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Game of August 5, 2011 at 02:59, 5 players
1. 483 pts immy
2. 413 pts iwhist
3. 346 pts chammy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeijnru   H8    28    28   injure
 2. bdefgsu  14F    36    64   fudges
 3. ?efopwz  15K    52   116   towze
 4. beorsty   8D    64   180   sobriety
 5. deegisv  12D    76   256   diverges
 6. ?ahioor  N11    32   288   hafiz
 7. aeilorw   O7    38   326   owlier
 8. abegmnt  11J    30   356   meathe
 9. adeimru  15A    38   394   uremia
10. ahiloot  11A    29   423   lotah
11. aabklns   N2    46   469   banaks
12. cdegiop   M1    37   506   coped
13. adgillt   O1    40   546   gild
14. aeinnop   1G    36   582   paeonic
15. aeinoqy   F4    36   618   niqab
16. aeirttv   2C    76   694   taivert
17. fnoortu   L4    34   728   font
18. clnoruy   A8    42   770   curly

Remaining tiles: lnox

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5767 Fileimmy        1 16:53  -287  483     1.5767 immy        1 16:53  -287  483 
  2.5932 Fileiwhist      3 15:37  -357  413     2.5932 iwhist      3 15:37  -357  413 
  3.  -  Filechammy      2 21:34  -424  346     3.5984 Hasni       3 13:55  -452  318 
  4.5984 FileHasni       3 13:55  -452  318     4.5671 Lucylulu    1  9:05  -549  221 
  5.5671 FileLucylulu    1  9:05  -549  221            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chammy      2 21:34  -424  346 

On 1st draw, INJURE H8 28 --- INJURE to do or cause injury to [v]
Other tops: INJERA H3 28, INJERA H4 28, INJERA H7 28, INJERA H8 28, INJURE H3 28, INJURE H4 28, INJURE H7 28
Other moves: INJERA H5 26, INJERA H6 26, INJURE H5 26, INJURE H6 26, JANE H5 22
INJURE H4 28 chammy
JANE H6 22 immy

On 2nd draw, FUDGES 14F 36 --- FUDGE to falsify [v]
Other moves: FUDGE 14F 35, FUSED 14F 35, BUDGES 14F 33, BUDGE 14F 32, BUSED 14F 32
FUDGES 14C 29 immy
FED I13 20 chammy
JUDGES 10H 19 iwhist

On 3rd draw, (T)OWZE 15K 52 --- TOWZE to haul [v]
Other moves: FROWZ(Y) 12G 40, FO(R)ZE 13J 39, J(I)Z 10H 38, FOZ(Y) 13J 37, FO(R)ZE 13B 37
ZO(O) I7 24 immy
PR(I)ZE 12G 15 iwhist

On 4th draw, SOBRIETY 8D 64 --- SOBRIETY the quality or state of being sober [n]
Other moves: ROSETY 15A 38, STOREY 15A 38, OBTUSER 11E 36, YORE I9 33, BORTZ N11 32
YO I9 27 iwhist
BESTOW M10 22 chammy
BUSTY 11G 20 immy

On 5th draw, DIVERGES 12D 76 --- DIVERGE to move in different directions from a common point [v]
Other moves: DEVISE 15A 38, GEEZ N12 28, GYVED K7 26, DEVISE 13A 25, DEVISE 13J 25
JIVED 10H 24 immy
VESTIGE J5 17 chammy
SIEVE 15B 14 iwhist

On 6th draw, HA(F)IZ N11 32 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other tops: (C)HORIA 15A 32, (D)HOORA 15A 32, (S)HOORA 15A 32, (T)HORIA 15A 32
Other moves: HOORA(Y) 15A 31, HI(Z)Z N12 30, (C)HIZ N12 30, (P)HIZ N12 30, (W)HIZ N12 30
OH 11D 23 iwhist
HAIR 11J 23 immy
A(D)Z N13 22 chammy

On 7th draw, OWLIER O7 38 --- OWLY owlish [adj]
Other tops: LOWRIE O7 38, WAILER O7 38, WALIER O7 38
Other moves: LAWER O8 35, LOWER O8 35, LOWRIE 15A 35, OWLER O8 35, OWRIE O8 35
WALER O8 35 immy
LOW O10 24 iwhist
WEARY K4 22 chammy

On 8th draw, MEATHE 11J 30 --- MEATHE an alcoholic drink [n]
Other moves: BAGMEN N2 28, GAMBET N2 28, BEAM 11B 27, BEMA 7I 27, MABE 7I 27
BAM 7I 26 immy
MEANT 7I 25 iwhist
MATE M9 18 chammy
BAM 7C 16 Hasni

On 9th draw, UREMIA 15A 38 --- UREMIA an abnormal condition of the blood [n]
Other moves: ADMIRE 15A 35, REMUDA 15A 35, UREDIA 15A 32, DIRAM 11A 27, DREAM 11A 27
ADMIRE 15A 35 Hasni
DREAMY K3 24 chammy
RIMED 7I 23 immy
DAM 7I 22 iwhist

On 10th draw, LOTAH 11A 29 --- LOTAH a small water vessel used in India [n]
Other tops: OATH 14A 29
Other moves: OOLITH N2 27, HAO 7I 26, LAH 11C 25, OHO 14B 25, OOH 11C 25
LAH 11C 25 immy
HOOTY K4 22 chammy
HOA N6 21 iwhist
HOOT 11B 21 Lucylulu
OH 14B 19 Hasni

On 11th draw, BANAKS N2 46 --- BANAK (Honduran) a Central American tree [n]
Other tops: BLANKS N2 46
Other moves: ABASK 10A 45, BALKS 10B 45, KAB 10B 43, BALK 10B 42, BASK 10B 42
BLANKS N2 46 Hasni
KAB 10B 43 immy
BALKS D4 22 Lucylulu
KO B10 16 iwhist

On 12th draw, COPED M1 37 --- COPE to contend or strive [v]
Other moves: CIDE O1 34, CODE O1 34, EPIC 10A 34, CODGER B10 32, COOPER B10 32
COPED M1 37 Hasni
CODE O1 34 iwhist
PIG 10B 29 immy
PED O1 25 chammy
PE O1 16 Lucylulu

On 13th draw, GILD O1 40 --- GILD to cover with a thin layer of gold [v]
Other moves: DITAL 10B 31, GALLIC 1H 30, DITA 10B 28, GILA 10B 28, TIDAL 10B 27
GILD O1 40 chammy
GAD O1 26 immy
DAG 10B 23 Hasni
GAT O1 22 Lucylulu
GALL A8 15 iwhist

On 14th draw, PAEONIC 1G 36 --- PAEONIC a rhythm pattern in verse [n]
Other tops: APNOEIC 1G 36
Other moves: APNEIC 1H 33, PONE L4 30, OP L3 28, POA L4 28, POI L4 28
PI 10B 22 immy
PA 10B 22 iwhist
PANEL A7 21 Hasni, Lucylulu
PIANOS D3 16 chammy

On 15th draw, NIQAB F4 36 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other tops: NOILY A8 36, ONELY A8 36
Other moves: QI 2F 35, QAT J6 32, ANY 2H 31, AYE 10A 31, AYE 2I 31
NOILY A8 36 iwhist
QI 2F 35 Hasni, Lucylulu
QAT J6 32 immy

On 16th draw, TAIVERT 2C 76 --- TAIVERT stupid [adj]
Other moves: VITIATE 5E 40, VAIRE 2F 30, VARLET A8 30, VITAE 2F 30, VITTLE A7 30
VITAL A7 24 iwhist, Hasni
VEIL A8 21 Lucylulu
VAT 2F 20 chammy
ARE 14B 16 immy

On 17th draw, FONT L4 34 --- FONT a receptacle for the water used in baptism [n]
Other tops: FOOT L4 34, FORT L4 34, FOUNT 1A 34, FOUR L4 34
Other moves: FON L4 32, FOR L4 32, FOU L4 32, OF L3 32, ROOF L4 28
FOUNT 1A 34 iwhist
F*RT D1 22 immy, chammy
FOOL A8 21 Lucylulu
FOOT 3A 20 Hasni

On 18th draw, CURLY A8 42 --- CURLY tending to curl [adj]
Other tops: COLLY A8 42, CULLY A8 42
Other moves: ROUNCY 4C 30, CALORY D1 28, COLOUR B10 28, YARCO D1 28, YU 10B 28
COLLY A8 42 Lucylulu, iwhist, Hasni, immy
CALORY D1 28 chammy

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