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Game of August 7, 2011 at 01:46, 8 players
1. 291 pts Gypsylady
2. 227 pts monthree
3. 128 pts albee2411

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?egijos   H4    94    94   jingoes
 2. ?aegnot   I7    68   162   onstage
 3. aailnov   J1    68   230   novalia
 4. aefgirt   K7    80   310   frigate
 5. celmopr   1E    30   340   crepon
 6. ddelnos   L1    79   419   noddles
 7. eiiorsu  14J    26   445   osier
 8. deiipsv  O12    39   484   vise
 9. aeehmnr  H12    39   523   ahem
10. aaelott  L11    20   543   tatie
11. ainotwy   1L    30   573   nowy
12. eimqruz   6D    35   608   mizen
13. aciltuu   O8    39   647   activise
14. addeinu   N1    30   677   winded
15. abhoprt   5B    32   709   opah
16. ablntuw   4B    40   749   tubal
17. benqrru   B4    34   783   toque
18. flnrruy   A8    60   843   furry
19. iklnrux  12A    28   871   yunx
20. biklnrw  14B    48   919   wrinkle

Remaining tile: b

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6408 FileGypsylady   0 12:57  -628  291     1.6408 Gypsylady   0 12:57  -628  291 
  2.6678 Filemonthree    1 10:31  -692  227     2.6678 monthree    1 10:31  -692  227 
  3.4292 Filealbee2411   0  9:19  -791  128            Group: novice
  4.5622 FileELCEE       0  6:49  -799  120     1.5622 ELCEE       0  6:49  -799  120 
  5.  -  Filefightfasd   0 10:47  -809  110     2.5982 jonb5       1  2:23  -841   78 
  6.5982 Filejonb5       1  2:23  -841   78     3.5076 tonikay     0  3:07  -883   36 
  7.5076 Filetonikay     0  3:07  -883   36     4.5918 immy        0  1:16  -912    7 
  8.5918 Fileimmy        0  1:16  -912    7            Group: not rated
                                             1.4292 albee2411   0  9:19  -791  128 
                                             2.  -  fightfasd   0 10:47  -809  110 

On 1st draw, JI(N)GOES H4 94 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other moves: JI(N)GOES H3 80, JI(N)GOES H6 80, JI(N)GOES H7 80, JI(N)GOES H8 80, JI(N)GOES H2 78
JOIS(T) H4 38 monthree

On 2nd draw, ON(S)TAGE I7 68 --- ONSTAGE being on a part of the stage visible to the audience [adj]
Other moves: GEO(M)ANT G8 67, GE(L)ATION 5C 66, NEGATIO(N) 5C 66, (L)EGATION 5C 66, (N)EGATION 5C 66

On 3rd draw, NOVALIA J1 68 --- NOVALIA newly reclaimed wastelands [n]
Other tops: VALONIA J1 68
Other moves: JOVIAL 4H 32, AVALING 12C 24, LOAVING 12C 24, VAGINAL 12G 24, LAVING 12D 22
JOVIAL 4H 32 monthree
VAN I3 21 Gypsylady

On 4th draw, FRIGATE K7 80 --- FRIGATE a sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: FIGEATER 13C 76, FIGEATER 13F 76, GANEF 1H 39, ENGRAFT 1I 36, INGRAFT 1I 36
FINGER 1H 33 monthree, Gypsylady

On 5th draw, CREPON 1E 30 --- CREPON a crinkled fabric [n]
Other tops: PONCE 1H 30
Other moves: COMPERE 13C 28, CLONER 1G 27, COPEN 1F 27, CORNEL 1G 27, MERC J11 26
CORN 1G 18 monthree

On 6th draw, NODDLES L1 79 --- NODDLE to nod frequently [v]
Other moves: DOLED L9 29, DOSED L9 29, DOLED L11 27, DOSED L11 27, DOLES L9 26
JEANS 4H 24 monthree
ROSED 8K 21 Gypsylady

On 7th draw, OSIER 14J 26 --- OSIER a European tree [n]
Other moves: OURIE L9 23, SIEUR 14K 22, EUOI M1 21, OSIER L10 21, URES H12 21
SORE 14K 20 Gypsylady, monthree

On 8th draw, VISE O12 39 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v] --- VISE to visa [v]
Other tops: VESPID 15E 39
Other moves: PISE O12 33, VISIED 15E 33, IVIED 15F 30, VISED 15F 30, DIVES 15F 29
DIVES 15F 29 Gypsylady
SPED G8 23 monthree

On 9th draw, AHEM H12 39 --- AHEM used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HAREEM 15E 37, HARIM L11 37, HEMIN L11 35, HERMAE 15E 35, MANEH 15F 35
AHEM H12 39 monthree
REHEM 15F 34 Gypsylady

On 10th draw, TATIE L11 20 --- TATIE a potato [n]
Other tops: TELIA L11 20
Other moves: TOEA L9 19, TOLA L9 19, TOLE L9 19, TOTE L9 19, ALTO G11 18
AGATE 12H 12 Gypsylady
LAST 10F 6 tonikay

On 11th draw, NOWY 1L 30 --- NOWY in heraldry, having convex curvature [adj]
Other moves: TWAE M11 29, WAI M2 26, WAE M12 24, YAE M12 24, TWA G13 23
ROW F1 8 fightfasd
STAG 10H 7 immy
WAG 12G 7 tonikay

On 12th draw, MIZE(N) 6D 35 --- MIZEN a type of sail [n]
Other tops: MZEE 14E 35
Other moves: CIRQUE E1 34, CRUZIE E1 34, ZEST 10F 33, ZEE 14F 32, ZI(N) 6F 31
ZEE 14F 32 Gypsylady
QI G5 23 tonikay
RIM F1 7 fightfasd

On 13th draw, ACTIVISE O8 39 --- ACTIVISE to activate [v]
Other moves: CITAL 5A 22, CLAUT 5A 22, CUMULI D4 22, ICTAL 5A 22, TICAL 5A 22
UTA 7D 20 Gypsylady
CLAIM D2 18 albee2411
WILT N1 14 fightfasd

On 14th draw, WINDED N1 30 --- WIND to pass around an object or fixed center [v]
Other moves: ODEA 2L 28, WAINED N1 28, WADDIE N1 26, AIDED 5A 24, DINED 5A 24
AIDED M8 15 Gypsylady
DIME 15F 7 albee2411
LEAD 5L 5 fightfasd

On 15th draw, OPAH 5B 32 --- OPAH a marine fish [n]
Other tops: THROB 5A 32
Other moves: RHEA M12 31, BAH 5C 30, BOH 5C 30, PAH 5C 30, POH 5C 30
HOP 5C 28 Gypsylady
HAG 12G 7 fightfasd

On 16th draw, TUBAL 4B 40 --- TUBAL pertaining to a tube [adj]
Other moves: TUBA 4B 38, ABLOW B2 36, BUNA 4B 36, ABUT 4A 32, BUNA 7C 31
AW 6A 26 Gypsylady
LAMB D4 16 fightfasd, albee2411

On 17th draw, TOQUE B4 34 --- TOQUE a close-fitting woman's hat [n]
Other moves: OBE M1 23, BRETON B1 20, BURTON B1 20, TORQUER B4 20, BEN G9 18
DEN 3L 8 fightfasd
BUM 15F 7 albee2411

On 18th draw, FURRY A8 60 --- FURRY a Cornish dance [n] --- FURRY covered with fur [adj]
Other moves: FLURRY A8 54, FURY A8 45, FLURR A8 42, FLY A8 42, FRY A8 42
FURRY A8 60 jonb5
FLURRY C8 31 albee2411
FUR 7A 7 fightfasd

On 19th draw, YUNX 12A 28 --- YUNX a genus of small birds [n]
Other moves: URNLIKE 14B 26, XI K2 26, UNMIX 15F 23, LINUXE(S) 9C 22, XI 2G 22
MIX 15H 21 ELCEE, albee2411
EX M14 18 jonb5
RINK 10A 10 fightfasd

On 20th draw, WRINKLE 14B 48 --- WRINKLE to make wrinkles (small ridges or furrows) in [v]
Other moves: BLINK C9 28, BRINK C9 28, OBI M1 23, WINKLE 14C 23, WINK C10 22
BLINK C9 28 fightfasd, albee2411

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