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Game of August 6, 2011 at 13:29, 10 players
1. 505 pts reyna
2. 457 pts una
3. 427 pts iwhist

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deegiop   H4    24    24   podge
 2. ?aailmo   4H    74    98   palamino
 3. ?adeirr   O1   122   220   adroiter
 4. aeeinst   N8    70   290   etesian
 5. finnstu   8C    62   352   funniest
 6. abdeiky   3I    55   407   baked
 7. abfgimr  O12    52   459   frab
 8. cgiooru   2J    28   487   gor
 9. eilotuv   1D    88   575   outlive
10. aeeilnt   6A    63   638   entailed
11. acmosty   A1    42   680   cymose
12. aegpqrs   M9    37   717   apers
13. ginortw   I8    64   781   strowing
14. einotuy  J12    34   815   ony
15. ahioqtv  H13    39   854   hoa
16. eehilvw  10F    31   885   wherve
17. deiqtuu  11B    33   918   quite
18. cdijluz  B11    44   962   quiz

Remaining tiles: cdjlx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6693 Filereyna       2 18:08  -457  505     1.6693 reyna       2 18:08  -457  505 
  2.6443 Fileuna         2 18:58  -505  457     2.6443 una         2 18:58  -505  457 
  3.6017 Fileiwhist      2 12:42  -535  427     3.6017 iwhist      2 12:42  -535  427 
  4.6010 FileHasni       2 21:32  -548  414     4.6010 Hasni       2 21:32  -548  414 
  5.5648 Filenarisa      1 10:39  -647  315     5.6341 matrix      1 16:48  -660  302 
  6.6341 Filematrix      1 16:48  -660  302            Group: novice
  7.4601 Fileleobill     0  7:10  -838  124     1.5648 narisa      1 10:39  -647  315 
  8.3356 Fileding        0  7:51  -852  110     2.5256 Oasthouse1  0  4:07  -861  101 
  9.5256 FileOasthouse1  0  4:07  -861  101     3.5063 tonikay     0  6:44  -876   86 
 10.5063 Filetonikay     0  6:44  -876   86            Group: not rated
                                             1.4601 leobill     0  7:10  -838  124 
                                             2.3356 ding        0  7:51  -852  110 

On 1st draw, PODGE H4 24 --- PODGE a fat and flabby thing [n]
Other moves: PODGE H8 20, DOGIE H4 18, EPODE H4 18, EPODE H8 18, GEODE H4 18
PODGE H4 24 una
DEEP H6 14 reyna
P**D H6 14 iwhist, Hasni
DOPE H8 14 matrix

On 2nd draw, PALAMI(N)O 4H 74 --- PALAMINO a horse with a silver mane [n]
Other moves: LIPOMA(T)A 4F 72, DOMAI(N)AL 6H 68, DOMA(N)IAL 6H 68, GLIOMA(T)A 7H 62, MAG(N)OLIA 7F 62
LOMA I3 18 reyna
LOAM(S) 9D 18 iwhist
AMI I4 16 matrix
PALM(S) 4H 16 una
(S)LAM 9H 15 Hasni
MAD 6F 12 leobill

On 3rd draw, ADROI(T)ER O1 122 --- ADROIT skillful [adj]
Other moves: ORDAI(N)ER O4 74, REORDAI(N) O2 74, ARRIDE(S) 9B 68, RAIDER(S) 9B 68, RARI(F)IED M1 68
ORDAI(N)ER O4 24 iwhist
DRO(N)IER O2 21 una
ORDAI(N) O4 18 reyna
ORDER O4 18 matrix
RID(S) 9E 15 Hasni

On 4th draw, ETESIAN N8 70 --- ETESIAN an annually recurring wind [n]
Other moves: ETESIAN 9E 69, ETESIAN N6 68, ANDESITE 6F 63, ETAMINES L1 62, SAGENITE 7F 62
TEE(N)S N1 20 reyna
STAIN 9H 16 Hasni, matrix, una, leobill
SAINT 9H 16 iwhist, Oasthouse1

On 5th draw, FUNNIEST 8C 62 --- FUNNY causing laughter or amusement [adj]
Other moves: FIST 15L 41, FUST 15L 41, FUSTIAN 13I 28, FIST M10 27, FUST M10 27
FIST 15L 41 una, Hasni, matrix, leobill, reyna, Oasthouse1, iwhist, narisa

On 6th draw, BAKED 3I 55 --- BAKE to prepare food in an oven [v]
Other moves: BAYED 3I 52, BAKER 3K 43, KEBAR 3K 41, YAK 3K 41, BEAK M10 40
YAK 3K 41 matrix
YAK O13 37 narisa, Hasni, reyna
KEY M13 34 una
BAY O13 30 iwhist
YANKED E6 28 Oasthouse1
YAK 13M 20 leobill

On 7th draw, FRAB O12 52 --- FRAB to worry [v]
Other moves: FRAG O12 49, FIAR O12 46, FORAM 5G 46, OGAM 5H 41, BAM 2J 38
FRAB O12 52 matrix
FRAG O12 49 reyna
GAM 2J 32 iwhist
FAB 2H 30 una
BAM O13 27 Hasni
MAG O13 24 narisa
GRIM 12L 20 leobill
BRING E5 16 Oasthouse1

On 8th draw, GOR 2J 28 --- GOR used as a mild oath [interj]
Other tops: ORC M11 28
Other moves: CROG 2G 24, COG 2H 23, IO 5K 23, GO 2J 22, COURING E3 20
GOR 2J 28 iwhist, reyna
COG 5G 12 una
GOO 9D 11 Hasni
RUGS 11K 10 matrix

On 9th draw, OUTLIVE 1D 88 --- OUTLIVE to live longer than [v]
Other moves: INVOLUTE E7 72, OUTLIVED 6A 72, OUTLIVES 11G 72, INVOLUTE F7 65, SOLUTIVE I8 63
OVULE 1F 29 reyna
VIOLENT E3 20 una
VIOLETS 11H 20 matrix
VETO 9B 18 iwhist
NOVEL E8 16 narisa
VOLTS 11J 16 Hasni
VETO J6 15 leobill

On 10th draw, ENTAILED 6A 63 --- ENTAIL to restrict the inheritance of to a specified line of heirs [v]
Other tops: LINEATED 6A 63
Other moves: LENITE 2A 24, LATEEN 9B 23, ALINE 2B 22, ELITE 2B 22, LENTI 2B 22
ALINE 2B 22 reyna
LINE 7B 15 Hasni
LATE 9B 15 iwhist
TEEN 7A 13 una
LEAN 2A 10 narisa
LEE 7A 10 matrix
FAINT C8 9 ding

On 11th draw, CYMOSE A1 42 --- CYMOSE resembling a cyme [adj]
Other moves: MAYOS 5E 40, CAMOTES A1 36, COMATES A1 36, COYEST A3 36, CYTASE A1 36
CAMOTES A1 36 reyna
MEATY A5 30 iwhist, Hasni
MAY M13 29 una
YEAST A5 24 matrix, narisa
STAR 13L 8 ding

On 12th draw, APERS M9 37 --- APER one who mimics [n]
Other tops: SPARE M9 37
Other moves: GAPOS 5E 33, PAGE M10 33, PEGS M10 33, QATS J6 33, SPAG M12 33
QATS J6 33 una, ding, narisa
QI E5 22 iwhist, reyna, Hasni
EAR B2 22 matrix

On 13th draw, STROWING I8 64 --- STROW to scatter (pa p STROWN) [v] --- STROWING the act of strowing [n]
Other moves: FIGWORT C8 30, FORTING C8 24, MOWING 3A 24, TOWTING J8 23, FRIGOT C8 22
WRITES 11I 18 matrix
TOWING J8 18 una
YOW 2A 18 reyna
WIT J6 14 Hasni
WO L8 12 iwhist
GROPE 10J 12 ding

On 14th draw, ONY J12 34 --- ONY any (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: EGOITY 15H 33, TOYING 15D 33, TYEING 15D 33, OYE B2 31, UEY B2 31
TOYING 15D 33 reyna, una, narisa, Hasni
YOUNG 15E 27 tonikay
TONGUE 15F 21 iwhist
TOG 15G 12 ding

On 15th draw, HOA H13 39 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other moves: AQUAVIT D6 38, HAO B1 33, HOA B1 33, HOI B1 33, QAT J6 32
QAT J6 32 narisa
QI E5 22 una, iwhist
HOG 15G 21 Hasni
HAG 15G 21 tonikay, reyna

On 16th draw, WHERVE 10F 31 --- WHERVE a piece of wood used for spinning thread [n]
Other moves: VIEW K9 29, VIEW G10 28, HE B1 27, HEW G11 27, HEW K10 27
VIEW K9 29 una
VIEW G10 28 reyna
WET J6 14 iwhist
HIVER 10E 13 tonikay
HI E5 10 Hasni

On 17th draw, QUITE 11B 33 --- QUITE to depart from or stop [v] --- QUITE to the fullest extent [adv]
Other tops: TUQUE 11B 33
Other moves: QUIET C2 28, QUIT C3 26, QUA D4 24, QI E5 22, DEI 11E 18
QUITE 11B 33 reyna, Hasni, narisa
QUIT C3 26 iwhist
QI E5 22 una
QUI(T) 6L 14 tonikay
WIDE F10 8 ding

On 18th draw, QUIZ B11 44 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: JIZ D10 38, ZIT J6 32, MIZ 3A 28, QUID B11 28, JUT J6 26
QUIZ B11 44 iwhist, una, Hasni
JIZ D10 38 reyna
ZIT J6 32 narisa
QUID B11 28 ding
QI B11 11 tonikay

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