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Game of August 5, 2011 at 18:17, 9 players
1. 424 pts tonikay
2. 288 pts raggedy01
3. 268 pts sandy914

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeegln   H7    68    68   enlarge
 2. ?fllnry  13G    34   102   felonry
 3. deelort   K7    68   170   redolent
 4. aceoruy   8A    92   262   eucaryon
 5. cdeiios   B2    76   338   diecious
 6. aadfiru  14H    39   377   daft
 7. aehinos   2A    64   441   adhesion
 8. begiktw   A1    45   486   wake
 9. aaeprtu   1E    38   524   uptear
10. abbelrv   8J    39   563   reveal
11. bhiortx   I5    38   601   hox
12. abeiops   E5    44   645   saprobe
13. ainrtuz   J8    69   714   riza
14. binnstu  12A    32   746   bints
15. imnnoqu   J3    36   782   quim
16. adegmtt   F6    28   810   may
17. ginoort   N5    63   873   rogation
18. degntuv  O11    36   909   duvet
19. giijntw  A10    48   957   jibing

Remaining tiles: tw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5067 Filetonikay     1 20:13  -533  424     1.6034 Kenpachi    1  8:09  -794  163 
  2.5447 Fileraggedy01   0 15:04  -669  288            Group: novice
  3.5857 Filesandy914    2 11:25  -689  268     1.5067 tonikay     1 20:13  -533  424 
  4.5609 Filenarisa      1 10:32  -699  258     2.5447 raggedy01   0 15:04  -669  288 
  5.6034 FileKenpachi    1  8:09  -794  163     3.5857 sandy914    2 11:25  -689  268 
  6.  -  FileJoykor      0  8:16  -857  100     4.5609 narisa      1 10:32  -699  258 
  7.  -  Filechammy      0  5:25  -861   96            Group: not rated
  8.  -  Filevalveamp    0  1:04  -936   21     1.  -  Joykor      0  8:16  -857  100 
  9.  -  FileClo.R       0  5:51  -936   21     2.  -  chammy      0  5:25  -861   96 
                                             3.  -  valveamp    0  1:04  -936   21 
                                             4.  -  Clo.R       0  5:51  -936   21 

On 1st draw, ENLA(R)GE H7 68 --- ENLARGE to make or become larger [v]
Other tops: ANGELE(D) H2 68, E(U)GLENA H2 68, E(V)ANGEL H8 68, GELAN(D)E H4 68, GENE(R)AL H4 68, GLEANE(D) H4 68, GLEANE(R) H4 68, GLEE(M)AN H4 68, L(I)NEAGE H7 68, (F)ENAGLE H8 68, (M)ELANGE H7 68
Other moves: ANGELE(D) H3 66, ANGELE(D) H4 66, ANGELE(D) H7 66, ANGELE(D) H8 66, ELEGAN(T) H2 66
GLEAN(S) H4 16 tonikay

On 2nd draw, FEL(O)NRY 13G 34 --- FELONRY the whole class of felons [n]
Other tops: F(E)RLY 14F 34, F(E)RNY 14F 34, F(O)NLY 14F 34
Other moves: FLARY 10F 27, FL(A)RY G3 27, FL(O)RY G3 27, F(E)LLY G3 27, F(E)RLY G3 27
F(U)RY 14F 25 raggedy01
F(U)R(R)Y 11E 18 tonikay

On 3rd draw, REDOLENT K7 68 --- REDOLENT fragrant [adj]
Other moves: DELETORY M6 64, REDOLENT 8B 61, RONDELET 8F 60, ERODE 14G 33, RODE 14H 27
TOLED 14D 22 tonikay
DEE 12J 16 raggedy01
RED 7G 7 Clo.R

On 4th draw, EUCARYON 8A 92 --- EUCARYON a type of cell nucleus [n]
Other moves: COREY J6 44, AYE J9 32, OYE J9 32, RAY J8 32, COYER 14D 31
CAY G5 21 tonikay
ROUT 14H 19 raggedy01
RACE 7K 9 Clo.R

On 5th draw, DIECIOUS B2 76 --- DIECIOUS unisexual [adj]
Other moves: DIOECIES A2 62, DIOECIES A5 62, DEICES 8J 30, CEDI 14F 29, COEDS I4 29
CODS I5 28 tonikay
DICES 14D 27 raggedy01
SIDE A5 5 Clo.R

On 6th draw, DAFT 14H 39 --- DAFT insane [adj]
Other moves: RAFT 14H 37, RIFT 14H 37, FARAD J6 35, FIAR A1 32, DEAF 12J 30
FAD 14F 29 raggedy01
FID A1 27 sandy914
FAR 14F 27 tonikay

On 7th draw, ADHESION 2A 64 --- ADHESION the act of adhering [n]
Other moves: EISH A1 47, NESH A1 47, NISH A1 47, NOAH A1 47, NOSH A1 47
HAS A1 23 sandy914
SON I8 23 tonikay
SHINE L3 18 raggedy01

On 8th draw, WAKE A1 45 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other tops: BIKE J8 45, KNEW H1 45
Other moves: BEWIG 1G 43, WEEK 12J 43, BAKE A1 42, KIBE 1G 42, TIKE J8 41
WAKE A1 45 tonikay, sandy914
KAB A1 31 raggedy01

On 9th draw, UPTEAR 1E 38 --- UPTEAR to tear out by the roots [v]
Other moves: PATERA 1G 37, PETARA 1G 37, APTER 1E 35, UPTER 1E 35, APART 1F 33
PERT 1G 28 raggedy01
PART 1G 28 sandy914
RAPT I4 10 tonikay

On 10th draw, REVEAL 8J 39 --- REVEAL to make known [v]
Other moves: BEAVER 8J 36, VERBAL 8J 36, BABE J8 33, BABEL J6 30, LEAVER 8J 30
RAVEL L4 23 tonikay
AVE 14M 17 sandy914

On 11th draw, HOX I5 38 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: BOX I5 37, HATBOX D7 36, XI 9M 36, TIX I5 35, HEX 7G 34
HOX I5 38 sandy914
XI 9M 36 narisa
HEX M7 25 tonikay
BOXER M5 23 raggedy01

On 12th draw, SAPROBE E5 44 --- SAPROBE an organism that derives its nourishment from decaying organic matter [n]
Other moves: SCOPAE 5A 32, SCAPE 5A 30, SCAPI 5A 30, SCOPA 5A 30, SCOPE 5A 30
SHOP 5H 18 sandy914
SOAP K1 15 narisa
SAP K1 14 tonikay

On 13th draw, RIZA J8 69 --- RIZA an ornamental plate [n]
Other moves: RIZ J8 66, ZA J10 64, ZOA G7 55, AZO G6 51, ZEX 7G 50
ZA J10 64 narisa
ZO 10J 31 Kenpachi
ZA D4 24 tonikay, sandy914

On 14th draw, BINTS 12A 32 --- BINT a woman [n]
Other tops: BUNNS 12A 32, BUNTS 12A 32
Other moves: SNIB J3 27, BUIST 12B 26, NIB J4 26, SIB J4 26, BINS 12B 24
BINTS 12A 32 Kenpachi
BUNTS 12A 32 narisa
TUBS 12B 24 sandy914
TUB D4 16 tonikay

On 15th draw, QUIM J3 36 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: QUINONE M2 34, QUAI N6 33, QUA N6 32, MOY F6 28, NIM J4 26
QUA N6 32 Kenpachi, chammy, Joykor
QI 11B 24 tonikay, narisa
QI D4 24 sandy914

On 16th draw, MAY F6 28 --- MAY to gather flowers in the spring [v] --- MAY used as an auxiliary to express permission [v]
Other moves: MEAD 3D 27, TEAM 3D 27, DEGAME M3 26, DOAT G7 26, BEAM A12 24
BEAM A12 24 chammy, narisa
BEAD A12 21 raggedy01
BADE A12 21 tonikay
HIM 5I 16 Kenpachi
GAMED M5 14 Joykor

On 17th draw, ROGATION N5 63 --- ROGATION the proposal of a law in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: ROOTLING O4 60, GIRN K2 35, GIRT K2 35, OINT K2 33, ORBING A10 27
BING A12 21 narisa, Joykor
BONG A12 21 valveamp, tonikay, Kenpachi
TONING C10 14 raggedy01
ORT 14M 11 chammy

On 18th draw, DUVET O11 36 --- DUVET a light quilt filled with down [n]
Other moves: NUDGE O1 29, NUDGE O11 29, UNHIVE 5G 24, TEND 3D 23, DUVET M2 22
NUDGE O1 29 chammy
BEND A12 21 tonikay, Kenpachi
BUNG A12 21 narisa
DENT O11 12 raggedy01

On 19th draw, JIBING A10 48 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other moves: JIG D4 30, JIN D4 27, JIG K2 25, JINNI C10 24, CITING C8 23
JIG K2 25 tonikay, raggedy01
BING A12 21 narisa, Joykor
WE 14N 10 Kenpachi

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