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Game of August 7, 2011 at 23:25, 9 players
1. 508 pts immy
2. 471 pts iwhist
3. 399 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cegiost   H4    24    24   cogies
 2. deimnpt   5C    76   100   piedmont
 3. aeeeirt   G8    64   164   eaterie
 4. aabcotu   4A    26   190   bout
 5. dehnovw   A1    39   229   howbe
 6. egimqsv   K3    52   281   qis
 7. abiknov  14B    46   327   invoke
 8. ?illnuy  12E    72   399   luringly
 9. ?aforty  H11    42   441   fiord
10. aaeistt   C8    68   509   astatine
11. adfjorr   8A    36   545   ajar
12. bdeeilr   K8    72   617   rebilled
13. adghnot   6B    35   652   honda
14. aefnvwx  15K    51   703   dewax
15. aegnosy   8J    42   745   eryngo
16. ainrrst   N1    72   817   starring
17. acemouv   1J    42   859   vamose
18. adglpuz  14N    53   912   za
19. dfglpuu   F9    25   937   pudu

Remaining tiles: cfglu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5924 Fileimmy        1 13:40  -429  508     1.6029 iwhist      2 14:18  -466  471 
  2.6029 Fileiwhist      2 14:18  -466  471     2.6572 dannyboy    1  6:59  -753  184 
  3.5081 Filetonikay     1 25:30  -538  399            Group: novice
  4.4615 Filenaneru      1 11:12  -710  227     1.5924 immy        1 13:40  -429  508 
  5.6572 Filedannyboy    1  6:59  -753  184     2.5081 tonikay     1 25:30  -538  399 
  6.5379 Filecharmz      1  7:16  -762  175     3.5379 charmz      1  7:16  -762  175 
  7.  -  Filedanstpaul   0  6:53  -771  166     4.5893 sandy914    0  0:32  -896   41 
  8.4681 Filegmills0     0  2:48  -841   96            Group: not rated
  9.5893 Filesandy914    0  0:32  -896   41     1.4615 naneru      1 11:12  -710  227 
                                             2.  -  danstpaul   0  6:53  -771  166 
                                             3.4681 gmills0     0  2:48  -841   96 

On 1st draw, COGIES H4 24 --- COGIE a small bowl [n]
Other tops: GESTIC H7 24, GOETIC H7 24
Other moves: CESTOI H4 22, COGIE H4 22, COTISE H4 22, GESTIC H4 22, GOETIC H4 22
COTES H4 20 iwhist, immy
COGS H8 14 tonikay

On 2nd draw, PIEDMONT 5C 76 --- PIEDMONT an area lying at the foot of a mountain [n]
Other moves: PEDIMENT 8C 64, PEDIMENT 8G 64, IMPONED 5E 48, MEINT G7 23, DEPICT 4D 22
MOPED 5G 20 immy
DIME 8E 7 tonikay

On 3rd draw, EATERIE G8 64 --- EATERIE a restaurant [n]
Other moves: EATERIE G9 62, EATERIES 9A 60, PIEDMONTITE 5C 32, TRIAC 4D 27, TRIAGE 6D 24
RATE 6B 14 immy
TRIPE C2 14 iwhist
PERT C5 7 tonikay

On 4th draw, BOUT 4A 26 --- BOUT a contest [n]
Other tops: COB 4B 26, CUB 4B 26, TUBA 4B 26
Other moves: ABACTOR 12A 24, COARB 12D 24, COURB 12D 24, OBA 4C 24, ABA F13 23
BA F14 20 iwhist
BAT F9 18 immy
BAIT D3 12 tonikay

On 5th draw, HOWBE A1 39 --- HOWBE yet [conj]
Other moves: BOWNED A4 36, BOWED A4 33, EDH F12 33, BOWNE A4 30, WHEN F8 30
BOWED A4 33 immy, iwhist
HUP C3 16 tonikay

On 6th draw, QIS K3 52 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GIVES K1 46, VIMS K2 46, VIGS K2 44, GEMS K2 42, GISM K3 42
SIM 15G 23 immy
SEG 15G 20 tonikay
MIGS 15D 18 iwhist

On 7th draw, INVOKE 14B 46 --- INVOKE to appeal to for help [v]
Other moves: KAIN L1 41, VAIN L1 37, NIQAB 3I 34, AKIN L1 33, KIN L2 29
AKIN L1 33 immy
BIN L2 25 iwhist
KOA F13 19 tonikay

On 8th draw, LURIN(G)LY 12E 72 --- LURINGLY in an enticing manner [adv]
Other moves: UNLI(K)ELY 11B 70, UNLI(V)ELY 11B 70, INUTIL(E)LY D1 63, (S)QUINY 3J 34, W(H)Y 3A 33
QU(A)Y 3K 30 iwhist
YIN L2 27 immy
NI(S) 15E 17 tonikay

On 9th draw, FIOR(D) H11 42 --- FIORD a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs [n]
Other moves: FAQ(I)R 3I 40, ORF(R)AY 2A 38, O(R)FRAY 2A 38, (N)ITRY H11 38, (S)OFTY 15G 37
(S)OFTY 15G 37 tonikay
(I)F L3 28 immy
(S)OFA 15G 25 iwhist

On 10th draw, ASTATINE C8 68 --- ASTATINE a radioactive element [n]
Other moves: QATS 3K 26, TAIS L1 25, TAIT L1 25, QAT 3K 24, QIS 3K 24
TIT L2 21 tonikay
SI I14 18 immy
INVOKERS 14B 15 iwhist

On 11th draw, AJAR 8A 36 --- AJAR partly open [adj]
Other moves: FJORD F1 32, JAFA 11B 32, JOE 15A 32, JO 6B 30, AFRO 11K 26
AJAR 8A 36 iwhist
OF B1 25 danstpaul
JO B8 20 immy
RAJA 8B 19 tonikay
OAR 13K 13 naneru

On 12th draw, REBILLED K8 72 --- REBILL to bill again [v]
Other tops: REBILLED K7 72
Other moves: BID L2 29, BEDU F9 25, LID L2 25, RID L2 25, BRIDLED F2 23
BID L2 29 iwhist, immy, tonikay
BRIDLE K8 18 gmills0
ED B1 17 danstpaul
IDE 15A 15 naneru

On 13th draw, HONDA 6B 35 --- HONDA a part of a lariat [n]
Other moves: WHO 3A 33, DONAH 15K 30, HA J14 29, HO J14 29, W*G 3A 28
HA J14 29 immy, iwhist
DEATH 14J 26 gmills0
OH B1 25 danstpaul
HOE 15A 20 tonikay, naneru

On 14th draw, DEWAX 15K 51 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: REWAX 8K 48, AX B1 41, EX B1 41, WEAVE 14J 38, VEENA 14J 32
DEWAX 15K 51 charmz
AX B1 41 immy, tonikay, danstpaul
EX B1 41 sandy914
FA J14 29 dannyboy
RAVEN 8K 27 iwhist
LAX 13K 25 naneru
OXEN 2A 22 gmills0

On 15th draw, ERYNGO 8J 42 --- ERYNGO a medicinal herb [n]
Other moves: GEYAN 14J 40, ARGOSY 8J 36, AYE 14M 36, OOGENY 2A 36, OYE 14M 36
AYE 14M 36 immy, naneru
ARGOSY 8J 36 danstpaul
RANGY 8K 30 gmills0
YA 14N 29 dannyboy
OY B1 25 iwhist, charmz
AS B1 13 tonikay

On 16th draw, STARRING N1 72 --- STAR to shine as a star (a natural luminous body visible in the sky) [v] --- STARRING the act or starring [n]
Other tops: TARRINGS N2 72
Other moves: QATS 3K 26, ANIS L1 25, ARIS L1 25, RAIN L1 25, RAIS L1 25
QATS 3K 26 charmz
TRIN L1 25 immy
SNIT L1 25 dannyboy
STARRING N1 22 danstpaul
NIT L2 21 iwhist
TA 14N 17 naneru
STRANG N3 9 tonikay

On 17th draw, VAMOSE 1J 42 --- VAMOSE to leave quickly [v]
Other moves: MUCOSA 1J 39, MUCOSE 1J 39, VASE 1L 33, CAEOMA N10 32, AMUSE 1K 30
VASE 1L 33 charmz, iwhist, tonikay
AMUSE 1K 30 naneru, dannyboy
MASE 1L 27 immy

On 18th draw, ZA 14N 53 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZA M3 46, PEDAL 14J 40, ZEP 14J 38, PLAZA 11A 36, ZED 14J 36
ZA 14N 53 naneru, immy, iwhist, dannyboy, tonikay
ZAP 3M 28 charmz

On 19th draw, PUDU F9 25 --- PUDU a South American deer [n]
Other moves: FUND 7L 23, FUNG 7L 23, FLU F8 21, OUP M1 20, PLU F8 19
FED 14J 18 iwhist, dannyboy
FLAX O12 18 naneru
FAD 3M 14 immy
PAD 3M 12 tonikay
PAX O13 12 charmz

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