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Game of August 8, 2011 at 21:26, 12 players
1. 592 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 575 pts sunshine12
3. 446 pts naomiari

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cefilty   H7    36    36   clifty
 2. ademnor   7C    66   102   romanced
 3. aoqrsux   8D    38   140   xu
 4. ?ablrtv   8J    45   185   abvolt
 5. aegjmnr   6F    52   237   ja
 6. adeeswy   D4    34   271   desoxy
 7. ahinrst  12F    78   349   rhytinas
 8. eglootw   C2    30   379   glower
 9. ?eeknqr  J10    47   426   quirk
10. abelopt   O8    89   515   tabletop
11. aeimnou   C9    84   599   moineau
12. egiopsw  15F    48   647   wipes
13. cehinot   5G    80   727   henotic
14. eefinsz   H1    81   808   feeze
15. aeginot   E1    28   836   togae
16. aeinnos   4H    38   874   zines
17. adginor  D11    28   902   nadir
18. adegior  B10    28   930   drag
19. eiioruv   A7    25   955   vrou

Remaining tiles: eiiou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6501 FileGLOBEMAN    2 23:32  -363  592     1.6501 GLOBEMAN    2 23:32  -363  592 
  2.6462 Filesunshine12  3 19:40  -380  575     2.6462 sunshine12  3 19:40  -380  575 
  3.5717 Filenaomiari    1 18:41  -509  446     3.6080 iwhist      1  6:49  -755  200 
  4.5832 FileThuwal      3 15:36  -528  427            Group: novice
  5.5037 Filemagictwig   0 19:45  -636  319     1.5717 naomiari    1 18:41  -509  446 
  6.4165 FileChiliB.     0 12:06  -736  219     2.5832 Thuwal      3 15:36  -528  427 
  7.5951 Fileimmy        1  7:34  -744  211     3.5037 magictwig   0 19:45  -636  319 
  8.6080 Fileiwhist      1  6:49  -755  200     4.5951 immy        1  7:34  -744  211 
  9.4366 Filepickrose    0  8:34  -831  124     5.5744 narisa      0  3:48  -870   85 
 10.5744 Filenarisa      0  3:48  -870   85     6.5346 coolcanuck  0  2:07  -880   75 
 11.5346 Filecoolcanuck  0  2:07  -880   75     7.5903 sandy914    0  3:15  -918   37 
 12.5903 Filesandy914    0  3:15  -918   37            Group: not rated
                                             1.4165 ChiliB.     0 12:06  -736  219 
                                             2.4366 pickrose    0  8:34  -831  124 

On 1st draw, CLIFTY H7 36 --- CLIFTY broken into cliffs [adj]
Other moves: CLIFTY H4 34, CLIFTY H3 30, CLIFTY H8 30, FELTY H4 30, FELTY H8 30
FELTY H4 30 immy, sunshine12, naomiari, iwhist
CLEFT H4 26 narisa
FLITE H4 24 Thuwal, magictwig

On 2nd draw, ROMANCED 7C 66 --- ROMANCE to woo [v]
Other moves: RADIOMEN 9E 64, MOANED G9 32, MOANER G9 31, MEAN G9 28, MOAN G9 28
MOANED G9 32 iwhist, sunshine12, Thuwal, GLOBEMAN, immy
DREAMY 12C 24 ChiliB.
FAMED 10H 17 magictwig, naomiari
TAMED 11H 16 narisa
MENTOR 11E 16 sandy914

On 3rd draw, XU 8D 38 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: QORMAS E4 34, QORMA E4 32, QUARTOS 11D 32, QUARTO 11D 30, QUARTS 11D 30
XU 8D 38 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
QUARTS 11D 30 ChiliB.
FAX 10H 29 narisa, magictwig
SQUAT 11D 28 immy
QI 9G 21 Thuwal, sandy914
OX D7 17 iwhist

On 4th draw, ABV(O)LT 8J 45 --- ABVOLT a unit of electromotive force [n]
Other moves: VAL(E)T 6B 37, LAB 6D 36, TRAV(E)L 6A 35, L(A)B 6D 34, L(O)VAT 6B 34
VAL(E)T 6B 37 iwhist, immy
TAB 6B 21 GLOBEMAN, naomiari
FABL(E) 10H 15 magictwig
VA(U)LT 11D 14 narisa
ABL(E) I12 13 Thuwal
BOX D6 12 sunshine12
LAB(O)R C3 12 ChiliB.

On 5th draw, JA 6F 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JANE 6B 44, GAME 6D 41, JAG 6B 40, NAME 6D 39, NEMA 6D 39
JA 6F 52 Thuwal, naomiari, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, iwhist, immy
JA 6B 27 magictwig
J(O)G M7 20 ChiliB.

On 6th draw, DESOXY D4 34 --- DESOXY having less oxygen than its parent compound [adj]
Other moves: OXEYES D7 32, YAW 6B 32, YEW 6B 32, LEEWAYS N8 30, WAYED 5G 30
YEW 6B 32 immy, iwhist
YAW 6B 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
WAYS 9B 29 naomiari
SWEATY 11D 24 ChiliB., magictwig
WADER C3 18 Thuwal

On 7th draw, RHYTINAS 12F 78 --- RHYTINA an aquatic mammal [n]
Other moves: INTHRALS N2 76, TRAHIS(O)N M2 74, TARNISH 5G 73, RATTISH 11E 40, TARTISH 11E 40
RAH E3 25 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HI G9 23 Thuwal
HAIRY 12D 22 ChiliB.
HANDS 4A 13 magictwig

On 8th draw, GLOWER C2 30 --- GLOWER to scowl [v]
Other moves: LOWER C3 26, TOWER C3 26, GLOW C2 24, OWLET C9 24, EWT 13K 23
GLOWER C2 30 Thuwal, sunshine12
LOWE 13L 20 magictwig
TOW 13M 16 naomiari
WOOD 4A 12 ChiliB.

On 9th draw, Q(U)IRK J10 47 --- QUIRK to move jerkily [v]
Other moves: Q(I) G9 45, Q(U)EEN 11J 43, Q(U)EER 11J 43, KEEN(E)R C9 42, KEN(N)ER C9 42
Q(I) G9 45 naomiari, coolcanuck
KEEN(E)R C9 42 Thuwal
Q(U)EEN E1 42 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
Q(I) 11J 33 magictwig
QI 9G 21 ChiliB.

On 10th draw, TABLETOP O8 89 --- TABLETOP the top of a table [n]
Other moves: POTABLE 5G 77, POTABLE 6I 75, TABLETOP O3 63, BAP B4 36, BOP B4 36
PLEB E2 36 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BLOAT C9 30 coolcanuck
POTABLE N3 13 magictwig
BAG 2A 12 ChiliB.
BY 9C 10 Thuwal
BEAK 14G 10 naomiari

On 11th draw, MOINEAU C9 84 --- MOINEAU a small flat bastion [n]
Other moves: MOINEAU 5G 73, MOINEAU 6I 73, NAM B4 32, NOM B4 32, MIAOU C9 30
NOM B4 32 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
EMO N13 24 naomiari
MAIN C9 19 Thuwal
MANE 11C 14 magictwig
MUG 2A 12 ChiliB.

On 12th draw, WIPES 15F 48 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: PEWS 15G 45, POGIES 15E 45, POWS 15G 45, WISP 15H 45, W*PS 15G 45
WIPES 15F 48 Thuwal
WISP 15H 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
PEWS 15G 45 naomiari
SWIPE 11A 20 magictwig

On 13th draw, HENOTIC 5G 80 --- HENOTIC tending to unify [adj]
Other moves: NOTCHEL N2 40, TINCHEL N2 40, NOH B4 38, THINE B10 37, MUCHO E7 34
NOH B4 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
HOE B10 31 naomiari
CHUT 15A 30 Thuwal, pickrose
CHINE 11A 20 magictwig

On 14th draw, FEEZE H1 81 --- FEEZE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: NEEZE H1 72, SEIZE H1 72, FEZES 4H 70, ZINE 12A 46, ZINS 12A 46
FEZ 4H 41 naomiari
ZO 10B 31 Thuwal, sunshine12
FIZ L4 30 magictwig
ZIGS 2A 28 pickrose

On 15th draw, TOGAE E1 28 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: AGEN E2 26, GAEN E2 26, GEAN E2 26, GEAT E2 26, GIEN E2 26
GAIN B10 22 sunshine12, naomiari
ZIT 4H 16 magictwig
EATING 3H 16 Thuwal
SANG M12 10 pickrose

On 16th draw, ZINES 4H 38 --- ZINE a magazine for specialist interests, especially a Web-based one [n]
Other tops: ZONES 4H 38
Other moves: SAINE B10 28, NONAS D11 25, NONES D11 25, NONIS D11 25, AEON I2 21
SAINE B10 28 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
SO 14E 11 naomiari
SANE 12A 10 pickrose
SODA 4B 5 Thuwal
SUN 15B 4 magictwig

On 17th draw, NADIR D11 28 --- NADIR a point on the celestial sphere [n]
Other moves: ADAGIO 14A 27, BAIRN K8 27, DARGA 14B 25, GARDA 14B 25, GIRD B11 25
GOAD B10 24 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DRUG 15A 24 pickrose
AGO N13 20 naomiari
FORDING 1H 13 Thuwal

On 18th draw, DRAG B10 28 --- DRAG to pull along the ground [v]
Other moves: BAIRN K8 27, AGOOD 2B 22, ADO 14F 20, ADO F1 20, ADO N13 20
AGO 14F 20 naomiari
DA B10 17 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
FRIDGE 1H 13 pickrose

On 19th draw, VROU A7 25 --- VROU a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: EVO 3H 23, REV 3G 21, GIVER 3E 18, VISIER M10 18, FIQUE 10H 17
FIVER 1H 12 naomiari
EVER 2H 9 sunshine12, pickrose

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