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Game of August 6, 2011 at 22:46, 9 players
1. 544 pts Gypsylady
2. 458 pts iwhist
3. 375 pts Andy1990

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efgmotw   H8    22    22   gowf
 2. eekmorr   I9    30    52   meek
 3. ?deiiou  J10    34    86   duomi
 4. ?aiqrsu   8A   104   190   squaring
 5. eeinops   E4    90   280   isoprene
 6. ijmnrty   F2    41   321   minty
 7. eillnrs  12H    37   358   skollie
 8. aadlstv   O8    40   398   tavas
 9. adeeior   D2    28   426   eared
10. aadenrr   M7    74   500   darraine
11. bfoortw   1A    56   556   woof
12. ahilntx  N14    36   592   xi
13. abgnoor   N2    80   672   bargoon
14. acenotu   B5    73   745   cotquean
15. bdeehir  A10    43   788   heired
16. chilpty  D11    39   827   hiply
17. aceglnt  15C    36   863   cygnet
18. abjltuv   M1    50   913   baju

Remaining tiles: ilttvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6384 FileGypsylady   4 18:22  -369  544     1.7109 mylover81   0  3:22  -747  166 
  2.6033 Fileiwhist      3 15:02  -455  458            Group: intermediate
  3.5038 FileAndy1990    2 13:26  -538  375     1.6384 Gypsylady   4 18:22  -369  544 
  4.4689 Filegmills0     0 21:34  -609  304     2.6033 iwhist      3 15:02  -455  458 
  5.5889 Filesandy914    0 12:44  -672  241            Group: novice
  6.4993 Filecoolcanuck  1  6:52  -747  166     1.5038 Andy1990    2 13:26  -538  375 
  7.7109 Filemylover81   0  3:22  -747  166     2.5889 sandy914    0 12:44  -672  241 
  8.2372 Filejlslas      0 17:23  -751  162            Group: not rated
  9.  -  Filewillowboo   0  7:39  -829   84     1.4689 gmills0     0 21:34  -609  304 
                                             2.4993 coolcanuck  1  6:52  -747  166 
                                             3.2372 jlslas      0 17:23  -751  162 
                                             4.  -  willowboo   0  7:39  -829   84 

On 1st draw, GOWF H8 22 --- GOWF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other tops: GOWF H5 22, GOWF H6 22, GOWF H7 22
Other moves: GEMOT H4 20, WEFT H5 20, WEFT H6 20, WEFT H7 20, WEFT H8 20
WEFT H6 20 iwhist
GEMOT H4 20 gmills0
MOW H8 16 jlslas
TWO H7 12 Gypsylady

On 2nd draw, MEEK I9 30 --- MEEK having a mild and gentle temper [adj]
Other moves: KO G9 27, FORKER 11H 26, MEER I9 26, MOER G9 26, MOER I9 26
MEEK I9 30 Gypsylady
REWOKE 10F 25 gmills0
FORK 11H 22 iwhist
GREEK 8H 15 willowboo
WEEK 10H 13 jlslas

On 3rd draw, DUO(M)I J10 34 --- DUOMO a cathedral [n]
Other moves: DEI J10 31, DEI(D) J10 31, DEI(F) J10 31, DEI(L) J10 31, DUI J10 31
DEI J10 31 Gypsylady
DE(S)K 12F 19 iwhist
KI(N)D 12I 16 gmills0
DIG 8F 5 jlslas

On 4th draw, SQUARI(N)G 8A 104 --- SQUARE to make square [v] --- SQUARING the act of making square [n]
Other moves: (F)AQUIRS K4 88, (M)ARQUIS K4 88, (D)AQUIRIS 14D 86, (D)AQUIRIS 14F 66, QUA(S)S K7 47
QUIR(E)S K5 36 Gypsylady
SI K11 25 iwhist
QUI(N)S 14H 13 gmills0
AIRS 14I 4 jlslas

On 5th draw, ISOPRENE E4 90 --- ISOPRENE a volatile liquid [n]
Other moves: PEONIES K4 76, PAEONIES D7 70, PEREIONS E6 70, PIONEERS E2 70, SPINE K11 40
OPINES K5 24 sandy914, Gypsylady
PONES K6 15 iwhist
QIS B8 14 gmills0
SEEPS A8 8 jlslas

On 6th draw, MINTY F2 41 --- MINTY having the flavor mint (an aromatic herb) [adj]
Other moves: JIMINY 4D 38, JIMINY 14I 36, JIMINY 4B 36, MINTY D11 32, KOJI 12I 30
MINTY 4D 28 Gypsylady
JURY C7 23 gmills0, Andy1990
JUN C7 19 sandy914
MY D11 18 iwhist
(M)INTY 13J 14 jlslas

On 7th draw, SKOLLIE 12H 37 --- SKOLLIE a Coloured hooligan [n]
Other moves: SIEN K11 32, RILLES D1 29, SMEEK I8 29, SQUARI(N)GS 8A 29, SRI K11 28
SMEEK I8 29 iwhist
LINES 12A 23 Andy1990
SKOL 12H 22 sandy914
LINERS K5 20 Gypsylady
RINSE 4D 12 gmills0
MINERS 2F 10 jlslas

On 8th draw, TAVAS O8 40 --- TAVA an Indian griddle [n]
Other tops: LAVAS O8 40
Other moves: DATALS O7 37, DALTS O8 34, ATLAS O8 31, TAALS O8 31, TALAS O8 31
LAVAS O8 40 Gypsylady
DATALS O7 37 iwhist
DALTS O8 34 sandy914
SALT O12 28 gmills0, Andy1990
MADS 2F 7 jlslas

On 9th draw, EARED D2 28 --- EAR to form the fruiting head of a cereal [v] --- EARED having ears [adj]
Other tops: AIRED D2 28, OARED D2 28
Other moves: ARED D3 26, ERED D3 26, IRED D3 26, AREDE D1 25, DEARE D1 25
AIRED D2 28 iwhist, Andy1990
RAID D1 20 sandy914
ARID D1 20 Gypsylady
DINER 4D 14 jlslas
RIDE M11 10 gmills0
DEARIES A2 9 coolcanuck

On 10th draw, DARRAINE M7 74 --- DARRAINE to justify [v]
Other moves: DARRAINE 14E 61, ARED 1A 31, EARD 1A 31, NARD 1A 31, NERD 1A 31
RAND 1A 31 Andy1990
DEAR 1A 26 iwhist, Gypsylady, coolcanuck
DREAMER 2B 20 gmills0, sandy914
RADARS A3 8 jlslas

On 11th draw, WOOF 1A 56 --- WOOF to utter a gruff barking sound [v]
Other tops: FROW 1A 56
Other moves: BROW 1A 53, FORB 1A 48, ROOF 1A 47, TROW 1A 47, BOWR 1A 38
WOOF 1A 56 Gypsylady, iwhist
FROW 1A 56 coolcanuck, Andy1990
FOOTS A4 12 jlslas
BESTOW 5C 11 gmills0

On 12th draw, XI N14 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AXIL N5 33, OXTAIL B1 30, TAXI N4 30, LANX F11 29, XI N6 28
XI N14 36 Gypsylady, iwhist
HEX 14L 26 gmills0
TAXI L4 25 coolcanuck
TEX 14L 20 Andy1990
SAIL A8 4 jlslas

On 13th draw, BARGOON N2 80 --- BARGOON (Canadian slang) a bargain [n]
Other moves: BARGOON L2 78, BREGMA 2B 32, BOONGA N2 29, BREAM 2B 28, OBOE 2A 27
ON O14 22 Andy1990
GROAN L4 20 coolcanuck
BONGO N3 15 Gypsylady
BAN G1 13 sandy914
BRAND 7I 11 gmills0
REX 14L 10 willowboo
SNAG A8 5 jlslas

On 14th draw, COTQUEAN B5 73 --- COTQUEAN a vulgar woman [n]
Other moves: CANE O1 30, CATE O1 30, CONE O1 30, COTE O1 30, COQUET B6 25
COTE O1 30 coolcanuck
CANE O1 30 Gypsylady, mylover81, Andy1990, sandy914
COURT 4K 16 willowboo
QUOTE B8 16 jlslas
COUNT 10B 15 gmills0

On 15th draw, HEIRED A10 43 --- HEIR to inherit [v]
Other moves: H*B* O1 41, HEDER A11 38, HIDER A11 38, HIRED A11 38, HIDE O1 37
HIRED A11 38 mylover81, Andy1990, Gypsylady
DIB 15M 29 iwhist
BED O1 25 sandy914
HER O1 24 willowboo
HERE 4L 16 gmills0
MEED 2F 7 jlslas

On 16th draw, HIPLY D11 39 --- HIPLY in a hip manner [adv]
Other moves: ETYPIC 14A 38, PITHY D11 38, HYLIC D11 37, PILCH D11 36, PITCH D11 36
HIT O1 24 mylover81, Gypsylady, iwhist
CHAY 3L 24 Andy1990
HI L14 19 willowboo
DITCH 15A 14 gmills0
DIP 15A 6 jlslas

On 17th draw, CYGNET 15C 36 --- CYGNET a young swan [n]
Other moves: CAGE O1 34, CANE O1 30, CATE O1 30, LYNAGE 15C 30, CENTAL L3 27
CAGE O1 34 sandy914, Gypsylady
CANE O1 30 iwhist, mylover81
CAR 4L 10 gmills0
MACE 2F 8 jlslas, Andy1990

On 18th draw, BAJU M1 50 --- BAJU a short Malayan jacket [n]
Other moves: JAB O1 44, TAJ M1 42, JA M3 38, JAB M1 36, JA O1 31
JAB O1 44 Andy1990, Gypsylady, mylover81, iwhist
JAR 4L 20 gmills0
PAL 13D 5 jlslas

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