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Game of August 8, 2011 at 13:08, 13 players
1. 595 pts jeff
2. 532 pts jimbo
3. 524 pts Hasni

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdenttu   H4    24    24   butted
 2. ?ejmnow   4F    34    58   jobname
 3. accdirt   8D    64   122   accredit
 4. aehikst   L8    95   217   shitake
 5. defisuw   8A    54   271   disaccredits
 6. ?eelnry  14G    86   357   terylene
 7. eeiosuw  O12    44   401   wise
 8. aeinruw  15B    99   500   unwarie
 9. aegmnoo  M11    34   534   among
10. abfloos   M1    36   570   fabs
11. aeinort   E5    90   660   reaction
12. ailnpvy   1J    39   699   naifly
13. fnoortu   O7    45   744   frontwise
14. aaloprz   3G    52   796   za
15. egilopx   5J    41   837   gox
16. aeegilp   D7    33   870   paigle
17. adehlru   2B    37   907   hauled
18. eopqruv   D1    50   957   quop
19. eeooruv   3J    30   987   verb

Remaining tiles: eioouv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6997 Filejeff        4 13:17  -392  595     1.7239 kellybelly  0  6:10  -836  151 
  2.5273 Filejimbo       4 20:06  -455  532            Group: intermediate
  3.6050 FileHasni       2 25:46  -463  524     1.6997 jeff        4 13:17  -392  595 
  4.4436 Filespellcheck  3 20:07  -513  474     2.6050 Hasni       2 25:46  -463  524 
  5.5505 Fileraggedy01   0 20:09  -561  426     3.6703 reyna       2  5:33  -772  215 
  6.5070 Filetonikay     1 21:53  -569  418     4.6213 margalang   0  2:22  -919   68 
  7.5862 Filepandora1._  0 15:51  -649  338            Group: novice
  8.4121 Fileginalee     0 17:08  -727  260     1.5273 jimbo       4 20:06  -455  532 
  9.6703 Filereyna       2  5:33  -772  215     2.5505 raggedy01   0 20:09  -561  426 
 10.3379 Fileding        0 14:10  -774  213     3.5070 tonikay     1 21:53  -569  418 
 11.7239 Filekellybelly  0  6:10  -836  151     4.5862 pandora1._  0 15:51  -649  338 
 12.5731 FileBez         1  5:29  -874  113     5.5731 Bez         1  5:29  -874  113 
 13.6213 Filemargalang   0  2:22  -919   68            Group: not rated
                                             1.4436 spellcheck  3 20:07  -513  474 
                                             2.4121 ginalee     0 17:08  -727  260 
                                             3.3379 ding        0 14:10  -774  213 

On 1st draw, BUTTED H4 24 --- BUTT to hit with the head [v]
Other tops: BUNTED H4 24
Other moves: BUNDE H4 22, BUNDT H4 22, BUNTED H7 22, BUTTED H7 22, BUNTED H3 20
BUTTED H4 24 jeff, Bez, spellcheck, jimbo
TUBED H4 18 Hasni
BEND H5 14 tonikay
BEND H8 14 ginalee, ding

On 2nd draw, JOBN(A)ME 4F 34 --- JOBNAME a computer code for a job instruction [n]
Other moves: J(A)W 3G 33, ENJ(A)MB 4C 32, JET(S)OM 6F 32, J(A)M 3G 31, JETON 6F 30
JET 6F 26 jeff
JOT 6F 26 jimbo, Bez
B(A)NJO 4H 26 spellcheck
J(U)TE 6F 26 ginalee
J(A)M I3 26 tonikay
MOWE(D) I8 18 Hasni
J*W 8G 13 ding

On 3rd draw, ACCREDIT 8D 64 --- ACCREDIT to give official authorization to [v]
Other moves: DARIC 5J 28, DIACT 5J 28, CIRCA 5B 27, TICCA 5B 27, CADMIC K1 26
DART 5J 22 jeff
TAD 5J 20 tonikay
MICA K4 16 jimbo
DA 5E 15 Bez
DART 3L 13 Hasni
MAD K4 12 ginalee
TRACED 8D 10 spellcheck
DIRE L1 7 ding

On 4th draw, SHITAKE L8 95 --- SHITAKE an Oriental mushroom [n]
Other moves: SHITAKE M4 88, SHIITAKE J6 69, AITCHES E5 48, HAIK 3G 43, SAKIEH L8 43
HASK M2 40 jeff
SHAKE M4 35 jimbo
KITS M1 34 Hasni, reyna
SHACK E5 28 spellcheck
KITH 7J 23 Bez
CHASTE E8 22 raggedy01
CHEATS E8 22 ginalee
CAKES F8 21 tonikay
TASK K8 16 ding

Other moves: WIFES 15H 52, DEFIS 15H 46, FEUDS 15H 46, WEIDS 15H 46, WIDES 15H 46
WIFES 15H 52 jeff, reyna, Hasni, jimbo
WIDES 15H 46 spellcheck
SIDE 15L 34 tonikay
SWIFTED 11H 28 raggedy01
DEWS 15I 25 Bez
FITS 11J 14 ginalee
HEWS 9L 11 ding

On 6th draw, (T)ERYLENE 14G 86 --- TERYLENE a kind of polyester fabric -- a trademark [n]
Other tops: DE(P)RENYL A8 86
Other moves: LIEN(T)ERY B7 74, RECEN(T)LY E6 74, (S)ERENELY 14G 74, SEREN(E)LY C8 72, SER(E)NELY C8 72
LYRE(S) 15H 35 jimbo
EYER(S) 15H 35 jeff
YEN(S) M1 29 Hasni
LEER(S) 15H 26 tonikay
LE(A)KY 13I 24 raggedy01
CELERY E8 22 ginalee
KEY 13L 20 ding
KEY(S) 13L 20 spellcheck
EYE(S) 15I 20 reyna

On 7th draw, WISE O12 44 --- WISE having wisdom [adj] --- WISE to become aware or informed [v]
Other moves: WEISE O11 38, SEWIN M10 37, OWSE O12 35, WEISE M1 34, WEES H12 33
WISE O12 44 reyna, jimbo, spellcheck
WEES H12 33 jeff, raggedy01
WEES M1 32 Hasni
WISE M2 32 pandora1._
WOES M1 32 tonikay
J*W F4 21 ginalee
SWOT 11I 14 ding

On 8th draw, UNWARIE 15B 99 --- UNWARIE unexpected [adj]
Other moves: UNWARIE 15A 84, UNWARIE 13B 76, UNWARIE 13A 74, AWNIER 15C 46, UNWARE 15D 39
AWNER H11 36 raggedy01
WREN H12 33 spellcheck
WEEN H12 33 jeff, jimbo, ginalee
WARE 15F 30 pandora1._
WIN 15F 25 tonikay
J*W F4 21 ding
WARE 3L 19 Hasni

On 9th draw, AMONG M11 34 --- AMONG in the midst of [prep]
Other tops: EMONG M11 34
Other moves: MAKE 13J 33, MAKO 13J 33, GAMONE 5J 32, MONGOE 5J 31, AMONG 3I 30
AMONG M11 34 jeff, Hasni
MANGO 5J 29 reyna
MOON 14B 29 raggedy01
MANGOES C2 22 spellcheck
MAGNET 11G 18 jimbo
JAM F4 18 ding
MA 5E 17 pandora1._, tonikay

On 10th draw, FABS M1 36 --- FAB something created or constructed [n]
Other tops: FOBS M1 36
Other moves: ALFS M1 32, OAFS M1 32, OOFS M1 32, *B*S M1 30, ALBS M1 30
FABS M1 36 tonikay, reyna, jimbo
FOBS M1 36 spellcheck, Hasni
ALFS M1 32 margalang
LOBS M1 30 pandora1._
FLAB 3L 23 raggedy01
BOO 5D 19 jeff
FL(A)BS J2 19 ginalee
JAB F4 18 ding

On 11th draw, REACTION E5 90 --- REACTION the act of reacting [n]
REFIT 1K 27 jimbo, raggedy01
ANE N1 19 Hasni
FAT 1M 18 jeff, spellcheck
FOE 1M 18 ding
FAN 1M 18 pandora1._
TAMER K2 14 ginalee

On 12th draw, NAIFLY 1J 39 --- NAIFLY in a naive manner [adv]
Other moves: PALAY 2J 32, PAVAN 2J 32, SYLVAN C8 32, SYLVIA C8 32, SYLVIN C8 32
ANY N1 28 tonikay
FAY 1M 27 jeff, jimbo, ding, Hasni, pandora1._
FLY 1M 27 spellcheck, raggedy01
IVY J8 17 ginalee

On 13th draw, FRONTWISE O7 45 --- FRONTWISE
Other moves: FOOT F10 32, FOUR F10 32, FOU F10 31, FRO F10 31, UNROOFS C2 28
FOOT F10 32 jeff
FOUR F10 32 pandora1._
FRONT 12B 16 jimbo
FONT 12C 14 Hasni
ROUT 2H 12 raggedy01
FURY J11 10 spellcheck

On 14th draw, ZA 3G 52 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZAP D11 43, AZO D10 41, PLAZA D1 40, ZOA D11 39, ZOA N6 39
ZAP D11 43 jeff, kellybelly
ZOA N6 39 pandora1._, Hasni
ZA D11 37 tonikay
PREZ 6C 35 raggedy01
ZIP 10D 20 jimbo
ZAPS C5 18 spellcheck

On 15th draw, GOX 5J 41 --- GOX gaseous oxygen [n]
Other moves: EXO 14A 40, LEX 5J 38, LOX 5J 38, POXING 12A 38, XI 14B 38
GOX 5J 41 jeff
XI 14B 38 kellybelly, raggedy01
EX 5K 35 Hasni
PIXELS C3 32 spellcheck
PLEX 6C 29 pandora1._
PIX 10D 28 jimbo
POX 2I 27 tonikay
PIXIE J7 16 ding

On 16th draw, PAIGLE D7 33 --- PAIGLE the cowslip [n]
Other moves: PEAGE N6 30, ETAPE K7 29, GIP K10 28, PEG K10 28, PIG K10 28
PEG K10 28 pandora1._
PALING 12A 24 jimbo
PLAGE D1 24 kellybelly
PA 2F 22 jeff, tonikay
PEA N6 18 Hasni
PAGE 6B 13 raggedy01
PLEDGE A5 10 spellcheck

On 17th draw, HAULED 2B 37 --- HAUL to pull with force [v]
Other tops: HARELD 2B 37, HARLED 2B 37, HERALD 2B 37, HURLED 2B 37
Other moves: HALERU B10 34, HERBAL 3J 32, DUH K10 31, CADRE F8 30, HERB 3J 30
HURLED 2B 37 jeff
HEAD N6 26 raggedy01, Hasni
HA 2F 25 tonikay, kellybelly
HA C12 16 pandora1._
HAULED A3 11 jimbo
HURDLE A5 10 spellcheck

On 18th draw, QUOP D1 50 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other tops: QUEP D1 50
Other moves: QUIVER B6 40, QUIPO B6 38, QUERY J10 37, EQUIP B5 36, QUIRE B6 36
QUOP D1 50 jimbo
QUIVER B6 40 Hasni, spellcheck, raggedy01
EQUIP B5 36 margalang, jeff, ginalee
QUEEN 12A 24 pandora1._
VOE N6 21 kellybelly
PIQUE B7 18 tonikay

On 19th draw, VERB 3J 30 --- VERB a word used to express an act, occurrence, or mode of being [n]
Other moves: ROVE 6K 24, EVOE N5 22, EREV F10 21, ROUE 6K 21, VEE N6 21
VEE N6 21 jeff
VOE N6 21 Hasni
REGIVE 10B 20 spellcheck
GIVE 10D 16 pandora1._
HOVER B2 13 raggedy01
TOE 6H 10 tonikay
DROVE A8 10 ginalee
ROVED A4 10 jimbo

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