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Game of August 8, 2011 at 20:42, 12 players
1. 572 pts sunshine12
2. 479 pts immy
3. 448 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?epruuy   H4    28    28   yauper
 2. glnosty   9F    68    96   strongly
 3. acilntt   5D    86   182   tantalic
 4. ?bdoptu   8M    28   210   bop
 5. adiloru   M8    24   234   byroad
 6. deilssw   J7    68   302   windless
 7. ?einotv   O8    89   391   pivotmen
 8. aeefilt  13C    76   467   fetiales
 9. aabdehz   D1    54   521   zabeta
10. aadehir  11C    74   595   headrail
11. eghjnot  L12    51   646   john
12. deegsuw   K7    51   697   edges
13. aikoruu   C2    30   727   kor
14. aceefno   B1    43   770   cafe
15. aegiotw   1D    51   821   zowie
16. eioqtuv  10B    51   872   quote
17. agiimnr   A4    45   917   miring
18. agimnru  14B    35   952   gamin

Remaining tiles: ruuvx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6463 Filesunshine12  3 20:10  -380  572     1.6463 sunshine12  3 20:10  -380  572 
  2.5958 Fileimmy        0 15:38  -473  479     2.6082 iwhist      0 19:13  -573  379 
  3.5721 Filenaomiari    1 21:59  -504  448     3.6502 GLOBEMAN    3 15:03  -577  375 
  4.5043 Filemagictwig   1 23:44  -557  395            Group: novice
  5.6082 Fileiwhist      0 19:13  -573  379     1.5958 immy        0 15:38  -473  479 
  6.6502 FileGLOBEMAN    3 15:03  -577  375     2.5721 naomiari    1 21:59  -504  448 
  7.5838 FileThuwal      0 16:34  -615  337     3.5043 magictwig   1 23:44  -557  395 
  8.4166 FileChiliB.     0 14:54  -702  250     4.5838 Thuwal      0 16:34  -615  337 
  9.4346 Filepickrose    0 10:22  -755  197     5.5458 coolcanuck  0  9:50  -842  110 
 10.5458 Filecoolcanuck  0  9:50  -842  110     6.5486 gailnor     0  8:30  -848  104 
 11.5486 Filegailnor     0  8:30  -848  104     7.5632 neyetifu    0  4:01  -873   79 
 12.5632 Fileneyetifu    0  4:01  -873   79            Group: not rated
                                             1.4166 ChiliB.     0 14:54  -702  250 
                                             2.4346 pickrose    0 10:22  -755  197 

On 1st draw, Y(A)UPER H4 28 --- YAUPER one that yaups [n]
Other tops: PE(N)URY H7 28, PRE(B)UY H7 28, PURE(L)Y H7 28, PUR(V)EY H7 28, (D)UPERY H7 28
Other moves: PER(D)Y H8 26, PER(K)Y H8 26, PER(R)Y H8 26, PE(E)RY H8 26, PE(N)URY H4 26
PURE(L)Y H7 28 magictwig
P(A)YER H4 24 immy
PREY(S) H4 24 sunshine12, naomiari
PREY H8 18 ChiliB.
PURE(S) H4 18 Thuwal

On 2nd draw, STRONGLY 9F 68 --- STRONG having great strength [adv] --- STRONGLY in a strong manner [adv]
Other moves: STRONGYL 9F 65, STYLO 10H 27, TYGS 10E 27, SLY 10H 25, SNY 10H 25
STYLO 10H 27 sunshine12
YOS 10F 25 Thuwal
STY 10H 25 gailnor
SLY 10H 25 coolcanuck
YOUNGS 6F 22 ChiliB.
G*YS I3 21 immy
STONY 10H 21 naomiari
SLOPY 7E 15 magictwig

On 3rd draw, TANT(A)LIC 5D 86 --- TANTALIC pertaining to tantalum [adj] --- TANTALUM a metallic element [adj]
Other moves: INTACTLY 4A 78, INTACTLY M2 78, CLATTING K2 72, T(A)NTALIC 5G 68, ANTICULT 6C 64
ACT 8M 20 immy, sunshine12, coolcanuck
CANTY 4D 20 ChiliB.
CATTY 4D 20 gailnor
CLINT 10B 19 naomiari
ACT 10M 16 Thuwal
SCANT F9 13 magictwig

On 4th draw, BOP 8M 28 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other moves: P(R)OUD 4A 27, BOD 8M 25, BUD 8M 25, B(A)P 8M 25, B(O)P 8M 25
BOP 8M 28 naomiari
BUD 8M 25 iwhist
OPT 8M 20 sunshine12
DOUBT D1 20 ChiliB.
BOD(E) 4A 20 immy
(A)DOPT D1 14 magictwig
POUT(S) D2 12 gailnor
BU(N)T D2 10 coolcanuck

On 5th draw, BYROAD M8 24 --- BYROAD a side road [n]
Other moves: OURALI 8A 23, DOLIA 4A 22, DRAIL 4A 22, DROIL 4A 22, DULIA 4A 22
RAID 4B 17 naomiari, Thuwal
DIAL 4B 16 sunshine12
LAD 4C 15 immy
RAID 6B 12 gailnor
GLAD K9 12 magictwig
GRAIL K9 12 ChiliB.
UPLOAD O7 11 coolcanuck
DOOR I8 8 iwhist

On 6th draw, WINDLESS J7 68 --- WINDLESS being without wind [adj]
Other moves: WISSED 14J 49, WILED 4A 33, WISED 4A 33, WEIDS L11 32, WISED 14K 31
WISSED 14J 49 sunshine12
WISED 14K 31 magictwig
WEILS L11 30 immy
WIDE 4A 28 coolcanuck
SEW 14M 25 naomiari
WEDS N12 24 iwhist
WILDS 14I 24 gailnor
WISTED D2 20 ChiliB.

On 7th draw, PIVOT(M)EN O8 89 --- PIVOTMAN a center on a basketball team [n]
Other moves: NOVIT(I)ES 13C 74, NOV(I)TIES 13C 74, VIO(L)ENTS 13C 74, (D)ENOTIVE 12C 72, NOVE(L)IST 14D 68
VINE(D) 4A 27 sunshine12
VETO 4C 22 immy
VANE 12L 16 naomiari
VOTES 14F 16 ChiliB.
(S)IN 14M 16 iwhist
VENTS 14F 16 coolcanuck
(M)OTIVES 14D 11 gailnor
STOVE F9 10 magictwig

On 8th draw, FETIALES 13C 76 --- FETIALIS a priest of ancient Rome [n]
Other tops: FEALTIES 13C 76
Other moves: LEAFIEST 13D 66, FEALTIES 14C 63, FETIALES 14C 63, LEAFIEST 14D 63, LEFTIE 8A 32
LIFE N12 32 Thuwal
FATE L12 29 immy
FATE 4A 26 sunshine12
FLEA 4A 26 magictwig
FAT N12 25 naomiari
FLEET D1 24 pickrose, ChiliB.
FEEL 4B 20 iwhist

On 9th draw, ZABETA D1 54 --- ZABETA a stated tariff [n]
Other moves: HAZED 4A 51, ZED L12 51, HAZE 4C 49, ZEA L12 49, HAZE L12 47
HAZE 4C 49 immy, iwhist
ZA L12 47 Thuwal, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HAZED D10 36 pickrose, magictwig, ChiliB.
BIZE F12 35 naomiari

On 10th draw, HEADRAIL 11C 74 --- HEADRAIL a rail on the head of a ship [n]
Other moves: AAHED 14B 45, DARZI 1A 45, RAHED 14B 45, ZERDA 1D 45, HAIRED 12A 42
ZAIRE 1D 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HAED 12A 35 immy
RAH N12 28 Thuwal
AH E1 21 naomiari
SHADIER F9 21 magictwig
HEAD D12 20 ChiliB.
HIRED D10 18 pickrose
HAZED 1B 18 iwhist

On 11th draw, JOHN L12 51 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: JONG L12 49, JEON L12 45, JOG L12 43, JOHN 10B 42, JET L12 41
JONG L12 49 GLOBEMAN, immy, sunshine12
JOG L12 43 naomiari
JOT L12 41 iwhist
JET 10B 33 magictwig
NOH N12 28 Thuwal
JOB 3B 24 ChiliB., pickrose

On 12th draw, EDGES K7 51 --- EDGE to provide with an edge (a bounding or dividing line) [v]
Other moves: GEEZ 1A 42, SUBDEW 3B 32, DEWS 7A 30, SWEEP 7D 29, SWEDE 14A 28
DEWS 7A 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, iwhist
WEDS 7A 28 magictwig
WEED 10B 26 naomiari
SWAGED 2B 26 pickrose
WED 10B 23 immy
LEW H13 18 ChiliB.
ZABETAS D1 18 Thuwal

On 13th draw, KOR C2 30 --- KOR a Hebrew unit of measure [n]
Other tops: KOA C2 30
Other moves: KI 12D 29, KORA 10B 27, KA C2 26, KO C2 26, OUAKARI 2B 26
KOR C2 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
KA C2 26 naomiari
KA 10B 21 immy
RANK F3 18 iwhist
BRAK 3D 15 pickrose
RAKE D8 9 magictwig

On 14th draw, CAFE B1 43 --- CAFE a small restaurant [n]
Other moves: FACE B1 42, OCEAN B2 42, ZOEAE 1D 42, ZONAE 1D 42, ENFACE 8A 38
CAFE B1 43 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CAFE 14B 30 neyetifu
OF 14E 28 immy
EF 14E 28 iwhist
FE 14F 28 naomiari
FENCE F3 16 magictwig
FANE E4 15 Thuwal
ZEE 1D 12 pickrose

On 15th draw, ZOWIE 1D 51 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: WAITE A4 47, TOWAGE 8A 35, AGLOW H11 33, AWETO 14A 25, AGLET H11 24
WAITE A4 47 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, magictwig, Thuwal
AGLOW H11 33 iwhist
WATE 10B 24 immy
WATE 14B 23 neyetifu
LAW H13 18 pickrose
LOW H13 18 naomiari

On 16th draw, QUOTE 10B 51 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: QUATE 6B 42, OUTVIE 8A 41, TOQUE 2H 36, QUAI 6B 35, QUAT 6B 35
QUATE 6B 42 naomiari
QUOTE 10A 25 iwhist, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, immy
QUIP 7E 16 magictwig
EVE D11 12 pickrose

On 17th draw, MIRING A4 45 --- MIRE to cause to stick in swampy ground [v]
Other tops: MARGIN A4 45
Other moves: MINAR A4 39, MIRIN A4 39, GAMIN A4 37, GAMIN 14B 35, RAMIN 14B 33
MIRING A4 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GRAM 14A 23 Thuwal
MING 14D 22 iwhist, immy
MAR 14B 17 magictwig, naomiari
MERE 4A 9 neyetifu

On 18th draw, GAMIN 14B 35 --- GAMIN an urchin [n]
Other moves: RAMIN 14B 33, AMIN 14C 23, GRAM 14A 23, RAMI 14B 23, MANG 14D 22
GRAM 14A 23 Thuwal, magictwig
MING 14D 22 immy, iwhist
MAN 14B 17 neyetifu
MAR 14B 17 naomiari
LAG H13 12 pickrose
MOE D9 5 sunshine12

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