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Game of August 4, 2011 at 18:30, 12 players
1. 527 pts nderera
2. 511 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 496 pts Stranger

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deehnps   H3    32    32   phesed
 2. aborsuy   5E    48    80   rosebay
 3. degnotu   E4    70   150   trudgeon
 4. ehloowy   6J    45   195   hooey
 5. ?demuuv   O4    41   236   mused
 6. aaeelow   F9    33   269   aweel
 7. ?bgiirt   L6    76   345   orbiting
 8. aeirtvx   6C    52   397   eaux
 9. aaaimnr  D10    29   426   manaia
10. aiinrst  15A   122   548   intarsia
11. aclortv  11H    76   624   vortical
12. cijnoru  13I    42   666   jingo
13. egilntv  O11    27   693   levin
14. aeiorsz  10N    71   764   za
15. deforsw  14H    40   804   dof
16. cegikst   8A    39   843   skegg
17. ceilrtu   A1    83   926   utricles
18. einpqru  N14    46   972   qi
19. elnoptu  B10    28  1000   pluton

Remaining tiles: efnrw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6430 Filenderera     4 18:52  -473  527     1.6430 nderera     4 18:52  -473  527 
  2.5694 FileGrace_Tjie  1 14:32  -489  511     2.6841 Stranger    2 17:41  -504  496 
  3.6841 FileStranger    2 17:41  -504  496     3.6489 GLOBEMAN    1 22:40  -536  464 
  4.5420 Fileraggedy01   1 23:42  -513  487     4.6532 sunshine12  0 18:06  -870  130 
  5.6489 FileGLOBEMAN    1 22:40  -536  464     5.6362 scrab21     0  0:46  -954   46 
  6.4362 FileDbuggle     0 16:15  -705  295            Group: novice
  7.5199 Filejimbo       1 10:01  -781  219     1.5694 Grace_Tjie  1 14:32  -489  511 
  8.4566 Fileleobill     1 14:05  -817  183     2.5420 raggedy01   1 23:42  -513  487 
  9.5645 Fileneyetifu    0  6:01  -863  137     3.5199 jimbo       1 10:01  -781  219 
 10.6532 Filesunshine12  0 18:06  -870  130     4.5645 neyetifu    0  6:01  -863  137 
 11.  -  FileKenpachi    0  4:05  -931   69            Group: not rated
 12.6362 Filescrab21     0  0:46  -954   46     1.4362 Dbuggle     0 16:15  -705  295 
                                             2.4566 leobill     1 14:05  -817  183 
                                             3.  -  Kenpachi    0  4:05  -931   69 

On 1st draw, PHESED H3 32 --- PHESE to unsettle [v]
Other tops: HESPED H4 32
Other moves: PHENES H3 30, PHESED H4 30, HESPED H7 28, PHENES H4 28, PHESED H7 28
HEEDS H4 26 GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie
SHEEP H8 26 raggedy01
SHEEP H4 22 neyetifu
DENS H7 10 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, ROSEBAY 5E 48 --- ROSEBAY an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: UPBRAYS 3G 36, BAYOUS G5 34, BOYARS G5 34, BAYOU G5 33, BOYAR G5 33
BAYOUS G5 34 nderera
BUSY G2 25 raggedy01
YOURS G7 25 Grace_Tjie, neyetifu
HORSY 4H 22 Dbuggle
BORD 8E 7 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, TRUDGEON E4 70 --- TRUDGEON a swimming stroke [n]
Other moves: TONGUED G7 69, TONGUED I7 69, NOSED 6F 29, TONGED 4J 27, TOUSED G2 27
NOSED 6F 29 nderera
GONE 6J 21 Grace_Tjie
DONUT 4J 20 raggedy01
TONGUED F4 15 Dbuggle
OY K4 5 sunshine12

On 4th draw, HOOEY 6J 45 --- HOOEY something false or nonsensical [n]
Other tops: HOLEY 6J 45, HOOLY 6J 45, WOOLY 6J 45
Other moves: HWYL F9 44, HOLEY F10 42, HOOEY F10 42, HOOLEY 4J 42, HOOLY F10 42
WHEY D9 38 raggedy01, GLOBEMAN, nderera
HOWL 6J 36 Grace_Tjie
HOWE 6J 36 Stranger
HOW 6J 35 neyetifu
WAY J4 17 sunshine12
WELT 4B 14 Dbuggle

On 5th draw, MU(S)ED O4 41 --- MUSE to ponder [v]
Other moves: VE(L)UM 6B 33, (S)MUDGE 8A 33, MEV(E)D F10 32, (S)EDUM O6 32, DEMU(R) 7K 31
MU(S)ED O4 41 nderera, Stranger
M(O)VED M3 24 neyetifu
M(A)UVE I7 22 raggedy01
DUM(M)Y N2 20 Grace_Tjie
MOVED 10D 19 Dbuggle
VET 4C 12 leobill
HOOEY(S) 6J 11 sunshine12

On 6th draw, AWEEL F9 33 --- AWEEL well [interj]
Other moves: AWEE F9 32, AWOL F9 32, AWA F9 31, AWE F9 31, EWE F9 31
AWEEL F9 33 nderera
AWOL F9 32 Stranger
WOE D10 19 Grace_Tjie
WOES G2 18 raggedy01
WELT 4B 14 Dbuggle, leobill
LAH J4 6 sunshine12

On 7th draw, ORBITI(N)G L6 76 --- ORBIT to move or revolve around [v]
Other moves: RI(N)GBIT I7 67, REBITI(N)G M5 64, BIR(L) G7 28, BIT(E) G7 28, BIT(T) G7 28
BRI(S)E 12B 22 nderera
BRI(N)G 8A 21 raggedy01
B(O)G D10 20 Grace_Tjie
B(O)RT D10 20 Stranger
BRI(D)GE M1 16 Dbuggle
GREAT 9C 9 leobill
BEG M5 8 sunshine12

On 8th draw, EAUX 6C 52 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: TUX 6D 51, TAXI K9 45, AXITE K8 44, TAX K9 42, TEX K9 42
TUX 6D 51 raggedy01, GLOBEMAN
TAXI K9 45 Stranger, Grace_Tjie
AXE K10 41 nderera
TAXI 10L 27 leobill
EXIT 10I 27 jimbo
PRIVATE 3H 26 Dbuggle
GIT 13L 8 sunshine12

On 9th draw, MANAIA D10 29 --- MANAIA (Maori) a carved figure with human body and bird-like head [n]
Other tops: MARINA D10 29
Other moves: AMIA K10 26, AMIA K8 26, ANAEMIA C3 26, RAILMAN 13C 26, MANIA D10 25
MARINA D10 29 nderera
MAIN D10 23 GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie
MANA D10 23 Stranger
MAIM 4L 16 leobill
GRIM 13L 14 Dbuggle
REMAIN C5 12 raggedy01
MING 13I 10 jimbo

On 10th draw, INTARSIA 15A 122 --- INTARSIA a decorative technique [n]
Other moves: RAINIEST C1 68, AIRNS G7 30, TARNS G7 30, AINS G7 25, AIRN G7 25
RATS G7 25 nderera
STING 8A 21 jimbo, Stranger
STRAIN 15A 18 Grace_Tjie, Dbuggle, leobill
RINSE 12B 16 raggedy01
TARA 15A 12 sunshine12

On 11th draw, VORTICAL 11H 76 --- VORTEX a whirling mass of fluid [adj] --- VORTICAL pertaining to a vortex [adj]
Other moves: CARTON B10 28, COLTAN B10 28, CRATON B10 28, VAREC C3 26, VOLA D1 26
VAT C11 25 Stranger
CLOVER C2 24 raggedy01
CARVE C2 20 Dbuggle
TALC 14G 16 nderera
TACO N1 16 Grace_Tjie
VAT 10J 14 leobill
CAT 10J 11 sunshine12

On 12th draw, JINGO 13I 42 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other moves: CAJON N10 40, CAJUN N10 40, JOINT 4A 40, JOT C13 40, JIN C11 37
JOT C13 40 GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie
JOINT 4A 40 Stranger
JUICER C2 32 raggedy01
JAR N10 26 jimbo, leobill
JA N10 25 nderera
JOIN B12 22 Dbuggle
CAN N10 11 sunshine12

On 13th draw, LEVIN O11 27 --- LEVIN lightning [n]
Other tops: LIVEN O11 27
Other moves: VILE D1 26, VINE D1 26, VITE D1 26, VLEI D1 26, VET C11 25
LIVEN O11 27 jimbo, leobill, Stranger
GIVE D1 24 Grace_Tjie, raggedy01
VILE N1 18 nderera
VAN N10 14 Dbuggle

On 14th draw, ZA 10N 71 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: SAZ C11 52, SEZ C11 52, ZEAS D1 50, ZOEA D1 50, ZORI D1 50
ZA 10N 71 raggedy01
ZOIST 4A 48 Stranger
ZITS 4C 36 jimbo
SIZE D1 32 Grace_Tjie
ZA N10 31 nderera, neyetifu
ZIPS 3F 17 Dbuggle

On 15th draw, DOF 14H 40 --- DOF stupid (South African slang) [adj]
Other moves: WOF C11 37, OF 14I 35, WORSEN B10 34, DEFOG 8A 33, SWERFED C1 32
WOF C11 37 Stranger
FED C11 29 nderera
WORE D1 26 Grace_Tjie
WORST 4A 24 jimbo
SOWED C3 22 raggedy01
WORM 4L 18 Dbuggle
WE C5 5 sunshine12

On 16th draw, SKEGG 8A 39 --- SKEGG a short length of keel [n]
Other moves: KEGS D1 32, PICKETS 3H 32, SIK C11 32, KETS D1 30, KITE D1 30
SIK C11 32 Stranger
PICKETS 3H 32 jimbo
KITE D1 30 Grace_Tjie
KI N14 26 nderera
SPIKE 3G 13 Dbuggle, leobill
GET C5 5 sunshine12

On 17th draw, UTRICLES A1 83 --- UTRICLE a saclike cavity in the inner ear [n]
Other moves: CURLIEST A2 61, CRETIN B10 28, PICTURE 3H 24, CEL C11 22, CIRE D1 22
CITE D1 22 Grace_Tjie
CURE D1 22 nderera
CEL C11 22 Stranger
RUCS G2 19 raggedy01
CLEM 4L 16 jimbo
CLUE M3 12 Kenpachi
PRICE 3H 10 Dbuggle
SET A8 3 sunshine12

On 18th draw, QI N14 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 14A 37, EQUIPE C1 34, EQUIPE M1 34, INQUERE C2 34, REQUIN B10 34
QI N14 46 Grace_Tjie, nderera
EQUIPE C1 34 Kenpachi
EQUINE C1 30 scrab21, raggedy01
QUIN 12A 23 Stranger
QUIN 15L 23 Dbuggle
QI A14 11 sunshine12

On 19th draw, PLUTON B10 28 --- PLUTON the formation of igneous rock [n]
Other tops: PULTON B10 28
Other moves: PEONY N2 26, TOUN G7 25, LEP C11 24, LOP C11 24, NEP C11 24
LOP C11 24 Stranger
PEN G7 23 Kenpachi
POTE D1 22 Grace_Tjie
POLE D1 22 nderera
PLUM 4L 16 scrab21
POEM 4L 16 raggedy01
BOLD 8L 7 leobill

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