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Game of August 5, 2011 at 16:44, 4 players
1. 513 pts reyna
2. 440 pts raggedy01
3. 350 pts neyetifu

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehikort   H4    34    34   kithe
 2. aefilos   6C    65    99   foliates
 3. aenostw   7G    31   130   whatso
 4. ?aeirsu   C2    74   204   aurifies
 5. degnopr   B7    71   275   pronged
 6. abeloov  A11    52   327   above
 7. deilowy   8J    68   395   yowled
 8. ?hiiqru   4A    52   447   qursh
 9. adelmnu   A1    51   498   manque
10. aeglnrs   O8    83   581   danglers
11. bcdegit   D8    37   618   cebid
12. adeiinr  11H    70   688   deairing
13. iilmopr  10G    31   719   romp
14. anotuyz  E11    41   760   touzy
15. egilnov  15D    48   808   vying
16. aejnrtx  L11    40   848   retax
17. acfiort   F8    28   876   iftar
18. ceijnot   N3    31   907   conjee

Remaining tiles: ilt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6734 Filereyna       1 22:15  -394  513     1.6734 reyna       1 22:15  -394  513 
  2.5433 Fileraggedy01   2 19:55  -467  440            Group: novice
  3.5647 Fileneyetifu    0 17:21  -557  350     1.5433 raggedy01   2 19:55  -467  440 
  4.5592 Filenarisa      1 11:44  -698  209     2.5647 neyetifu    0 17:21  -557  350 
                                             3.5592 narisa      1 11:44  -698  209 

On 1st draw, KITHE H4 34 --- KITHE to make known [v]
Other tops: HOKIER H4 34
Other moves: HIKER H4 32, HOKIER H3 28, HOKIER H7 28, HOKIER H8 28, KIORE H4 28
HIKER H4 32 reyna, raggedy01

On 2nd draw, FOLIATES 6C 65 --- FOLIATE to hammer into thin plates [v]
Other moves: SEAFOLK 4B 28, FOLIES 9C 27, KALIFS 4H 26, ALEFS 9D 25, ALIFS 9D 25
FILES 9D 22 raggedy01
KITHES H4 13 reyna
SEE 8G 3 narisa

On 3rd draw, WHATSO 7G 31 --- WHATSO whatever kind [adj]
Other tops: WHATEN 7G 31
Other moves: OWES 5C 30, WHATS 7G 30, WHETS 7G 30, WETAS 5B 29, WHAT 7G 29
SWEAT 9H 25 neyetifu
SWAT 9H 24 reyna
WANTS 9D 22 narisa
WANES J2 16 raggedy01

On 4th draw, AUR(I)FIES C2 74 --- AURIFY to turn into gold [v]
Other tops: AR(G)UFIES C2 74, A(Q)UIFERS C2 74
Other moves: AURIF(I)ES C2 72, FAI(L)URES C6 72, URI(C)ASE 9C 72, U(P)RAISE 9C 72, RESI(D)UA 9F 71
RAI(S)ES 9C 20 reyna
RISE 5G 16 raggedy01
SEER 8F 13 neyetifu

On 5th draw, PRONGED B7 71 --- PRONG to pierce with a pointed projection [v]
Other moves: PLEDGOR E5 44, PLONGED E5 44, GRIPED 5F 37, PEND 8L 37, POND 8L 37
POND 8L 37 reyna
DEEP 8A 30 neyetifu, narisa
PRONE 4B 14 raggedy01

On 6th draw, ABOVE A11 52 --- ABOVE something that is above (in a higher place) [n]
Other moves: BREVE 8A 42, OBOLE 8K 39, BAEL A12 37, BALE A12 37, BOLA A12 37
ABOVE A11 52 raggedy01
BOLE A12 37 neyetifu
BOLO A12 37 reyna

On 7th draw, YOWLED 8J 68 --- YOWL to utter a loud, long, mournful cry [v]
Other moves: WILY 8L 51, WYLE 8L 51, YOWE 8L 51, YOWL 8L 51, OWLED 8K 50
YOWL 8L 51 reyna
WILD 8L 45 neyetifu
DREW 8A 36 raggedy01

On 8th draw, QUR(S)H 4A 52 --- QURSH a monetary unit of Saudi Arabia [n]
Other moves: QUAI(C)H 2A 50, QUAI(G)H 2A 50, (C)HARQUI 2A 40, HAIQU(E) 2B 38, H(A)IQUE N3 37
QUE(E)R N6 35 neyetifu
I(N)QUIRE N2 34 raggedy01
QI I3 27 reyna

On 9th draw, MANQUE A1 51 --- MANQUE frustrated in the fulfillment of one's aspirations [adj]
Other moves: ADMEN 9G 36, MEDAL D8 33, MENAD D8 33, ANADEM 2A 30, BEMAULED 12A 30
MEAD 9K 25 reyna
DEAL C12 24 neyetifu

On 10th draw, DANGLERS O8 83 --- DANGLER one that dangles [n]
Other moves: ENLARGES 15A 80, ENLARGES N2 72, ENLARGES N8 72, GENERALS N7 72, ERLANGS D9 71
AGERS C11 30 reyna
GREENS 8A 24 raggedy01
GEAR C12 24 neyetifu

On 11th draw, CEBID D8 37 --- CEBID one of a family of monkeys [n]
Other moves: DIEB 9H 34, BETID D8 33, BREDIE 8A 33, CREDIT 8A 33, GREBE 8A 33
BREED 8A 27 narisa
DEG C12 24 reyna
ID A8 22 raggedy01
CIDE 6L 19 neyetifu

On 12th draw, DEAIRING 11H 70 --- DEAIR to remove air from [v]
Other moves: INDIE 9F 29, DAE 9H 26, DIE 9H 26, NARD C12 25, NERD C12 25
IDEA E10 23 reyna
RIDE 9F 21 neyetifu
DEARING 11I 18 narisa

On 13th draw, ROMP 10G 31 --- ROMP to play boisterously [v]
Other tops: LIMP 10G 31
Other moves: IMP 10H 30, IMPLORE N2 26, IMPLORE 13I 24, KILIM 4H 22, LIRIOPE N2 22
OP 10I 22 reyna, neyetifu
MO 10J 22 raggedy01
ROMP L11 16 narisa

On 14th draw, TOUZY E11 41 --- TOUZY shaggy [adj]
Other moves: TOUZY F10 38, KANZU 4H 36, ZANY 12G 35, ZOEA N6 35, AZO C13 32
AZOTE 13K 28 reyna
ZO I3 27 raggedy01, neyetifu

On 15th draw, VYING 15D 48 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v] --- VYING an act of vying [n]
Other moves: YEVING 15E 39, VOGIER 14J 36, VIOLER 14J 34, GYNIE 15D 33, EYING 15D 30
VYING 15D 48 narisa, reyna, raggedy01
GLOVER 14J 28 neyetifu

On 16th draw, RETAX L11 40 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: JINX M10 36, NEXT 6L 33, RAJ 6L 32, RAX 6L 32, REX 6L 32
JINX M10 36 raggedy01, narisa
JEE N6 26 reyna

On 17th draw, IFTAR F8 28 --- IFTAR (Arabic) a meal eaten by Muslims to break their fast after sunset during Ramadan [n]
Other moves: RICOTTA 13G 26, COFT 6L 25, FRACTI 13H 24, FRATI 13I 24, FRITT 13I 24
FA K14 19 reyna
TAXORS 15J 13 raggedy01
AX 15K 9 narisa

On 18th draw, CONJEE N3 31 --- CONJEE to starch [v]
Other moves: COATER 14J 28, JEAN 14J 27, JEAT 14J 27, JIAO 14J 27, JO K14 27
JO K14 27 reyna
JOE N6 26 raggedy01

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