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Game of August 5, 2011 at 00:43, 6 players
1. 403 pts iwhist
2. 395 pts immy
3. 360 pts drabble

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?hinopy   H3    86    86   phonily
 2. aadgotz   6F    37   123   zonda
 3. aelouvy   4H    28   151   heavy
 4. bdeorst   K6    86   237   strobed
 5. ?eimqtw   7E    35   272   towie
 6. deeikno   8A    44   316   enoki
 7. belnort   L9    30   346   belon
 8. adeeiot   5E    27   373   dato
 9. adeirrs  14F    72   445   arrides
10. eehintv  15A    41   486   thieve
11. aegglrs   B6    66   552   gangrels
12. aacijmr   A1    57   609   jicama
13. einnoru   D8    20   629   kinone
14. eloprsu  H11    30   659   spore
15. eilnqtt   4D    25   684   qi
16. aceiouw   3E    29   713   cowpea
17. afilnru   2J    46   759   fural
18. fiilntu   M7    27   786   flint
19. gimrtuu  E10    22   808   umu

Remaining tiles: girtux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5920 Fileiwhist      2 20:12  -405  403     1.6404 Gypsylady   0 11:56  -544  264 
  2.5769 Fileimmy        1 16:15  -413  395            Group: novice
  3.5197 Filedrabble     0 22:46  -448  360     1.5920 iwhist      2 20:12  -405  403 
  4.6404 FileGypsylady   0 11:56  -544  264     2.5769 immy        1 16:15  -413  395 
  5.5583 Filenarisa      0  1:59  -777   31     3.5197 drabble     0 22:46  -448  360 
  6.5066 Filetonikay     0  1:26  -787   21     4.5583 narisa      0  1:59  -777   31 
                                             5.5066 tonikay     0  1:26  -787   21 

On 1st draw, PHONI(L)Y H3 86 --- PHONILY in a phony manner [adv]
Other tops: HYPNOI(D) H3 86, HYPNOI(D) H4 86, HYPOIN(G) H3 86, HYPOIN(G) H4 86, PHONI(L)Y H6 86, (C)IPHONY H6 86
Other moves: HYPNOI(D) H2 84, HYPOIN(G) H2 84, PHONI(L)Y H4 84, (C)IPHONY H2 84, HYPNOI(D) H7 80
PHONY H8 34 Gypsylady
PHON(E)Y H7 34 drabble

On 2nd draw, ZONDA 6F 37 --- ZONDA a hot, dry, dusty wind [n]
Other moves: GAZON 6D 35, AZOTH 4D 34, AZAN 6E 33, AZON 6E 33, ZAG G5 33
ZIG 7G 25 drabble
ZO G5 24 Gypsylady, immy
ZO 5G 11 iwhist

On 3rd draw, HEAVY 4H 28 --- HEAVY a villain [n] --- HEAVY having much weight [adj]
Other moves: ZOUAVE F6 26, LOUIE 7E 25, LEAVY 5J 24, LOVEY 5J 24, LOOEY 5G 23
LOVEY 5J 24 drabble
YO 7E 16 immy, iwhist
(L)OVELY 8H 12 Gypsylady

On 4th draw, STROBED K6 86 --- STROBE to produce vibrating bright light [v]
Other moves: DOBIES 7E 37, OBIED 7F 37, DROVES K1 36, TOBIES 7E 36, BODIES 7E 34
DROVES K1 36 immy, drabble
STROBED K6 36 Gypsylady, iwhist

On 5th draw, T(O)WIE 7E 35 --- TOWIE a form of contract bridge for three players [n]
Other tops: T(A)WIE 7E 35
Other moves: W(A)ME L9 34, QWE(R)TY 9C 31, Q(U)A J2 31, WITE L9 31, WITE(D) L9 31
Q(U)A J2 31 iwhist, narisa
WRITE(S) 8J 27 Gypsylady
MEW L11 26 immy
Q(U)ID 12H 23 drabble

On 6th draw, ENOKI 8A 44 --- ENOKI a small white edible mushroom [n]
Other moves: KENDO 8A 38, KINDED 12H 34, OINKED 5A 34, REKED 8K 33, ROKED 8K 33
ROKED 8K 33 Gypsylady
Z(O)NKED F6 21 drabble
DINKY 9D 18 iwhist
DINK 12K 18 immy

On 7th draw, BELON L9 30 --- BELON a type of oyste [n]
Other tops: BETON L9 30, BONER L9 30, BOREL L9 30, BOTEL L9 30
Other moves: BOLE L9 28, BONE L9 28, BORE L9 28, BRETON 8J 27, EBON 9B 27
BORN 3L 19 iwhist
TRODE 12H 14 drabble
OB 3L 13 immy

On 8th draw, DATO 5E 27 --- DATO a Philippine tribal chief [n]
Other moves: TEAED 5B 24, ADIT 9B 23, DIOTA 5B 23, EDIT 9B 23, TEADE M11 23
DOTE M12 19 immy
DOAT M12 19 iwhist
TAD M12 16 drabble
AID G9 11 Gypsylady

On 9th draw, ARRIDES 14F 72 --- ARRIDE to please [v]
Other moves: RAIDERS 14F 70, ARRIDES G9 67, ARRIDES I9 67, SERRANID B3 65, DRAINERS B4 63
KRISED D8 22 iwhist
RAIDERS 14F 20 Gypsylady
DARE M12 19 immy
RAIDS 14H 16 drabble

On 10th draw, THIEVE 15A 41 --- THIEVE to steal [v]
Other moves: EVERT H11 36, THERE H11 36, THEE 15E 34, ETHE M10 33, HERE H12 33
THERE H11 36 iwhist, immy, drabble
HIRE H12 33 Gypsylady

On 11th draw, GANGRELS B6 66 --- GANGREL a vagabond [n]
Other moves: GREGALES A2 61, GREGALES A6 61, REGAL 4B 27, SAGE 14A 27, EGAL 4C 25
AGE 14B 23 immy
GARS H12 21 iwhist
GEARS G11 20 drabble

On 12th draw, JICAMA A1 57 --- JICAMA a tropical plant with edible roots [n]
Other moves: RAJ 7A 37, MARC H12 33, ACARI H11 30, JACARE D10 30, MICRA H11 30
CLAM 12A 22 Gypsylady
JA 4D 21 iwhist, tonikay
JAR H12 18 immy, drabble

On 13th draw, KINONE D8 20 --- KINONE a crystalline derivative of aniline [n]
Other tops: KRONEN D8 20, ROE J9 20
Other moves: GOIER 9B 19, GRONE 9B 19, NEURON M5 19, RONNIE M5 19, UNREIN M5 19
ON B1 17 immy, iwhist
CONE 3A 12 Gypsylady
ORE H13 9 drabble

On 14th draw, SPORE H11 30 --- SPORE to produce spores (asexual, usually single-celled reproductive bodies) [v]
Other moves: UPSLOPE 3C 29, PORE H12 27, PURE H12 27, PURL H12 27, PURR H12 27
SPORE H11 30 iwhist
POURS G11 21 drabble
OS B1 17 immy

On 15th draw, QI 4D 25 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: TITLE M8 24, TEIL 4C 23, ELINT M7 21, NIL 4D 21, TEL 4D 21
QI G10 13 immy
QI C14 11 iwhist
IN I14 4 drabble

On 16th draw, COWPEA 3E 29 --- COWPEA a black-eyed pea [n]
Other moves: AWE E10 26, OWE E10 26, WAE E11 26, WOE E11 26, ECO J8 23
AWE E10 26 immy
WO M12 21 iwhist
AWE 3L 17 drabble

On 17th draw, FURAL 2J 46 --- FURAL a liquid obtained from bran and acid [n]
Other tops: FILAR 2J 46, FINAL 2J 46, FLAIR 2J 46, FRAIL 2J 46, FURAN 2J 46
Other moves: INFRA M9 43, FAIL 2J 29, FAIN 2J 29, FAIR 2J 29, FARL 2J 29
FRAIL 2J 46 iwhist, immy
FAR E11 26 drabble

On 18th draw, FLINT M7 27 --- FLINT to provide with flint (a spark-producing rock) [v]
Other moves: FLU M11 26, FUN E11 26, FLU G9 24, FLIT M7 23, FIL I13 21
IF 2A 10 immy, iwhist

On 19th draw, UMU E10 22 --- UMU an outdoor pit oven, or food cooked in it [n]
Other tops: MIG 3M 22, MUT E11 22
Other moves: MIR 3M 20, RUM E11 20, MI 3M 18, MU E11 18, OGRISM 11D 18
UM E10 18 iwhist, immy

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