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Game of August 5, 2011 at 09:47, 6 players
1. 201 pts mj880
2. 199 pts Faeythe
3. 86 pts Biddy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?appsvw   H8    32    32   papaws
 2. ahiqrsv  11E    52    84   viharas
 3. egnottu  10F    22   106   gup
 4. ?aeiowx   I5    46   152   rewax
 5. egjlort  10J    58   210   jolter
 6. aaeinsu   H1    24   234   nausea
 7. deiknst   5D    48   282   tinkered
 8. eillnrs  12J    23   305   reins
 9. aeiortu  13B    70   375   outraise
10. adeeort   O4    27   402   treader
11. adhloru   N6    32   434   hao
12. giilnot  14I    72   506   toiling
13. acilmoo  15F    34   540   cloam
14. eilnotv   3C    76   616   involute
15. ddefioy   6B    44   660   deify
16. degimoy   B8    84   744   geomyoid
17. bfnoqru   A7    43   787   bufo
18. bcenqrz   2F    65   852   zea

Remaining tiles: bcnqr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5089 Filemj880       1  9:35  -651  201     1.5089 mj880       1  9:35  -651  201 
  2.5854 FileFaeythe     3  7:25  -653  199     2.5854 Faeythe     3  7:25  -653  199 
  3.4625 FileBiddy       0 11:51  -766   86     3.5261 charmz      0  3:46  -784   68 
  4.5261 Filecharmz      0  3:46  -784   68     4.5953 jonb5       1  0:34  -787   65 
  5.5953 Filejonb5       1  0:34  -787   65            Group: not rated
  6.3355 Fileding        0  5:46  -791   61     1.4625 Biddy       0 11:51  -766   86 
                                             2.3355 ding        0  5:46  -791   61 

On 1st draw, P(A)PAWS H8 32 --- PAPAW a fleshy fruit [n]
Other tops: PAP(A)WS H8 32
Other moves: PAP(A)W H8 30, PAP(A)WS H4 30, P(A)PAW H8 30, P(A)PAWS H4 30, PAP(A)W H4 28
WASP H8 18 ding

On 2nd draw, VIHARAS 11E 52 --- VIHARA a Buddhist temple [n]
Other moves: SHIVAS 13H 32, AHIS I8 29, QIS I7 29, AHI I8 26, SHIVAS 13C 26
QI I7 25 Faeythe
PAH 8H 8 ding

On 3rd draw, GUP 10F 22 --- GUP gossip [n]
Other moves: GOTTEN 12J 21, GOUTTE 12J 21, GORE I9 20, TONGUE 12J 20, GONER I7 19
GUP 10F 22 Faeythe

On 4th draw, (R)EWAX I5 46 --- REWAX to wax again [v] --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: (D)EWAX I5 46
Other moves: WAX I7 45, WEX I7 45, WOX I7 45, W(A)X I7 43, W(E)X I7 43
(D)EWAX I5 46 Faeythe
WAXE(D) J10 22 ding

On 5th draw, JOLTER 10J 58 --- JOLTER one that jolts [n]
Other moves: JOG 10J 54, JOLE 10J 54, JOLT 10J 54, JET 10J 53, JOE 10J 53
JOLTER 10J 58 Faeythe
JEEL 6H 13 ding

On 6th draw, NAUSEA H1 24 --- NAUSEA an inclination to vomit [n]
Other tops: ANURIAS O7 24, SAURIAN O7 24, URANIAS O9 24
Other moves: ANURIA O7 21, INURES O7 21, NAIRAS O7 21, NAIRUS O7 21, RAINES O10 21
ES 11M 6 mj880
NOS K9 3 Faeythe

On 7th draw, TINKE(R)ED 5D 48 --- TINKER to repair in an unskilled or experimental manner [v]
Other moves: REKNIT O10 45, STRIKE O8 45, KINREDS O7 42, KINRED O7 39, SKIRTED O7 39
STRIKE O8 45 Faeythe
KINDERS O5 36 mj880

On 8th draw, REINS 12J 23 --- REIN to restrain [v]
Other tops: RESIN 12J 23
Other moves: REIN 12J 21, REIS 12J 21, RENS 12J 21, RILLES O10 21, RINSER O10 21
ILLNESS 13B 16 Biddy
SIRE O8 12 mj880

On 9th draw, OUTRAISE 13B 70 --- OUTRAISE to surpass in raising [v]
Other moves: TOURIE 4J 19, ARTIER O5 18, IRATE 4B 18, IRATER O5 18, OARIER O5 18
TAO 13L 14 mj880
TAUTER D2 12 Biddy

On 10th draw, TREADER O4 27 --- TREADER one that treads [n]
Other moves: DERATE 4A 26, TEREDO 4A 25, TROADE 4A 25, REDATE 4A 24, ROATED 4J 23
ADORE O7 18 mj880

On 11th draw, HAO N6 32 --- HAO a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: HORAL 4A 30, HOLARD 14I 29, AH N5 28, DAHL 13L 28, DHOORA B10 28
HAO N6 32 mj880
DRAT 4L 10 Biddy

On 12th draw, TOILING 14I 72 --- TOIL to work strenuously [v] --- TOILING the act of toiling [n]
Other tops: TAGLIONI 2G 72
Other moves: INTAGLIO 2E 63, LIGATION 2E 63, GIO 12C 21, ANTILOG 2H 20, LINGOT 14I 20
GLINT M2 18 mj880
GUILT 3G 9 Biddy

On 13th draw, CLOAM 15F 34 --- CLOAM earthenware [n]
Other moves: CAMO 15H 33, CLAIM 4A 32, CLOAM 4A 32, COMA 12A 32, CLAM 15G 31
OM 14A 16 mj880

On 14th draw, INVOLUTE 3C 76 --- INVOLUTE to roll or curl up [v]
Other moves: INVOLUTE C8 62, VINOLENT 1B 62, VINOLENT 1F 62, VINE 12A 30, VOLET 4A 30
VINT M3 20 mj880
VIOLENT 1C 11 Biddy

On 15th draw, DEIFY 6B 44 --- DEIFY to make a god of [v]
Other moves: EDIFY 6B 42, DEFY 6C 39, DEIFY 2J 39, DIDY 6C 35, FY 6E 34
YEA 2F 29 mj880

On 16th draw, GEOMYOID B8 84 --- GEOMYOID pertaining to American pouched rats [adj]
Other moves: MIDGY 2J 46, MYOID 2J 44, MIDGE 2J 40, MODGE 2J 40, DOGEY 2J 35
MY 14A 24 charmz
DODGY B6 19 Biddy

On 17th draw, BUFO A7 43 --- BUFO a black tincture [n]
Other moves: FUB A7 37, BOURN 2J 36, FOU 15M 34, UFO A8 34, BURN A7 31
QUIN C1 13 charmz
GO O14 9 Biddy

On 18th draw, ZEA 2F 65 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other moves: ZO F2 31, BEZ 2J 30, REZ 4J 30, BE A14 25, FEZ 9A 25
ZEA 2F 65 jonb5
ZO F2 31 charmz

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