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Game of August 7, 2011 at 10:11, 8 players
1. 593 pts Stranger
2. 493 pts Hasni
3. 344 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdeimnw   H8    26    26   indew
 2. ehlnpty   I9    30    56   yeh
 3. acjrsuu   J6    33    89   jars
 4. denossv  13C    32   121   devons
 5. adfgoor  12A    33   154   goaf
 6. aaknops  11E    64   218   pakehas
 7. ?eqrstu   K1    90   308   questor
 8. defgilr   2E    73   381   dirgeful
 9. ?aaabln   1K    45   426   qanat
10. beoprtu   1A    39   465   probe
11. anrttux  14F    52   517   xu
12. ilnortu  15E    84   601   torulin
13. achiloo   A8    33   634   cohog
14. cdeitvy  14J    39   673   dicey
15. aailmno   L4    38   711   oilman
16. abegitz   N1    74   785   agatize
17. eilottt   O5    33   818   tottie
18. aeemnuw  15M    33   851   mew
19. eiilnru   H1    24   875   uglier

Remaining tiles: abeinv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6916 FileStranger    4 14:44  -282  593     1.6916 Stranger    4 14:44  -282  593 
  2.6023 FileHasni       4 21:47  -382  493     2.6023 Hasni       4 21:47  -382  493 
  3.4431 Filefatcat      1 18:56  -531  344     3.6018 iwhist      0  2:18  -833   42 
  4.5372 Filecharmz      0 21:02  -560  315            Group: novice
  5.4958 Filemarigold    0 14:12  -639  236     1.5372 charmz      0 21:02  -560  315 
  6.5644 Fileneyetifu    0  6:46  -739  136     2.5644 neyetifu    0  6:46  -739  136 
  7.5761 FileLucylulu    0  3:41  -757  118     3.5761 Lucylulu    0  3:41  -757  118 
  8.6018 Fileiwhist      0  2:18  -833   42            Group: not rated
                                             1.4431 fatcat      1 18:56  -531  344 
                                             2.4958 marigold    0 14:12  -639  236 

On 1st draw, INDEW H8 26 --- INDEW to provide with [v]
Other tops: BEDIM H4 26, BEDIM H8 26, NIMBED H7 26, WIDEN H4 26, WINED H4 26
Other moves: IMBED H8 24, NIMBED H3 24, NIMBED H4 24, NIMBED H8 24, DENIM H8 22
WINED H4 26 Stranger
WIDEN H4 26 Hasni, fatcat

On 2nd draw, YEH I9 30 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other moves: PHENYL 11F 28, PLENTY I4 27, PHYLE 11D 26, WHELP 12H 26, ETHYNE 11C 24
WHELP 12H 26 marigold
YET I9 24 Stranger
PLENTY 11F 22 fatcat
THE G7 16 Hasni

On 3rd draw, JARS J6 33 --- JAR to vibrate from an impact [v]
Other moves: JADES 10F 31, JEHUS 11G 30, RAJ G11 29, JADE 10F 28, JARS 13E 22
JADES 10F 31 Stranger, fatcat, Hasni
JARS 13E 22 neyetifu
JUS 13F 21 marigold

On 4th draw, DEVONS 13C 32 --- DEVON one of a breed of small, hardy cattle [n]
Other tops: DOVENS 13C 32
Other moves: DEVON K3 29, REDONS 8J 27, ENDOSS 13C 26, SONDES 13C 26, SONDES 13H 26
NODE K5 24 Stranger
DONE K5 23 neyetifu
VENDS 13D 21 marigold
DOE K5 19 Hasni
SAVED 7I 12 fatcat

On 5th draw, GOAF 12A 33 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other tops: FOOD 12A 33, GOOF 12A 33
Other moves: FORAGED D8 32, ROOF 12A 29, FA 14F 28, FOOD K4 28, FORAGE D8 28
FOOD 12A 33 Stranger, Hasni
FRAG K4 28 marigold
FA 14F 28 neyetifu
FAD 12B 23 charmz
ROOF F11 15 fatcat

On 6th draw, PAKEHAS 11E 64 --- PAKEHA a person who is not of Maori descent [n]
Other moves: POAKAS K2 35, KAPAS K3 33, POAKA K2 31, PAKEHA 11E 30, KANAS K3 29
GONK A12 27 Stranger
KON K5 25 neyetifu
KOA K5 25 Hasni
GAPS A12 21 fatcat, marigold, charmz

On 7th draw, QUEST(O)R K1 90 --- QUESTOR a Roman magistrate [n]
Other moves: REQU(I)T 8J 72, R(O)QUES 8J 72, R(O)QUET 8J 72, QUER(I)ST G2 69, QU(A)REST G2 69
SQUEG A8 45 Stranger
SQU(A)RE K3 40 Hasni
QU(O)TE K4 38 neyetifu
QAT 7I 22 marigold
SQU(I)T K11 13 charmz
QI 8G 11 fatcat

On 8th draw, DIRGEFUL 2E 73 --- DIRGE a funeral song [adj] --- DIRGEFUL mournful [adj]
Other moves: FLEDGIER 3E 66, FIELD L3 42, FR*GG*D A8 39, FR*GG*D A9 39, FUGLED 2J 38
FUDGE 2J 36 Stranger, charmz
FIGGED A10 36 marigold
IRE L1 20 Hasni
GIRL A12 15 fatcat

On 9th draw, QANA(T) 1K 45 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: A(T)ABAL 1A 35, ANABA(S) 1A 34, B(E)AN 1F 31, A(R)ABA 1A 30, BAA 1F 30
BAA 1F 30 Stranger, charmz
AB 1H 25 Hasni
J(O)B 6J 11 fatcat

On 10th draw, PROBE 1A 39 --- PROBE to investigate or examine thoroughly [v]
Other moves: ROUPET 1A 38, BOUT 1F 35, POUR 1F 35, POUT 1F 35, TROPE 1A 33
POUT 1F 35 Stranger
TOE L4 21 Hasni
PROBE 3A 21 fatcat
GRUB A12 21 charmz, marigold

On 11th draw, XU 14F 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: TAXA F8 27, TART L4 26, EAUX 3K 25, OX F13 25, TAX 12K 22
XU 14F 52 Stranger, Hasni
OX F13 25 fatcat, charmz, marigold

On 12th draw, TORULIN 15E 84 --- TORULIN a vitamin in yeast [n]
Other moves: TORULIN 15G 77, TROULING A5 77, TORULINS 4D 68, TORULI 15E 31, LORN 15E 25
RONT 15E 25 Stranger
TORN 15G 15 Hasni
GURL A12 15 charmz
TURN 15G 15 marigold
J(O)INT 6J 13 fatcat

On 13th draw, COHOG A8 33 --- COHOG an edible clam [n]
Other moves: LOCHIA 14J 32, AHI 14I 31, HIC 14J 31, HOC 14J 31, OOH 10D 31
HOC 14J 31 Stranger
HA L4 22 Hasni
RICH B1 18 fatcat
GOAL A12 15 charmz

On 14th draw, DICEY 14J 39 --- DICEY dangerous [adj]
Other tops: DICTY 14J 39
Other moves: DEITY 14J 35, STIVY 4K 30, TEDY 14A 30, TIDY 14A 30, TIED L4 29
DEITY 14J 35 Stranger
TIDY 14A 30 charmz
YETI L6 23 Hasni
CITY 8A 13 fatcat

On 15th draw, OILMAN L4 38 --- OILMAN one who owns or operates an oil well [n]
Other moves: AGAMI H1 33, NGOMA H1 33, OGAM H1 30, MOO B10 26, ALMAIN L5 25
MOO B10 26 Stranger
MAN 15M 24 Hasni
MAN 13M 23 Lucylulu
NOM 14B 22 charmz
ALIMONY N8 14 fatcat

On 16th draw, AGATIZE N1 74 --- AGATIZE to cause to resemble agate [v]
Other moves: BIZE 14A 49, GAZE 14A 47, BEZ 14A 41, BIZ 14A 41, ZABETA F6 39
ZA F10 31 Stranger, charmz, Lucylulu, fatcat
ZEA M13 24 Hasni

On 17th draw, TOTTIE O5 33 --- TOTTIE a small child [n]
Other moves: TOLE O5 27, TOLT O5 27, TOTE O5 27, TITTLE O7 23, TOILET O7 23
TOLE O5 27 Stranger, Lucylulu
TOTE O5 27 Hasni
ZO 6N 11 fatcat, charmz

On 18th draw, MEW 15M 33 --- MEW a place of retirement or concealment [n] --- MEW to confine (one pl MEAWES) [v]
Other tops: MAW 15M 33
Other moves: WANEY N10 32, WEENY N10 32, AWEE N9 30, NGWEE H1 30, AW 1H 29
MAW 15M 33 Hasni, Stranger
MAW 13M 29 Lucylulu
MEANY N10 26 fatcat
MEW N10 24 iwhist
RAWN B1 14 charmz

On 19th draw, UGLIER H1 24 --- UGLY displeasing to the sight [adj]
Other moves: REI 13M 22, REN 13M 22, LIEN M7 20, LIER M7 20, LIEU M7 20
REN 13M 22 Stranger
LINIER 12J 18 iwhist
UN 1H 17 Hasni
PRUNE A1 8 Lucylulu, fatcat
RUNE B1 8 charmz

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