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Game sheet of ceosickey (file), Game of August 6, 2011 at 21:09

Word find
Word played
1 ABBDELN             DABBLE H4 26 26  
2 DEEIPTU             DEPUTE 10H 28 54  
3 AENNOOR             RONEO I3 21 75  
4 ACELOOS             ACOELOUS K4 90 165  
5 ?AEIUWZ             ULZIE(S) 8J 72 237  
6 ILLNORS             LIONELS N4 23 260  
7 ADEIRUU             DURA O1 21 281  
8 AAEFKOW             KAWA L1 36 317  
9 CEHIOTW             CHOWK 1H 51 368  
10 ?AFIRSU             FI(S)SURAL 8A 83 451  
11 EFIINOR             INFERIOR F4 71 522  
12 AEEEGMN             MEAN 2J 27 549  
13 ADEEEIT             IDEE E3 22 571  
14 AEGIMPR             EPIGRAM(S) C1 80 651  
15 AHOQTTV             QOPH 2A 36 687  
16 EIJRSTV JIVERS 12A 60   60 1/11       747 11/13
17 AAGGINN             JAGG A12 39 786 12/13
18 AINTTVY NAVVY C10 28 -8 88 2/11 GNATTY 14A 36 822 12/14
19 INTTVXY ENVY M10 20 -18 108 8/11 NIXE 9E 38 860 12/14

Total: 108/860 or -752 for 12.55%
Rank: -

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