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Game of August 5, 2011 at 22:09, 5 players
1. 553 pts yab
2. 156 pts adragonfly
3. 30 pts albee2411

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehiorst   H3    78    78   shortie
 2. aeefkls   3C    36   114   flasks
 3. ?acepqz   2B    55   169   ceaze
 4. aenrsty   1F    86   255   traynes
 5. abelrtx   4A    56   311   retax
 6. abdeent   6C    67   378   bantered
 7. ?aadopw  10E    31   409   padsaw
 8. afiilos   2J    28   437   alifs
 9. beinory   M2    36   473   foreby
10. aejlotv   8L    72   545   jeat
11. chilmnu   A3    33   578   urchin
12. ilmnopw  11B    33   611   pilow
13. ddegiln  12D    34   645   idled
14. eemoorv  11I    29   674   moove
15. egimotv  13G    27   701   movie
16. iinnoru   B9    20   721   inpour
17. eggnrtu   4H    22   743   hugger
18. ginoqrt  13A    29   772   quin
19. ginortu   O8    80   852   trouting

All tiles in the bag were taken.

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6717 Fileyab         1 22:05  -299  553     1.6717 yab         1 22:05  -299  553 
  2.5951 Fileadragonfly  0 10:28  -696  156            Group: novice
  3.4338 Filealbee2411   0  1:25  -822   30     1.5951 adragonfly  0 10:28  -696  156 
  4.5073 Filetonikay     0  4:46  -828   24     2.5073 tonikay     0  4:46  -828   24 
  5.4993 Filecoolcanuck  0  1:57  -831   21            Group: not rated
                                             1.4338 albee2411   0  1:25  -822   30 
                                             2.4993 coolcanuck  0  1:57  -831   21 

On 1st draw, SHORTIE H3 78 --- SHORTIE one who is not tall [n]
Other tops: HERIOTS H4 78, HOISTER H4 78
Other moves: HERIOTS H2 72, HERIOTS H3 72, HERIOTS H6 72, HERIOTS H7 72, HERIOTS H8 72
SHORTIE H3 28 yab

On 2nd draw, FLASKS 3C 36 --- FLASK a narrow-necked container [n]
Other tops: SKELFS 3H 36
Other moves: FLAKES 10C 34, SKELFS 3C 34, FAKES 10D 33, FLASK G9 30, FLASK I9 30
FLAKES 10C 34 yab

On 3rd draw, C(E)AZE 2B 55 --- CEAZE to seize [v]
Other tops: P(E)AZE 2B 55
Other moves: Z(O)EA 4A 53, CEAZ(E) 2B 49, PEAZ(E) 2B 49, ZEL(S) D1 44, Z(I)LA D1 44
Z(O)EA 4A 53 yab

On 4th draw, TRAYNES 1F 86 --- TRAYNE to be instructed [v]
Other moves: TRAYNES 10B 75, TRAYNES G8 67, TRAYNES I8 67, TRAYNES G9 65, TRAYNES I9 65
YENTAS 1F 33 yab

On 5th draw, RETAX 4A 56 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other tops: LATEX 4A 56
Other moves: TAX 4C 50, TEX 4C 50, AX 4D 43, EX 4D 43, EXTRA 2J 43
TEX 4C 50 yab

On 6th draw, BANTERED 6C 67 --- BANTER to exchange mildly teasing remarks [v]
Other moves: BATTENED 7F 65, BATTENED 7E 63, REBATED A4 30, ANTEED 2J 26, BEANED I5 25
REBATED A4 30 yab

On 7th draw, PAD(S)AW 10E 31 --- PADSAW a small saw-blade [n]
Other moves: POWA(N) 5G 30, PROWA(R) A3 30, ROADWA(Y) A4 30, ADOW(N) 2J 29, APODA(L) 5F 28
PROWA(R) A3 30 yab

On 8th draw, ALIFS 2J 28 --- ALIF an Arabic letter [n]
Other moves: FILA 11D 27, FILO 11D 27, FRAILS A3 27, LIEF 9F 27, FILOS 11B 26
SOFA K10 26 yab

On 9th draw, FOREBY M2 36 --- FOREBY close by [prep]
Other moves: BY 3L 35, YOB 3M 34, BONEY 11B 33, BRIERY A3 33, BRIONY A3 33
BONEY 11B 33 yab

On 10th draw, JEAT 8L 72 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: VEAL 8L 48, VELA 8L 48, VETO 8L 48, LAEVO 8K 42, JAVEL 11B 40
JATO 11B 30 yab

On 11th draw, URCHIN A3 33 --- URCHIN a mischievous boy [n]
Other moves: CRINUM A3 30, RUNCH A4 30, CHIN 11C 28, CUMIN 11B 28, HIM 11D 28
HIM 11D 28 yab
WINCH J10 21 coolcanuck

On 12th draw, PILOW 11B 33 --- PILOW a dish made from seasoned rice and meat [n]
Other moves: POWIN 5G 32, PLOW 11C 31, POWIN 11B 30, MOW 11D 29, POW 11D 29
PLOW 11C 31 adragonfly, yab

On 13th draw, IDLED 12D 34 --- IDLE to pass time idly [v]
Other moves: JINGLED L8 32, NIDED 12C 32, ADDLING N8 28, BIELDING C6 28, JINGLE L8 28
NIDE 12C 28 yab
GLIDED C9 22 adragonfly

On 14th draw, MOOVE 11I 29 --- MOOVE to move [v]
Other tops: MOVER 11I 29, REMOVE 11I 29
Other moves: MEVE 11I 27, MOVE 11I 27, MOVER 13G 27, MEVE 13G 26, MOVE 13G 26
DOVE H12 24 yab
REMOVE 13G 21 adragonfly

On 15th draw, MOVIE 13G 27 --- MOVIE a motion picture [n]
Other moves: MOVE 13G 26, MOTIVE 13G 25, OMOV 5H 25, DIVE H12 24, DOVE H12 24
MOTIVE 13G 25 yab
DOVE H12 24 adragonfly

On 16th draw, INPOUR B9 20 --- INPOUR to pour in [v]
Other moves: INTRON 7F 19, INTRO 7F 18, RONIN 5G 17, INION 14D 16, INRUN 14D 16
INRUN 14D 16 adragonfly
NOUN 14E 15 yab
DOR H12 4 tonikay

On 17th draw, HUGGER 4H 22 --- HUGGER one that hugs [n]
Other moves: HUNGER 4H 20, UNGET 14D 19, DOGE H12 18, DONG H12 18, HUNTER 4H 18
DOGE H12 18 adragonfly
GET A13 17 yab

On 18th draw, QUIN 13A 29 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other tops: QUIT 13A 29
Other moves: TRIGON 14J 24, TRIGO 14J 22, INGOT 14D 19, TIGON 14D 19, DONG H12 18
QUIT 13A 29 yab
TRIGON 14J 24 adragonfly
NOT 3L 9 tonikay

On 19th draw, TROUTING O8 80 --- TROUTING trout-fishing [n]
Other tops: TUTORING O8 80
Other moves: TROUTING O4 60, TUTORING O6 60, TRIGON 14J 24, TRUING 14J 24, OUTER 5J 23
TUTORING O8 30 albee2411
GIN 14D 11 tonikay
TOURING O8 9 yab

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