --- TIMEWORN showing the effects of long use or wear [adj]
Other moves: WEEM O12 50, WEER O12 44, WEET O12 44, WERE O12 44, WERO O12 44
WERE O12 44 kellybelly, reyna
WIVER H11 36 margalang
MERE O12 36 Hasni
MOVER H11 33 Velly, leobill
WORE 4B 25 Grace_Tjie
TROW E8 14 Jadahlee

On 10th draw, GANOF 12K 46 --- GANOF a thief [n]
Other moves: FEAT O12 44, FENI O12 44, FENT O12 44, FETA O12 44, FAG 5D 32
FENT O12 44 kellybelly
QAT J2 32 Grace_Tjie, margalang
QAT 2B 31 reyna
QAT D2 24 Hasni
VAT H13 18 leobill, Velly

On 11th draw, RENTALS 15H 88 --- RENTAL an amount paid or collected as rent [n]
Other tops: ANTLERS 15H 88
Other moves: SLANTER 11F 76, STERNAL 11F 76, ETERNALS D8 68, TRENTALS E8 66, RENTALS 2G 65
LEAST 15K 32 margalang, reyna
LASE 15L 29 kellybelly, Hasni
RAVEN H11 27 leobill
LAVES H11 27 Velly
RAVES H11 27 Grace_Tjie
VET H13 18 strykyster

On 12th draw, RAJAH 11J 52 --- RAJAH a king or prince in India [n]
Other moves: JAR 3I 43, RAJ 5D 41, JACAL 11H 40, RAJ 11J 39, JACARE 11F 38
RAJ 5D 41 kellybelly
JA 3I 36 margalang
AJAR 11I 34 Grace_Tjie
JAR 11J 32 Hasni
JET J2 26 leobill, raggedy01, Velly, reyna
JAR D2 20 strykyster

On 13th draw, VARIX M5 45 --- VARIX a varicose vein [n]
Other moves: LAXIST A1 42, SIX M7 40, RAX 3K 30, AXIS 9L 29, XIS 9M 28
SIX M7 40 reyna, kellybelly
RAX 3K 30 Hasni
AXIS 9L 29 Grace_Tjie
TAXIS E8 24 strykyster
LAX D2 20 Velly, raggedy01
SAX D2 20 margalang

On 14th draw, UNSUBTLE B8 74 --- SUBTLE so slight as to be difficult to detect [adj] --- UNSUBTLE not subtle [adj]
Other moves: UNSUBTLE F8 64, UNBELTS B8 30, UNBLEST B8 30, BLET 4A 27, BLUEST A1 27
BLET 4A 27 kellybelly, reyna
BLAMES O4 20 margalang, Hasni
BLAT D1 18 Velly, raggedy01
BUS 2D 17 Grace_Tjie
DOTES L4 17 strykyster
ELAN D1 10 leobill

On 15th draw, SEY A13 37 --- SEY a part carcase of beef [n]
Other moves: GOEY 4A 35, YGOE 4A 33, GOEY 4B 30, GEY 4B 29, G*Y 4B 29
SEY A13 37 kellybelly
GEY 4B 29 raggedy01, ELCEE, margalang
SYE C11 25 reyna
OYES 4A 25 Grace_Tjie
YES 15A 18 strykyster, leobill
SOY I8 18 Hasni

On 16th draw, QADI 2B 38 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QUADRIC 11A 38
Other moves: QAT J2 32, QADI 14G 31, DACOIT A1 30, QUOAD 11A 30, ORAD 5C 29
QAT J2 32 raggedy01, kellybelly, margalang, Grace_Tjie
COD 2B 20 Hasni
BRAID 12B 16 Velly
QUID 11A 14 strykyster, leobill
ADO L3 4 reyna

On 17th draw, COLUGO 1C 46 --- COLUGO a small mammal [n]
Other moves: COLOUR 1C 43, COLOG 1C 25, COG 1C 24, COLOR 1C 24, COL 1C 22
GOOL 1E 19 kellybelly, Hasni, reyna
GURL 1E 19 Grace_Tjie
COLOR 14E 18 raggedy01
BROG 12B 14 margalang

On 18th draw, FOP 5D 35 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other moves: FOCI 14G 27, POI 5D 26, FORE 14G 23, PER 3I 23, PIR 3I 23
FOP 5D 35 reyna
PER 3I 23 kellybelly
PRICER J6 18 Hasni
IF 3J 16 margalang
PRICE 2H 15 raggedy01
FIRE 2H 14 Grace_Tjie
FIT J2 14 leobill
STEP 13A 12 strykyster

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