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Game of August 5, 2011 at 22:55, 7 players
1. 560 pts yab
2. 315 pts Andy1990
3. 164 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?iiprst   H4    72    72   piarist
 2. dllmoos  11H    25    97   sodom
 3. aehiiln   7E    63   160   hairline
 4. adeetvv   8A    44   204   deave
 5. acefnrs   5D   102   306   fanciers
 6. aeenpty  12K    40   346   peaty
 7. adeeort  13H    32   378   orated
 8. aefimno   8J    56   434   famine
 9. begnorx  14G    57   491   grex
10. acioort  15C    45   536   aortic
11. abegjnn   4A    48   584   jane
12. ?aeklsu   3H    82   666   auklets
13. beiltwy   N1    40   706   wistly
14. benoouz   3B    47   753   zone
15. dilnoow   1I    48   801   lowdown
16. egiotuv  O12    24   825   yogi
17. bbgiruv   1H    51   876   blowdown
18. behiqtu   B6    46   922   quethe
19. bgiruuv   B1    26   948   riza

Remaining tiles: bguuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6735 Fileyab         4 20:11  -388  560     1.6735 yab         4 20:11  -388  560 
  2.5018 FileAndy1990    2 12:26  -633  315     2.6072 adragonfly  1 12:13  -788  160 
  3.5074 Filetonikay     1  5:56  -784  164            Group: novice
  4.6072 Fileadragonfly  1 12:13  -788  160     1.5018 Andy1990    2 12:26  -633  315 
  5.5466 Fileraggedy01   0  5:13  -870   78     2.5074 tonikay     1  5:56  -784  164 
  6.5646 Filenarisa      0  1:14  -891   57     3.5466 raggedy01   0  5:13  -870   78 
  7.5980 Fileiwhist      0  1:14  -906   42     4.5646 narisa      0  1:14  -891   57 
                                             5.5980 iwhist      0  1:14  -906   42 

On 1st draw, PI(A)RIST H4 72 --- PIARIST a member of a Christian group who educate the poor [n]
Other tops: PITI(E)RS H4 72, PIT(U)RIS H4 72, SPIRIT(S) H3 72, SPIRIT(Y) H3 72, TIPSI(E)R H2 72, (S)PIRITS H3 72
Other moves: PITI(E)RS H2 68, PITI(E)RS H3 68, PITI(E)RS H6 68, PITI(E)RS H7 68, PIT(U)RIS H2 68
SPIRIT(S) H3 22 yab
PI(A)RIST H4 22 adragonfly

On 2nd draw, SODOM 11H 25 --- SODOM a place notorious for vice and corruption [n]
Other tops: DOOMS 11D 25, DSOMO 11G 25, MOLDS 11D 25, MOODS 11D 25
Other moves: DOMS 11E 23, LOOMS 11D 23, MODS 11E 23, MOLLS 11D 23, MOOLS 11D 23
MOLDS 11D 25 tonikay
MOODS 11D 25 yab
DOLLOPS 4C 20 adragonfly

On 3rd draw, HAIRLINE 7E 63 --- HAIRLINE a very thin line [n]
Other moves: NIHIL 12I 34, HAEMIN L8 30, HIEMAL L8 30, AHI 12J 28, MANEH L11 28
HALE 12K 27 tonikay, yab
HELIMAN L7 26 adragonfly

On 4th draw, DEAVE 8A 44 --- DEAVE to deafen [v]
Other tops: DEVIATE 5E 44
Other moves: EVADE 8A 38, DEEV 8L 35, DEVA 8L 35, EAVED 8K 35, EAVED 12K 32
EAVED 8K 35 yab

On 5th draw, FANCIERS 5D 102 --- FANCIER one that has a special liking for something [n]
Other moves: FRANCISE J2 77, FRANCISE 5C 76, ACHENES E5 48, FACE 8L 48, FARCES 8J 46
FACE 8L 48 yab
FANS 8L 42 iwhist
FACES M3 35 tonikay
FACERS L4 24 raggedy01

On 6th draw, PEATY 12K 40 --- PEATY resembling or containing peat [adj]
Other tops: PANTY 12K 40, PAYEE 12I 40
Other moves: PAYEE 4A 38, PAYEE M9 38, PYAT 12K 36, PYET 12K 36, PYNE 12K 36
PANTY 12K 40 yab
YEA 6B 19 tonikay

On 7th draw, ORATED 13H 32 --- ORATE to speak formally [v]
Other tops: DERATE 8J 32, DOATER 8J 32, ROATED 13H 32
Other moves: ADORE 8K 31, TEARED 8J 31, TEREDO 4A 31, TEREDO 8J 31, DATER 13I 30
EATERY O7 27 yab
DORY O9 8 tonikay

On 8th draw, FAMINE 8J 56 --- FAMINE extreme scarcity of food in a district [n]
Other moves: FAME 8L 48, FOAM 8L 48, FOEMAN 8J 46, FAMINE 4A 44, FAIN 8L 42
INFAMY O7 42 yab
FAME 14F 23 tonikay

On 9th draw, GREX 14G 57 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: REX 14H 55, EX 14I 52, OXYGEN O10 51, BOXEN 4A 46, BOXEN 14F 37
GREX 14G 57 Andy1990
OXO H13 30 yab
BOX 14F 27 tonikay

On 10th draw, AORTIC 15C 45 --- AORTA the main blood vessel from the heart [adj] --- AORTIC pertaining to the aorta [adj]
Other moves: ARTIC 15D 42, CORIA 15D 42, TAROC 15D 42, TORIC 15D 42, TOCO 15F 39
TOCO 15F 39 Andy1990
COOT 15E 30 yab

On 11th draw, JANE 4A 48 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: BENJ 14A 37, HEJAB E7 34, JAB 3G 33, JAG 3G 31, JAB 14B 30
JANE 4A 48 yab
JAB C7 23 Andy1990

On 12th draw, AUKLE(T)S 3H 82 --- AUKLET a small auk [n]
Other moves: KEL(L)AUTS 10B 75, KE(L)LAUTS 10B 75, SLA(C)KEN N2 40, KAYLES O10 39, AKEL(A)S 3H 38
YAKS O12 33 yab
YELK O12 33 Andy1990

On 13th draw, WISTLY N1 40 --- WISTLY longingly [adv]
Other tops: WISELY N1 40
Other moves: BEATY B2 36, BIALY B2 36, VIEWLY D8 30, WYLE 14B 29, WYTE 14B 29
BLEW L1 24 yab
WEB 14A 20 Andy1990

On 14th draw, ZONE 3B 47 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: BONZE 14A 47
Other moves: BONZE 3B 46, BOZO 14A 43, BUNJE A1 42, BEZ 14B 41, BENJ A1 39
BEZ 14A 39 yab
ZOON F2 33 narisa
ZEE B6 32 Andy1990

On 15th draw, LOWDOWN 1I 48 --- LOWDOWN the whole truth [n]
Other moves: DOWL 1L 30, DOWN 1L 30, YOWL O12 30, ADOWN F7 28, DOWL 14L 27
LOWDOWN 1I 48 Andy1990
YOND O12 24 narisa
LOWN 1L 24 yab
ZONED 3B 15 adragonfly

On 16th draw, YOGI O12 24 --- YOGI a person who practices yoga [n]
Other tops: VOTIVE D8 24, YGOE O12 24
Other moves: VEGO 14B 23, YETI O12 21, YITE O12 21, TOGE 14L 20, VETO 14B 20
YOGI O12 24 yab, adragonfly
VIA C13 12 raggedy01
TAV C7 11 Andy1990

On 17th draw, BLOWDOWN 1H 51 --- BLOWDOWN an accident in a nuclear reactor [n]
Other moves: BRIN F2 26, IZAR B2 26, RIZA B1 26, BURIN F1 23, GRIN F2 23
BIB 14A 18 adragonfly, yab
RIBS 9E 15 raggedy01
VERB B7 15 Andy1990

On 18th draw, QUETHE B6 46 --- QUETHE to say [v]
Other moves: HABITUE C7 38, TETH 4L 27, BETH 14A 25, ETH 7A 24, ETH 9A 24
QUA C13 24 yab
QAT C7 23 Andy1990, adragonfly
JIBED A4 15 raggedy01

On 19th draw, RIZA B1 26 --- RIZA an ornamental plate [n]
Other tops: BRIN F2 26
Other moves: BURIN F1 23, GRIN F2 23, BUR F1 21, GUR F1 20, RUBIGO D10 18
RIB 14A 14 Andy1990
BRIG A11 12 raggedy01
BURG A11 12 adragonfly

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